Maybe You're Not Better After All

by Jonathan Perkins

Chapter 6

The holiday season is upon them. The boys spend a wonderful Thanksgiving together but unfortunately their experience is not to be repeated at Christmas.

This is a fictional tale of sexual relationship between two teenage boys. The characters are made up and are not based on any person, living or dead. You must be eighteen to read this story. If it is against the law where you are to read stories like this you are kindly requested to leave and not read this story. It is only a fictional story for your reading pleasure.

I look forward to your comments. I appreciate you feedback, good or bad. Send to and let me know what you're thinking.

Copyright 2024

Eric woke up Saturday morning and immediately realized Bart was still in his bed with him. When he drifted off to sleep last light he had wondered if Bart would move to the sleeping bag once Eric had gone to sleep. Eric's movement in bed woke up Bart.

"Good morning, Eric."

"Good morning."

"Are you feeling better this morning?"

"So far I am," he said as he hugged Bart.

Bart hugged him back then got out of bed. His morning boner made Eric smile.

"I have to go take a piss and see if this goes way," Bart said as he headed for the door.

Eric was hoping it didn't go away, although he didn't want to start anything with his parents in the house. The site of Bart's stiff cock had made Eric's cock rise as well. When Bart returned, Eric threw back the covers and exposed his own hardon.

"Seems like it's contagious," he laughed.

" We better get dressed before your parents come to check on you. This would be quite embarrassing."

He had no sooner said that than Eric's mother knocked on the door. Eric pulled the covers back over him while Bart stood to the side of the door where he wouldn't be seen.

"Come in, Mother."

"Good morning, Eric. Did you have a good sleep last night?"

"Yes I did, thank you."

"Breakfast will be ready shortly. Then you can get showered and ready to go see Bart's doctor."

The boys got dressed and went down for breakfast. After they had eaten, they excused themselves to go and shower.

"Let Bart shower first, he's our guest after all," Eric's father told him.

Bart thanked him and left the kitchen to go back upstairs.

"Eric, I wanted to talk to you this morning. I looked in to check on you before we went to bed last night and noticed Bart had not taken advantage of the sleeping bag."

"He just wanted to calm me down and thought if we shared the bed it would help. There was nothing going on between us, honest."

"I didn't say there was. But I've noticed how close you and Bart are and I don't have a problem with that. I know you're at an age when you may be curious about some things that would be difficult to discuss with me. But I'm here for you if you want to talk about anything."

"Thanks, I'll keep that in mind. We're just really good friends, that's all."

"Good friends are important, especially loyal friends like Bart."

"I'm going to take my shower now, okay?"

"Sure. Just remember, I was young once myself so I have a pretty good idea of what you're going through."

"Wow, you can still remember that long ago?" Eric laughed.

"Get out of here before I take you over my knee," he father joked back.

Bart was getting dressed when Eric came in the room.

"Did your father give you the talk?" Bart asked.

Eric didn't want to tell him what his father had said. He was afraid it would upset Bart.

"No, he just wanted to tell me how much he and my mother like you and how lucky I am to have a good friend like you. But I already know that," Eric smiled.

Eric stripped down to go take his shower. Bart sat on the edge of the bed watching him intently. Eric noticed and the attention Bart was giving him brought his cock back to life. He shook it in a circle and walked to the bathroom with a big grin on his face.

He came back into the bedroom and Bart had queued up a video game.

"Would you like to play for a while before we have to leave?" Bart asked.

"Good idea. Just let me get dressed."

"If you have to," Bart grinned and licked his lips. "I know, I know, your parents are in the house."

They started to play in silence, until Eric put down his controller.

"Bart, I'm sorry about yesterday and all the shit I caused."

"It was not your fault. You were reacting to stimulus that brought back the trauma of being shot."

"It wasn't only that. I hadn't spent much time with you all week and it seemed like you were avoiding me. I was afraid I had lost you as a friend, the same loss I felt when the kidnappers took you away. The gunshot just set everything in motion."

"You had not lost me. I was trying to do as you had advised and find a girlfriend to see if I was actually gay or not. I should have told you but I felt weird about the whole thing."

"So, did you find any hot girls?" Eric giggled.

"Nothing but a gaggle of immature females who were more interested in my limo and my money than in me. It was a complete waste of my time! They aroused me about as much as algebra class."

