Maybe You're Not Better After All

by Jonathan Perkins

Chapter 5

Eric has an opportunity that makes his choose between Bart and his family. The choice leads to a frightening event for both boys.

This is a fictional tale of sexual relationship between two teenage boys. The characters are made up and are not based on any person, living or dead. You must be eighteen to read this story. If it is against the law where you are to read stories like this you are kindly requested to leave and not read this story. It is only a fictional story for your reading pleasure.

I look forward to your comments. I appreciate you feedback, good or bad. Send to tryitlikeit27@gmailcom and let me know what you're thinking.

Copyright 2024 All Rights Reserved

Friday afternoon Bart came to Eric's house right after school as was his usual routine. He found the front door locked which was not normal. He knocked on the door several times but no one answered. Right away Bart assumed the worse. Something had happened to Eric and he was taken to the hospital. Had one of his wounds opened up and started bleeding? Did one become infected and needed immediate attention? He sat on the front steps and sat in the statue posture he would be in whenever he was worried, his legs together and his hands together in his lap. His driver wouldn't be back for several hours, leaving Bart to imagine worrisome scenarios concerning Eric's fate. A half-hour had passed when Eric's mother's car pulled into the driveway with Eric in the passenger seat. As soon as the car had come to a stop, Eric pushed open the door and jumped out.

"Hey, Bart, sorry I'm late."

Bart stood up with a smile on his face, relieved seeing that Eric was fine.

"I had a doctor's appointment and he was running behind."

"Is everything all right?" Bart inquired.

"Better than all right, it's fucking great!"

"Language, Eric," his mother admonished him.

"Sorry, mom. I got cleared to go back to school on Monday, Bart. No more hold up in my bedroom."

"Yes, that is good news." Bart said, not showing any emotion.

"Eric, unlock the door and bring my keys back. I took the afternoon off so I might as well get the shopping done today to I will have the whole weekend free. Your father and I might want to do something special with you to celebrate."

Bart followed Eric to unlock the door, then offered to take the keys back to his mother.

"I'll be back in an hour or so. Anything you two want from the store?" she asked.

"Snacks, mom, lots of snacks," Eric shouted to her.

She shook her head and smiled, driving off. The boys went upstairs to play some video games. It was Friday so there was no homework to worry about. Eric changed out of his good clothes, not bothering to hide his nakedness. He sat down in his chair and turned on the video console. Bart stood in the doorway and hadn't come in the room yet.

"Come on Bart, get ready to get your ass whooped."

Bart came in and sat in the chair next to Eric. They started playing the game but Bart was not playing up to par. He hadn't said two words sine he sat down.

"What's bothering you?" Eric asked.

"Nothing. I guess I'm not into the game today."

"Bullshit. I know you. When you're this quiet, something is bugging you. Spill the beans."

Bart bowed his head and looked at the floor, stealing occasional glances at Eric's naked groin.

"Is this what's bothering you?" Eric asked pointing at his naked body. "I can put my robe on if you'd prefer."

"No, you can stay just the way you are."

"Do you want to get naked too? Like the way we played video games before?"

"No, it is just, . . . well, nothing really."

"Am I going to have to tickle it out of you?" Eric said as he turned and started to tickle Bart's sides.

Bart tried to fight off the laughter and begged Eric to stop.

"Please tell me what's up, Bart. We're too good of friends to keep secrets."

"That is my worry. We have grown quite close recently but you will be going back to school on Monday and then you will be with your regular friends and will not have any use for me any more."

"Jesus, you can be a stubborn fuck sometimes," Eric lamented.

"Excuse me?"

"How many times have I told you we are best friends, and that isn't going to change no matter where we are. In my room, back at school, at the Botanical Garden or when you're back at boarding school. We're best fucking friends. Got it?"

"But your regular friends will not want me butting in and hanging around with you."

"More bullshit. Remember how they dubbed you a hero and gave you high fives the other day in the living room? You're one of us now, for better or worse."

"That was here in your house. In school I fear it will be very different."

Bart stood up and took a long and pensive look at Eric then turned to walk to the door.

"Just where do you think you're going?" Eric demanded to know.

"It is probably best if I leave."

Eric jumped up and ran over to Bart, grabbing his shoulder and turning him around.

"You're not walking out on me. Not now, not ever," Eric said with determination.

Bart was about to reply when Eric grabbed him and hugged him, holding him tightly, his head on Bart's shoulder. Bart felt a surge of emotion flow through his body. He wasn't sure why Eric was hugging him or exactly what this meant. Eric pulled his head off Bart's shoulder, looked him in the eye and brought his lips to Bart's. A quick gentle kiss. He pulled his head back and looked at Bart again and smiled. Then he brought his lips back to Bart's and pressed harder, initiating a more passionate kiss. Their mouths opened and their tongues met, trying to get past each other and go deep into their mouths. Eric grabbed the back of Bart's head and held it against his kiss, rubbing the back of his head as he continued to swap spit. All of Bart's previous anxiety melted like a stick of butter dropped in a hot frying pan.

Bart felt the stiffness of Eric's swelling cock rising up between them, making his own cock begin to respond as well. Eric was grinding his cock into Bart's groin, still fully clothed, the heat of their passion continuing to rise. Eric broke the kiss and smiled at Bart.

"Why . . ." Bart began to ask.

"Don't ask because I don't have an answer for you. I just did it."

"I do not need your pity if that is what this is all about."

"There you go again being stupid. Can't you tell the difference between pity and desire?"

"I guess I can not," Bart said softly.

"Then quit talking," Eric said as he came back for another deep kiss.

After a few more minutes of kissing and Eric's cock poking Bart, Bart broke away from the kiss and lowered himself down on his knees, taking a hold of the boner in front of him and aiming it towards his mouth. He was about to swallow it when Eric pulled him back up to his feet.

"Get undressed. We don't have a lot of time to take turns."

Bart quickly undressed and met Eric on the bed. He was about to lay down next to Eric when he motioned Bart to lay in the opposite direction, their cocks ending up in each other's faces. Bart caught on to what Eric was up to.

"Are you sure you want to do this?" Bart asked.

"No, so let's hurry up and do this before I change my mind."

"No, not unless you are absolutely sure this is what you want."

"Fine. I'm sure, I'm just too scared to admit it."

With that admission made, Eric grabbed Bart's ass and pulled his body to him so Bart's cock was right at Eric's mouth. Eric stuck out his tongue and licked the precum off the piss slit then pushed his head forward to take as much as he could in all in one movement.

Bart inhaled quickly at the sensation as Eric's warm, wet mouth closed around his cock. He was frozen in place, hoping if he didn't move time would stand still forever. But he knew that wouldn't happen. He moved his head forward as he took Eric's beautiful manhood in his hand, guiding it closer to his lips. He rubbed the head all over his lips, spreading the precum, then licking it off to enjoy the taste. He opened his mouth and once again was looking forward to pleasuring his best friend.

As Bart began to suck, Eric stopped sucking and moaned loudly. He was having trouble concentrating on what he was doing while Bart was working on him. Bart wondered if he had done something wrong so he pulled off.

"Is something wrong, Eric?"

"Oh fuck no, I was just savoring the feeling," as he went back to work on Bart.

The two basically took turns, each one sucking and then stopping to let the other one continue. This went on for almost ten minutes until Eric announced he was about to cum. Bart closed his mouth tighter and sucked harder, moving a finger to Eric pucker and pushing against it. That was all it took. Eric cried out as he filled Bart's waiting mouth and throat with warm, white, salty cum. Eric got carried away and jammed his head down, forcing Bart's cock deeper than it had been up to this point. Eric felt Bart's body stiffen then writhe in pleasure as his orgasm hit. Bart was still holding as much cum in his mouth as he could. As soon as he was finished squirting in Eric's mouth, he moved up to face Eric.

"I have something that belongs to you and I want to return it."

He moved right up to Eric's mouth and planted his lips on him, opening his mouth and letting Eric's cum flow between their mouths. Eric was breathing hard as he and Bart pushed the mouthful of cum back and forth between them. Finally they both swallowed what they had left.

"Now can you tell me why?" Bart asked

"Why do I need a reason?" Eric replied. Then he asked, "Why did you suck me?"

"Because I like you and I enjoy sucking your cock. I mean, I really like you," Bart confessed.

"I guess it's the same with me then. I wasn't sure I'd enjoy it, but damn, that was hot."

"So I think this does make us gay, do not you agree?"

"Hell no, we're not gay. At least I'm not We just like to each other's cocks."

"Are you listening to yourself?" Bart asked with a chuckle. "I think enjoying sucking cock severely borders on being gay, if not crossing the line."

"But I don't want to suck any cock, just yours. And I still want to have sex with a girl."

"I do not really think about girls, or other boys for that matter. Just you."

"Maybe you should."

"What? You want me to think about boys other than you?" Bart asked in astonishment.

Maybe their friendship wasn't as strong as he thought.

"No, I meant girls. You can't say you only like boys unless you have something to compare it with. You might like steak and don't think you like fish until you've tried it. You might like fish better, or you might like both, or maybe you want to stick with steak," Eric advised.

"The few girls I know are so immature and silly. They are so superficial and more concerned with the latest style of shoes or hair than they are about anything else."

"True, but they are high school girls and just as horny as we are," Eric laughed.

"I find that very hard to believe, using you as a standard of teenage horniness," Bart smirked. "Maybe I need to date an older woman, someone like your mother?"

"Hey, dangerous territory, don't dare go there."

"You are right. I am sorry."

"We just have to find the right girl for you to date."

"And after that fails, I can continue to pleasure you?"

"Now who is the horny guy in the room."

Knowing his mother would be home soon, Eric suggested they get cleaned up and get dressed. Both boys were quiet as they did, each one thinking different thoughts.

Bart was sure that once Eric returned to school, he would be relegated to the background, not a focal point in Eric's life anymore. Eric was concerned over his sudden attraction to having sex with Bart in general, sucking his cock in particular. Was there in fact a gay streak in him? Or was this just a exploration between two good friends? Was there was more to it rather than just a quick blowjob between friends? Those kisses were definitely not something guys should be enjoying with other guys, not as much as they both did.

They heard Eric's mother come in the front door and holler for the boys to come give her a hand carrying in the groceries. They went downstairs and carried in the bags as Eric's mother began putting the food away.

"Eric, Mr. Conrad down at the market heard about what had happened to the two of you. It's all over town. He told me he wanted to offer you a job bagging groceries and stocking shelves after school. It was a nice gesture but it wasn't totally selfless. He said it would be good for business to have an actual hero working in his store."