"It's as much my fault. I should have asked what was going on. I could have helped weed out the losers and introduced you to some nice girls. Maybe next week we can try again."

"Not right away. I have more important things to deal with." Bart looked at Eric and smiled. "You."

Eric knew he shouldn't but he leaned in for a gentle kiss.

"We can do that next week if we can find the time," Bart smirked.

Eric father knocked on the door and told them it was time to leave. They went downstairs and all four of them headed to Eric's appointment. Bart led the way into the office and introduced Eric to the Dr. Benjamin.

"Hello, Dr. Benjamin, this is my friend Eric I called you about."

"Glad to meet you, Eric."

"Thank you sir." Eric introduced his parents who thanked the doctor was going out of his way to meet with Eric.

"I'm hope I can be of some help. Bart has spoken highly of Eric."

Eric and the doctor went into his inner office and closed the door.

"So tell me, Eric, what happened yesterday?"

"I went nut-so."

"No, that's not what happened and don't ever think of it that way. From what I understand you had a flashback to the kidnapping and the shooting, am I right?"

"Yes sir."

"And what do you think brought that on?"

"You know Bart and I are good friends, right?"

"I can't really divulge anything he has said to me nor will I divulge anything you tell me either."

"Well, I'm sure he told you, but I'll tell you anyway."

Eric filled in the doctor about their relationship, going all the way back to the first day of school, leaving out the sex parts of course. Then he told him about the week leading up to the flashback.

"If we had been communicating better, I wouldn't have felt I lost him," Eric confessed.

"And then the gunshot?"

"Right. I have heard loud noises but a gunshot is a very unique sound."

"There are ways to reduce the factors associated with PTDS to reduce the chances of this happening again."

"Breathing exercises, familiar surroundings and surrounding yourself with people you know that don't present a danger to you. Bart did some research for me."

"Very good. Those things will all help. But the sound of a gunshot seems to be the trigger. We have to work on that."

"I already have a plan for that," Eric said and went on to explain his plan.

"I'm glad I don't have to make my living off the two of you. You have your issues worked out before you even get here. Bart was the same way."

"He told you about associating the kidnapping with his life with his father?"

"He told you that?"

"We share everything."

"You two are very good friends, the kind that most people wish they had but go through their entire life without ever finding it. Cherish it and don't ever lose it. Let me know how your plan works out if you go through with it."

Dr. Benjamin escorted Eric out to the waiting area.

"Mr. and Mrs. Brown, you have an extraordinary young man here. I think he will be fine from here on in. If not, don't hesitate to call me and come back. Bart, can I see you for a minute?"

Bart went into his office and sat down.

"No need to sit. I just wanted to tell you how much you mean to Eric. With your support I'm sure he will recover in time. Keep the lines of communication open between the two of you and you both have a bright future together. And don't hesitate to call me if you need anything."

They came back to the waiting area, said their good byes and left. Eric and Bart sat in the back seat and occasionally looked at one another and smiled. When they got home, Eric excused himself to make a phone call while Bart and his parents went to sit in the living room. Eric came back and sat opposite them.

"I just made a call and have set up something for tomorrow morning. I would like you to come with me."

"All of us?" his father asked.

"Yes. It won't take long but I think it will be a big help for me."

"Mind telling us what this is all about?" his father asked.

"I'll tell you in the morning."

Everyone looked around at each other and agreed to accompany Eric in the morning.

"I have to get the grocery shopping done. Will you come with me?" she asked Eric's father.

"Sure. Bart, you're welcome to stay again tonight or if you prefer we can drop you at home on the way to the store and then pick you up in the morning," she told him.

"I would prefer to stay again tonight if that is alright with everyone," Bart answered.

"Of course it is. Your father and I will be back in a couple of hours. Bart, call your Mother and let her know you're staying here again tonight." She said and off they went to the store.

Eric and Bart went up stairs to finish the video game they started earlier. They had played for a few minutes when Eric was looking at the game monitor and said to Bart,

"You remember what you told me about being in familiar surroundings?"

"Yes, of course I do."

"Well, maybe we should do that right now," Eric said as he placed his hand on Bart's thigh. "This is very familiar."

"I think that is an excellent idea. This morning you have a therapy session with Dr. Benjamin and now we can have a therapy session with each other."

Bart reached over and shut off the game console while Eric moved his hand up into Bart's crotch, feeling his cock starting to chub up. Bart turned his chair to face Eric.