"Bart was the real hero. If he didn't hit the guy's arm, I would be dead. He saved my life," Eric explained.

"We both did what we had to do, Eric. I kicked his arm and you gave the sheriff what he needed to arrest the guys and rescue me," Bart spoke up.

"You are both heroes. Mr. Conrad said he would hire Bart as well but didn't think he needed the money but he has a spot for him if he wants," Eric's mother relayed the offer.

"Thank you and please thank Mr. Conrad but I am all set," Bart declined the offer as expected.

"Eric, you should consider taking him up on his offer. You'd be working Monday through Friday after school and making some spending money," his mother informed him.

"I'll go down and talk to him on Monday. Thanks, mom."

Bart realized what this would mean for the two of them. Eric would be working every day after school and Bart had to be home by the time Eric got home from work. Eric parents were home on the weekends so even if Bart came over, they wouldn't be able to enjoy the privacy they have had.

When the groceries were all brought in and put away, Bart said good bye and headed for the front door. Eric hadn't thought about how his job would limit their time together outside of school.

"Hey, Bart, see you on Monday at school."

"Yeah, sure. Have a good weekend."

Bart left, leaving Eric to wonder what brought on Bart's solemn mood. He was headed back up to his room when it finally dawned on him. No more afternoons together playing video games, or playing anything. He was conflicted as to whether the job or time with Bart was more important to him. He would still see Bart in school but that was different and the household really could use the extra money he would be bringing in. His first priority had to be his family but he couldn't abandon Bart, not now. This was going to take some creative thinking as long as he could come up with an equitable solution.

Eric wrestled with his dilemma all weekend and still hadn't figure out a solution. Monday morning he got ready for school. His mother was driving the carpool that morning to make sure Eric didn't have any second thought about going back to school so soon. At school, they piled out of the car and headed for the front door. There was no sign of Bart, which worried Eric. The rest of his friends went inside leaving Eric outside on the cement apron in front of the school. All the other students arriving greeted and congratulated Eric, asking about Bart.

"He should be here any minute. Probably caught in traffic," was Eric standard reply.

Just before the bell rang for homeroom, the big black limo pulled up and Bart got out. Eric yelled to him and went running to greet him.

"I was afraid you weren't going to show up this morning.'

"And why would I not attend school?"

"You're usually earlier and I was worried, that's all. The bell has rung, let's hurry."

The two boys scooted towards the front door to see it held open by some of Eric's friends.

"The two heroes are making a grand entrance," one of them joked.

"Stand back and let them through," another one yelled.

The two boys looked at each other and smiled as they walked in. The hallway was full of students, paying no heed to the late bell that had just rung. They lined the hallway all the way to the boy's homeroom, giving high fives, back slaps and butt slaps as they walked along. When they got to their homeroom, they waved to everyone and thanked them.

"See, I told you that you were one of us now," Eric told Bart.

Bart had a tear in his eye, smiled and went to take his seat. The rest of the day went pretty much the same, each class they attended was giving them a standing ovation when they entered. Bart got the same treatment in the classes he didn't share with Eric. At lunch they entered the cafeteria to find a table reserved for them and two trays of food already set on the table. The boys waved to everyone as they took their seats and ate their lunch. After they had eaten, Bart looked at Eric then stood up. He raised his hands and the room went silent.

"Thank you all for your support. It was a harrowing experience but we simply did what we had to do to get through it. I would not wish what Eric and I went through on any of you but all of you deal with difficult situations every day. A major test, a family issue, a bad haircut or dealing with the embarrassing moments of puberty."

The whole room broke out in laughter.

"But you deal with these things on your own terms, often with the help and support of good friends." Bart looked at Eric. "Eric and I are no different, no better nor any worse than any of you. We all get up every morning and bravely face what life dishes out to us each day, some days better than others, some not. Eric and I sincerely thank you."

Bart sat down and the room went crazy with applause.

"That was the most beautiful speech I've ver heard," Eric said, reaching over and hugging Bart.

"Are you coming out?" Bart whispered quietly in Eric ear.

Eric sat back and slapped Bart on the shoulder, mouthing silently 'Asshole' with a smile.

At the end of the school day, Eric asked Bart for a favor.

"Do you think it's possible for you to give me a ride to Mr. Conrad's market?"

"Are you not going to have the carpool drop you off?"

"I was going to but I don't think I could face a reception alone like today when I walk in the store. Besides, you deserve to be a part of it as well."

Bart smiled, put his arm around Eric's shoulder and walked to the limo. He stood to one side and motioned Eric in first.

"Please take us to Conrad's Market," Bart told the driver.

The driver turned and looked at Bart, unsure of what was going on.

"We are giving my friend a ride to work." Looking at Eric, "It is what friends do."

As is his habit, the driver pulled up right in front of the entrance instead of parking in the parking lot.

"Maybe he should pull into the parking lot?" Eric suggested.

"I will only be a minute," Bart replied.

They got out and could see customers in the store peering out the plate glass window trying to see who was driven to the store in a limo. The boys entered to cheers and applause when they saw whom it was. The boys went in the front door and waved and shook hands as they made their way to Mr. Conrad's office at the back of the store. He came out to see what the ruckus was about.

"Well, hello boys. I'm glad to see you made it."

He reached out and shook their hands.

"I talked to your mother, Eric, and I was expecting you but she didn't think Bart would be in need of a job. The offer is still open though if you're interested."

"No thank you sir. I do appreciate the offer. I wanted to come here in person and thank you but I must decline. I have other commitments that occupy my afternoons, unlike Eric who has the after school hours free of anything else important," Bart explained.

That kind of shook Eric at first. Bart always had his after school time free to come to Eric's house but now he had commitments? And Eric didn't have anything important to do after school? What about the time he and Bart spent together. That was pretty important to Eric. But rather than try and rationalize what Bart was saying, he just assumed Bart was making up a cover story so he didn't offend Mr. Conrad. Bart turned to Eric and patted his shoulder.

"Good luck in your new career in retailing. I shall see you in school tomorrow."

And with that, Bart made his way back through the store, shaking more hands and thanking everyone. He got in the limo and drove off. Eric had come to the front of the store and watched him drive off. Bart's face was up against the window of the car with a look on his face like his dog had been run over, if he ever had a dog. This made Eric nervous about the fate of their friendship.

"Come on Eric, let me show you around and put you to work."

"Thank you, Mr. Conrad. I've been thinking, instead of paying me, maybe you could just give my mother store credit for what I earn during the week. She shops here on Saturday so she could use the credit for her groceries."

"That's a very noble gesture, Eric. But I won't do that. This is your first real job. There is no better sense of pride and accomplishment then looking in your hand on payday and see a fist full of cash that you have earned. This is your first step into manhood and I want it to be everything it should be. What you do with that cash is your business. Give it all to your mother, save some out for yourself or keep the whole wad. Making money decisions are what adults do."

"Thank you sir, I can see I'm going to learn quite a bit working here, not just about retailing."

Mr. Conrad laughed as he led Eric through the store to familiarize him with the layout.

His mother picked him up after work and drove him home.

"So, how was your first day in the workforce?"

"Overwhelming! Mr. Conrad started me bagging groceries. I never knew there was so much to it. I thought it was just plop the stuff in some bags as it came off the end of the belt. Boy was I wrong. I have to watch what the customer is taking out of their cart so I know what is coming my way. Heavy things go on the bottom, but not too many heavy things in one bag. The bread and eggs always on the top. I've seen you unpacking the things you bring home, searching the bags for the items going in the refrigerator or the freezer, so I asked Mr. Conrad if I should try and put all those items in the same bag to make it easier when the shopper got home. He was impressed that I had a suggestion like that on my first day. Then he added, 'But don't expect a raise yet'. We both laughed. It was a long afternoon and I'm ready for a shower and a nap."

"Sounds like you'll do fine there."

Eric went upstairs as soon as they got home. He went into his room and started to undress. When he was totally naked, he looked at himself in the mirror. He liked what he saw of course. Then out of habit, he turned around to see if Bart was admiring the naked figure in front of him. But he wasn't there. Eric was all alone.

He walked across the hall to the bathroom. When the water was the right temperature, he stepped in and began to lather himself. His mind drifted back to the shower he and Bart had shared. Naturally his cock chubbed up. Eric looked down at it and wrapped his hand around it, slowly moving his soapy hand back and forth. As his cock got stiffer and his thoughts of Bart intensified, he pushed his ass back the way he had with Bart. He knew there was no one there to play with it so he reached his other hand around his body and ran a finger up and down his ass crack. His breathing got heavier and faster as his finger found his pucker. He pressed against it, his slippery finger sliding in with very little resistance. He pushed a second finger in, causing some pain, which quickly faded to pleasure. He was stroking his cock and fingering his ass when a powerful orgasm snuck up on him and blasted cum all over the shower wall while his hole tightened around his fingers.

Exhausted, he fell to his knees and put his head against the shower wall.

'What the hell was I thinking taking that stupid job,' he thought to himself. 'Bart could have been in here with me if I wasn't working during the only time we can meet for this'

He stood up and finished his shower, making sure to wash the cum off the shower wall. He went in his room and lay on his bed realizing how much he was missing Bart. He fell asleep and didn't wake up until his mother came to get him for supper. As excited as he was on the way home, he was particularly quiet at supper. He blamed it on being tired. He didn't eat much and went back to bed, falling asleep quickly.

Bart had enjoyed his afternoons with Eric, video games, joking and chatting about school and of the course the other activities. He had no idea just how much he would miss being alone with Eric for those two hours each day. Now that Eric had a job, Bart would only see him at school and have to share him with all of his friends. Bart moped around his house like a lost puppy, not knowing what to do with his time. His mother was at one of her clubmeetings, his father was at work and Monday was the day off for the help. He sat in his room and cussed Eric for taking the job. He would have gladly given Eric money but judging by his response to Bart's Father trying to give Eric a reward, he knew Eric wouldn't accept charity. It would also feel like Bart was paying for his time, something you do with a prostitute. Bart came to a decision that he would follow Eric's advice and try and find a girlfriend.

The boys met at the entrance to school the next day as usual. They said good morning and walked in without much else being said. Eric noticed that Bart was quiet and distant most of the morning. At lunch they sat together and made small talk. Bart kept looking up from his lunch and glanced around the cafeteria. Eric finally said something to Bart.

"Are you looking for someone?" Eric asked.

"No, just trying to take a good look at the kids I am surrounded by."

"Are you bothered by someone in particular?"