"Stand up," Bart commanded.

Eric had taken the initiative to start this but now Bart was taking the lead.

Eric stood in front of Bart and put his hands on his shoulders. Bart reached out and unbuckled Eric's belt. He undid the snap at the top of his pants and slowly lowered the zipper. He looked up at Eric and smiled. He place his hands on Eric's hips and slid his pants down to his ankles, lifting one leg and then the other to totally remove them. His hands went back up and rubbed the growing bulge in the underwear in front of him, the only thing between him and his object of desire. Putting his fingers in the elastic waistband, he pulled them over Eric's boner and down to the floor. Eric kicked them off his feet and stood with his hands by his side.

"Familiar territory indeed," Bart smirked, taking Eric's engorged member in his hand.

Bart held the cock out straight and examined it from every angle.

"Why don't you take a picture, it would last longer," Eric joked.

"A picture can be lost or destroyed. I want this image burned in my memory forever."

"All you have to do is ask and I'll be glad to let you look at it any time you want. You can look but don't tell."

Bart moved his head in close and licked the drop of precum off the tip.

"A picture is worth a thousand words but a taste is worth a thousand pictures," Bart said getting ready to take Eric in his mouth.

"Not yet. Let's move to the bed."

Bart stood up and followed Eric to the bed. Eric sat down and undressed Bart the same way he was undressed. They both took off their own shirts to complete the process. They embraced, their cocks rubbing against each other, smearing drops of precum on their stomachs. Their heads were side by side until Eric moved back and kissed Bart repeatedly, gently and softly on the lips.

"I love the feel of your soft lips," Eric commented between kisses.

"Then let me put them where they can do the most good."

Bart lay on the bed and motioned Eric to do the same. Eric took the initiative this time and lay opposite Bart so they could both suck each other at the same time. They wanted to make this last but they had a whole week to make up for. Bart took Eric in first, swallowing him as far as possible. He didn't want to go too far and gag, fearing it would ruin the mood. He felt Eric's hips and legs stiffen as he inhaled quickly at the feel of Bart's warm wet mouth engulfing him. Eric took a hold of Bart and licked his cock to make it nice and wet and slick then pushed his mouth over it, tightening his lips as he went. Bart let out a low moan, as best he could with his mouth full. Passion was taking over and they were working each other faster and harder. Bart's back was up against the wall and he was afraid of pushing Eric off the bed. He grabbed Eric's ass with both his hands and rolled towards the wall, pulling Eric on top of him as he did. His hands squeezed Eric's cheeks, pulling him tight to him. Eric reached out and pulled Bart's legs up so his head was between them, them pulling them in tight against his head. This new position they were in was so erotic that they both shot they cum into each other in less then a minute. Eric rolled off Bart as their breathing returned to normal.

"I had another panic attack," Eric confessed.

Bart sat up and put his hand on Eric's

"Seriously? What set it off this time?" A concerned Bart asked.

"I panicked that I was going to cum the second my cock went in your mouth and I wouldn't be able to wait for you," Eric grinned.

"You are an asshole, Eric Brown," Bart said indignantly, slapping Eric's bare leg as hard as he could.

"Hey, that hurt!"

"As well it should. You almost gave me a panic attack."

"Come up here and let me apologize," Eric said as he puckered his lips.

The boys kissed and cuddled and enjoyed the afterglow of sex for a half-hour. Then they got cleaned up and dressed before Eric's parents returned. Eric wanted to have seconds but Bart didn't want to get caught and promised he would make it up to Eric that night. Which he did.

The next morning the boys were up early and went downstairs for breakfast. Eric was unusually quiet as he ate.

"Are you sure you want to go through with this, Eric?" his father asked.

"I'm not sure but I'm going to anyway. As long as you are all there with me I think it will be okay."

"Alright, but there's no shame if you change your mind, his father advised him.

"I know, but it's something I have to try."

They all got in the car after breakfast and headed for the edge of town. His father turned down a dirt and traveled until they came to a small shack and a long table facing a clearing. Parked next to the shack was the sheriff's car. He got out to greet them.

"Good morning boys, Mr and Mrs. Brown. Are you ready to do this, Eric?"

"Yes sir." Eric said with a nervous voice.

"Okay, let's go over to the firing range. It's always deserted Sunday mornings so no one else will bother us. Eric, I want you to stand next to me at the table. Bart, you and his parents stand back behind us."