"No. I have just never really paid any attention to any of them, other than you of course."

"I like it when you pay attention to me," Eric smirked.

"Hmmm," was all Bart replied.

They finished their meal in relative silence and got up to leave at the bell.

"Can you give me a ride to work again this afternoon?" Eric asked.

"I am sorry, I can not today. I have things to attend to right after school."

"No problem, I'll get a ride with the car pool."

Bart's refusal made Eric feel like he was imposing on his friend for some reason but he had no idea why. When school got out, Eric came out front to find his ride. He noticed Bart standing on the side of the front entrance and leaning against the building watching everyone as they filed out. Eric was sure Bart was looking for someone in particular.

What Bart was actually doing was giving all the freshman girls a good looking over to see if he was attracted to any of them as girlfriend material. After most of them had left the building, some saying hello, some waving and some just smiling, he went to his limo and left for home. He had seen a fairly varied group of girls to observe. Blondes, brunettes, red hair, black hair, all with different hair styles. Slender builds, average builds, chubby builds, in assorted degrees of hygiene. Some with tons of makeup, presumably to hide teenage pimples and some very plain-looking with no makeup at all. Boobs were also on his list for comparisons. Some very well established, some not yet showing and most an average handful if given the opportunity to grasp them. Bart left with no better idea of which girl he might like to date or have sexual relations with. This was going to be much tougher than Eric led him to believe.

Eric found that Tuesdays were much slower at the store. When he wasn't bagging, Mr. Conrad had him stocking shelves and tidying up in general. It gave him a better chance to get to know the store and it's layout. He wasn't as tired at the end of work but he wasn't as excited as he was his first day. Now that he was a working man, he showed more interest in what his mother and father did at work all day. The conversation over dinner that night centered on their respective jobs. Eric helped his mother clean up then went up stairs to do his homework. In the shower he was thinking about Bart. Not in the way he had last night, but still confused by the way he acted at school today. He finished his shower and got into bed, sleeping naked, as was now his preferred routine. As he rolled on his side to turn off his bedside lamp, he looked at his desk and thought back to doing his homework along side Bart. Then Bart placing his hand on Eric's thigh and moving up slowly until he had his hand in Eric's crotch. He turned off his lamp and lay back, putting his hand around his cock, letting it chub up before he began to stroke it. He closed his eyes and imagined it was Bart's hand. His speed increased as did his arousal until he heaved his chest in a satisfying orgasm, spewing his cum all over his body and the sheet covering him, calling out Bart's name out loud. When he realized how vocal he had been, he listened quietly to see if there was any reaction from his parents if they heard him cry out. Not hearing anything, he just went to sleep still covered in cum opting to worry about cleaning it up in the morning.

Bart had gotten into bed wearing only his underwear. He reached down and pushed the waistband below his ball sac and took his flaccid cock in hand. He thought back to all the girls he had watched leaving school, waiting of his cock to stiffen at the recollection of any one particular girl. He had gone through the entire array in his mind and then cursed Eric again for his suggestion. 'Eric'. That brought the blood flowing into his manhood. 'Eric'. Bart was stiff and stroking. 'Eric'. Bart was squeezing himself as he stroked and playing with his balls with the other hand. 'Eric!' The hand on his balls slipped back to his ass and the slightest amount of pressure pushed him over the edge. 'ERIC!' He lay panting thinking about Eric as a tear rolled down his cheek. He got up and cleaned up his mess then crawled back into bed. He convinced himself he would get past this and find a girlfriend.

What the boys would soon realize that they could achieve an orgasm alone in their beds but it was not as satisfying as they had hoped. Thinking about each other in absentia only heighten their yearnings for the other one.

On Tuesday, Eric and Bart arrived at about the same time, walking together to the front door.

"Hey Bart, how did your appointment go yesterday?"

"My appointment?" trying to recall what he had told Eric yesterday. "Oh, the usual. How was work?

"Second day wasn't as interesting as the first day. But it was okay, I guess."

"Good. I would hate to see you quit so soon."

"No, I think I'm going to tough it out and hope it gets better."

"I'll see you in math class," Bart said as he went off in a different direction.

Bart was at least talking to Eric this morning but for some reason didn't want to hang around with him. Eric was confused and saddened, but like the job, he was going to trudge ahead with the day.

Bart rushed into math class at the last minute and sat down, leaving no time to talk to Eric. As soon as class was dismissed, he gathered his books and hurried out of the room, looking over his shoulder at Eric,

"See you at lunch."

Each class that Eric and Bart shared was more of the same. They sat together at lunch but again Bart seemed distracted looking around the cafeteria. Eric didn't bother asking why, knowing he wouldn't get an honest answer. He couldn't understand why their friendship was falling apart like this.

Wednesday was more of the same. At lunch, Bart didn't sit with Eric but rather sat at a table with several girls, all of them making a fuss over Bart. Maybe that was the answer. Bart had initiated their sex play but he must not have enjoyed as much as he thought he would. Instead of playing with Eric, he was looking for a girl to date. What Eric didn't realize was that Bart was just following Eric advice, trying to see if girls held any attraction for him. With Eric's afternoons tied up with his job, Bart felt this was the time to broaden his horizons. Eric just took it as being abandoned.

Wednesday Bart was driven to school in a large black SUV instead of the limo. After school Bart escorted one of the girls he had been eating lunch with to the SUV and they both got in and drove off. Eric walked to his carpool with his head down and his shoulders slumped. He would quit his job in a minute to be with Bart but he knew the money he was bringing in was important to his family and quitting might not make a difference to Bart anymore. He may have permanently lost his close personal friendship with Bart, in spite of what they had been through together.

Friday Eric was walking about twenty feet behind Bart as they left math class. Bart was talking to a different girl than he had given a ride too. Bart turned and saw Eric behind him and nodded his head. Eric didn't want to look pathetic walking alone so he ducked in the men's room he was passing, ignoring the out of order sign on the door. He entered and saw a workman installing new metal partitions around the toilets.

"He kid, can't you read? This bathroom is closed," he yelled at Eric.

"Please, I just have to take a piss real bad. I'll be out of here in a minute."

"Okay, but be quick. I don't want to get any crap about having a student in here while I'm working."

Eric stepped up to the urinal and took out his cock. He pissed and had just put his cock back in his pants and zipped up when the workman fired an anchoring tool that uses a .22 caliper blank cartridge to anchor a floor plate.

At the sound of the gunshot, Eric froze.

The workman fired a second shot and Eric went into panic mode. His mind scrambled and he started to shake and sweat profusely. His vision closed in so that everything outside of his immediate focal point was blurry. He bolted from the bathroom, into the hallway, shouting at the top of his lungs.

"Bart, I'm coming! Hang on, I'll save you!"

Eric was having flashbacks to the kidnapping, set off by the gunshots. He was running down the hallway, totally out of control, hollering and screaming for Bart, dragging his wounded leg along as he ran, holding his side where he had been shot. Students were scrambling to get out of his way, having no idea what was happening. Eric got the end of that hallway and stopped, screaming for Bart. He looked frantically from side to side and then bolted to his right.

"Bart, Bart, shout out and let me know where you are!" Eric continued to scream as tears flooded down his face, his voice beginning to falter.

He looked ahead and saw Bart going into the principal's office, oblivious to the commotion going on behind him. He closed the door behind him.

"Bart, I'm coming. I won't let them shoot you too!"

Eric burst into the principal's office, smashing his way through the door, not bothering to turn the doorknob.

"Bart, I'm here! You're safe now!" Eric yelled.

Mr. Philips and Bart turned to Eric with a look of horror on their faces. They had no idea what Eric was yelling about. Eric ran up to Bart and threw his arms around him, hugging him tightly, his whole body shaking violently. He was sobbing hysterically, his head nestled against Bart's neck, soaking Bart's shirt with salty tears.

"Eric, what's wrong?" Bart asked in a panic.

Eric was crying so violently that he couldn't speak to answer Bart.

"Eric, what's happening?"

Bart could feel Eric's body start to relax in his arms. The crying slowed to a soft whimper while still keeping his head on Bart's shoulder. Just then the workman from the bathroom came in the office.

"Hey, that kid is crazy. He came in to use the bathroom and I told him it was closed. He took a piss anyway. I went back to work and then he went berserk, ran out yelling about someone named Bart."

"I am Bart. What the hell did you do to him?"

"Nothing, I was just anchoring the stall partitions."

Bart picked up his head and turned around to face the workman. His body stiffened up and his face contorted.

"It's him! He's one of the kidnappers! We've got to get out of here while we can Bart!"

Eric started to pull away but Bart held him tight.

"Did you say anything or do anything to him?" Bart asked the workman.

"No, I told you I just went back to work. I had just lined up a floor brackets and fired my nail gun. Then he went crazy."

"Isn't that one of those tools that fires a .22 caliber cartridge?" Mr Philips asked.

"Yes, but it's not a real bullet, just the cartridge."

Bart continued to reassure Eric that everything was okay. It wasn't the kidnappers shooting at him, just the workman's tool.

Eric relaxed again and looked around the office at everyone staring at him. His panic attack had passed and he wasn't exactly sure what had happened or what he had done.

"This boy had been kidnapped and then shot just recently. He was having a flashback to that event and that set off a panic attack at the sound of the gunshot," Mr. Philips explained to the workman. "I would suggest you find a different method of fastening those brackets."

"Of course. Sorry kid, I had no idea," the workman apologized and returned to work.

"Are you okay now, Eric," Bart asked.

"I think so. Just let me sit down for a minute."

As he sat and calmed down, he slowly remembered what he had done. He looked at Bart and Mr. Philips,

"Shit, I'm sorry about all of this. I had no idea that I would have this reaction to a loud noise."

"Have you been exposed to any other loud noises? Like a car backfiring, or fireworks or anything like that?" Mr. Philips asked.

"No, not that I know of. O don't think that would have bothered me. It had to be the sound of a gunshot."

Mr. Philips went over to the public address system and announced that a student had a panic attack and everything was under control. There were no kidnappers in the building and all students should return to their homerooms.

"Eric, I have to follow protocol and notify the sheriff and have you taken to the hospital to be checked out," Mr. Philips informed Eric.

"No, there's no need. I'm okay now. I just need to sit for a few more minutes and then I can go back to class."

"I'm sorry, Eric but that is not possible. I have rules I have to follow."

"If he has to go to the hospital, I am going with him," Bart said firmly.

"I think that's a good idea, Bart. I'll notify both of your parents what is happening."

"Don't bother calling mine," Bart said, "They won't care about either of us."

"Again, rules are rules, Bart," Mr. Philips reaffirmed.

Mr. Philips went into his office to make his phone calls. Bart and Eric sat on the bench in the waiting area.

"Bart, I'm so sorry about all of this."

"Shhh, just sit and relax and do not worry about anything. I am with you and everything will be all right, I will make sure of it."

Bart and Eric sat on the bench, Bart's arm around Eric's shoulder until the ambulance showed up.

"Really, an ambulance? Couldn't Mr. Philips have called a taxi or something?" Eric asked Bart.

"As Mr. Philips would say, 'Protocol my boy, protocol' "

Both boys got a laugh from Bart's impersonation of Mr. Philips.

They got in the ambulance and headed to the hospital. When they entered the emergency room, the sheriff was already there and waiting for them.

"Hello Bartholomew, Eric. I didn't expect to be seeing you boys again so soon."

Bart explained what had happened, filling in the gaps from Mr. Philips phone call.

"You really didn't need to come down here, sir. I'm sorry I made you come for nothing," Eric apologized.

"Non-sense, when there is a report of a man with a gun and possible gunshots . . ."

Before the sheriff could finish his sentence, Bart and Eric both said in unison,

"We know, protocol!"

All three laughed.

"I see you're feeling better, Eric. I can fill out my report that you just had a minor panic attack and you're fine now. As soon as your parents get here you should be free to go as far as I'm concerned. You just need to be cleared by the doctors."

The Sheriff wished the boys good luck and left. The ER doctor took Eric to examine him and Bart tried to go along.

"You can wait here, I'll let you know how he's doing," the doctor said, pointing to a chair in the waiting room.

"No, I did that last time and I am not doing that again. I am going where he goes," a defiant Bart explained.

"I'm sorry, immediate family only," the doctor insisted.

The nurse that had let Bart stay in the hospital when Eric was being operated on walked up to the doctor.

"These boys are brothers, he can go with Eric," she told him.

"You know these boys?"

"Better than they wished I did," she laughed.

The boys nodded to her and followed the doctor to the exam area. He checked Eric and said he looked fine but he wanted him to be held overnight for observation and a psychological exam in the morning.

Bart saw the look of concern on Eric's face at the prospect of being held overnight.

"His parent's are on their way here. We will let them make that decision," Bart told the doctor.

The doctor glared at Bart and just said "We'll see" as he walked out of the exam area.

"Don't worry, I'm not going anywhere no matter what they decide," Bart said as he took Eric's hand and held it tightly.

Moments later Eric's parents rushed into the exam room.

"Oh my god, are you okay Eric?" his mother asked.

"I'm fine mom, I just got upset at school, that's all."

"Upset? We were told you were running around shouting about Bart being kidnapped again and someone shooting him?" his father said.

"He had a flashback to the kidnapping and being shot. Once he found out I was okay, he calmed right down. He has a mild case of PTSD, Post Traumatic Stress Disorder." Bart explained.

The doctor walked in and told Eric's parents that he wanted to keep Eric and schedule a psychological exam in the morning. Before his parent's could speak up, Eric stiffened up and squeezed Bart's hand even tighter so Bart spoke first.

"Sufferers of PTSD fair better in familiar surroundings with people they know. Locking him up in your psych ward by himself overnight would hardly be conducive to his well being. He would be much better off at home with his family."

"And just what do you know about our mental health unit?" the doctor demanded to know.

"I was locked up there not too long ago and your so called quality care did nothing for me. I was going to go home and try again to commit suicide if Eric hadn't intervened. He saved my life, not your hospital."

"Be that as it may, he needs professional help, not just a buddy," the doctor countered.

"I have contacted Dr. Benjamin about seeing Eric."

"Dr. Benjamin? He is the top psychiatrist in the area. You won't get an appointment with him for months, if he even decides to take a new patient."

"Eric has an appointment with him at noon tomorrow." Turning to Eric's parents, "I took the liberty of calling him earlier. I hope you don't mind?"

"Anything you can do to help is wonderful, Bart," his mother replied.

"That is settled. So if you would kindly go and arrange for his discharge papers so we can leave as soon as possible, it would be greatly appreciated," Bart told the doctor.

The doctor threw down Eric's medical chart on the bed and stormed out of the room.

Eric looked up at Bart, smiled and mouthed the words 'Thank you'.

The nurse came back shortly with the paperwork for the parents to sign. When they handed the clipboard back to her, she shook her head.

"I don't know what you said or did but I've never seen that doctor so pissed off, pardon my language."

"It was Bart. He doesn't take any crap from anyone," Eric said.

"You have two very special and unique boys here," the nurse told Eric's parents. "They get things accomplished in this hospital like no one else I know." Turning to the boys, she continued, "Someday I'd like to sit down and have a cup of coffee with the two of you and get to know you better."

The boys blushed.

"Get his lady, Bart, she want to have coffee with a sicko and a pompous ass," Eric joked.

"How ever you want to describe yourselves, you are special," she said and left the room laughing.

"Let us get you out of here before they change their mind," Bart said to Eric and his parents.

They left the emergency area and went outside to get the car.

"I came here in the ambulance with Eric. Could I impose on your to get a ride home?" Bart asked.

"No way in hell," Eric father stunned everyone, but then added, "You're coming home with us to get Eric settled. Then I will give you a ride home."

"Will you stay with me for the night?" Eric asked Bart. "Can he, please?" he implored his parents.

"We would welcome that if he would consider it," Eric's mother offered.

"It is the least a friend can do for his best friend," Bart accepted, smiling at Eric.

They stopped and got some take out food on their way home. While they were eating, Bart called his parents to let them know he was staying with Eric for the night.

"Hello, Father. I am calling to inform you I will be saying with Eric tonight. He had an episode at school today and I want to make sure he had my support."

"Your Mother and I heard about what happened at school. I do not think it is a good idea for you to be with him tonight. I will send a car shortly."

"No, father, I am not coming home. I am staying here with my friend."

"He is not your friend, Eric. He only wants to get something from you. It is obviously not money so I do not know what it is, but we wants something."

"Yes, Father, he does. He wants my friendship and I am more than willing to give that to him as he has given his friendship to me."

"Nonsense! Friendship is just an excuse for what they really want from you."

"In your world, that may well be, but Eric and I are friends, true friends, obviously something you know nothing about."

"Eric, I forbid you to stay there! I am sending a car for you."

"I will not come home, Father, so do not bother sending anyone."

"Disobey me at your own peril, Eric. I can cut you off from everything you have and you can stay with that vagabond forever!" his father yelled.

"Be that as it may Father, that is my decision," Bart said firmly and hung up on his Father.

"I couldn't help but overhear, Bart. Maybe you should obey your Father and go home tonight. We'll be okay with Eric." Eric's mother said.

"Do you think my family's money is more important than your son's sell being?" Bart asked.

"No, of course not."

"Nor do I. I am staying and that is final," Bart declared. "Now where is my burger," he quipped.

They were almost done eating when there was a knock on the front door. Eric's mother got up to answer it.

"If that is my Father, please dismiss him and send him away," Bart advised her.

She opened the door to find Bart's Mother at the door.

"I hope I am not disturbing you," she started.

"Bart, it's for you."

"I would like to talk to you if I may."

"Certainly, come in," Eric's mother ushered her in the living room and motioned he to sit down.

"First off, I want to apologize for my husband's conversation on the phone. When he hung up he and I had a conversation of a more serious nature. Bartholomew has our permission to stay with Eric for the night if the invitation is still open."

"Of course, Bart is always welcome here. He is such and fine young man and Eric is so fortunate to have him as a friend."

"The same can be said for Eric. Bart has never had anyone he could call a friend. I am afraid his father and I have not done a very good job of parenting and making sure he had boys to associate with until now."

"Eric has had lots of friends, but none as close as Bart. They are good for each other."

"I just wish my husband could see that. He is so set in his ways it is difficult for him to deal with changes."

Bart heard his Mother's voice and came into the living room.

"If Father sent you to drag me home, respectfully Mother, you have wasted your time," Bart said politely but defiantly.

"I brought you an overnight bag with some toiletries and some fresh clothes. You are welcome to stay with your friend. I have spoken with your Father and he concurs."

"He gave his permission?" Bart asked

"Let us just say he is not opposed any more," his Mother smiled. "Pay no mind to his idle threats. You know full well he can not follow through on them."

"Thank you, Mother," Bart said as he hugged his Mother.

"One more thing before I go," she stood up, "I would like to met this remarkable young man that you have attached yourself to."

"Eric, come here, my Mother wants to meet you," Bart hollered into the kitchen.

Eric and his father came into the living room. Eric introduced himself and he and Bart's Mother talked briefly. She turned to Eric's parents,

"You have raised an amazing young man. You should be proud of him," she offered.

"We think the same way towards Bart. Thank you for coming over," Eric's mother told her.

When she left, the two boys went upstairs. It had been a long day and they both wanted to get some sleep.

"Do you want to shower tonight or in the morning?" Bart asked.

"I just want to get in bed and say good night to this day as soon as I can."

"Same here."

Eric's mother came into the room with a sleeping bag and a pillow for Bart. She spread it out and gave Eric a kiss on the forehead.

'I hope you feel better in the morning."

"I'm sure I will, thank you.

Eric sat on the edge of his bed and undressed. When he was naked, he saw Bart looking at him.

"Sorry, I got in the habit of sleeping naked, I hope you don't mind."

"I do not mind at all. I have taken to doing the same thing," Bart smiled as he took off all his clothes and slid into the sleeping bag.

Eric walked across the room to turn off the lights, knowing Bart was following him with his eyes. Eric got into bed and lay quiet for a few minutes.

"I thought you said you were going to stay the night with me, not sleep on the floor like some unwelcome cousin," Eric finally spoke up.

"There will not be much room for two of us. It will be cramped."

"I hope so," Eric replied quietly.

Bart got off the floor and into bed with Eric. They were face to face as they lay close together. Eric lifted his head and gently kissed Bart on the lips.

"Thank you for being here," Eric said.

"Thank you for wanting me."

They kissed a little longer then Eric rolled on his side so they could spoon. Bart's boner was pressing against Eric's butt.

"I am sorry about that," Bart said.

"I'm not," Eric replied as he locked his arm over Bart's arm that was hugging him.

As Eric was drifting off to sleep, he was asking himself if Bart was just here for the night or if he and Bart were back together like before? He was hoping it was the latter but afraid it might be the former. No matter what, Eric felt safe and loved as he fell into a deep sleep, the first good night's sleep he has had all week.

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