Everyone moved into position. Eric had concluded that the only way he was not going to freak out at the sound of gunfire was to subject himself to it in a controlled environment with people he trusted.

"You know, Eric, you are one brave son of a bitch. When you called me yesterday and told me what you had in mind, I was sure you were going to back out. Now," he said as he took his gun out of his holster, "A gun is just a tool and it's nothing to be afraid of. The thing to be scared of is the person holding the gun. I'm not going to hurt you so you have nothing to be scared of this morning."

"Yes sir," Eric responded with a gulp.

Maybe his father was right and this might not be such a good idea. But he was here now and determined to go through with it.

"One other thing I want to tell you about a gun," the sheriff said as he looked back at Eric and raised his pistol, pointing it down range, "You never can tell . . ."


The sheriff had fired mid sentence to catch Eric off guard. Eric jumped back a step but didn't panic. Bart and his parents also jumped. Eric's mother started to move towards Eric but his father grabbed her arm and held her in place.

"As I was saying, you never can tell when you'll hear a gun shot. No one is going to say 'Cover your ears, I'm going to fire', not in real life anyway. Are you okay?"

"Y-y-yes," I'm fine. Keep going."

The sheriff fired a few more rounds, noticing Eric was relaxing a little more with each shot. When he stopped to reload his revolver, Eric turned to his parents and Bart.

'Would you all go get in the car and drive down the road out of sight. I'm okay but I need to know I can do this on my own."

"If you're sure. We'll be back in ten minutes," his father said.

Bart came over and put his hand on Eric's shoulder.

"If anything goes wrong, I will break out of that car just like I broke out of the boathouse and I will come rescue you."

"I know you will. Now go," Eric smiled.

When they were out of sight, Eric asked the sheriff to continue. He fired several more shots at random, keeping a close eye on Eric's reaction. With the last round in the chamber, he saw Eric smiling and completely at ease. He fired that shot and reloaded again.

"I think that is enough, thank you," Eric told him.

"Yes, I agree. Now it's your turn."

Eric face turned white. He stared at the sheriff with eyes so wide, his eyeballs could have fallen out.

"Me? You want me to shoot the gun?"

"Step up here to the firing line and take the gun in you hand. I'll put my hand around yours until you get used to the feel of it."

Eric gingerly took the gun in his hand, turned it from side to side looking at every inch of it. It was just a piece of blackish blue metal, nothing to be afraid of. The sheriff placed his hand over Eric's and pointed the gun down range.

"Whenever you're ready, just squeeze the trigger. Don't jerk it, just squeeze it like you squeezed my hand when you shook hands with me. It will jump from the recoil but I'll have a hold of it with you."

Eric looked back over his shoulder at the sheriff then back at the gun. He looked downrange, took a deep breath and squeezed the trigger.


This shot sounded so much louder than the others did, maybe because he was closer or maybe because he had actually pulled the trigger.

Eric exhaled and relaxed his body. Again he looked back at the sheriff, showing no expression on his face.

"Are you ready to take another shot?" he asked.

Eric just nodded and raised the pistol, looked down range and fired again, the sheriff still holding onto the gun with Eric. They fired one more time.

"Can I try it on my own?" Eric asked.

"If you want. Just hold onto the gun with both hands and be ready for the recoil."

The sheriff showed him how to place both hands on the gun for maximum grip and control. Eric took a deep breath and fired, this time all on his own. He turned to the sheriff with a big smile on his face.

"I did it! I actually fired a gun all on my own!"

"Yes you did. I think you little experiment was a complete success. You have one more bullet left. Do you want to fire again?"

"Can we wait for them to come back?" Eric said with a big grin.

The sheriff laughed at Eric's new found attitude and courage.

"Of course."

They chatted for a few minutes until they heard the car coming back down the road. They got out of the car and walked over to Eric and the sheriff.

"You are smiling so can I assume that everything is good?" Bart asked.

"To answer that question, Eric would like to show you something," the sheriff said as he motioned everyone over to the firing line. He handed the gun to Eric. His mother gasped and covered her mouth.

"What the hell?" his father said out loud.

"Cover you ears, this is pretty loud," Eric advised as he raised the gun and slowly fired the last round in the chamber. Then he turned and smiled at everyone. "Does that answer your question, Bart?"

"Holy jumping fucking monkey sex!" Bart shouted out.

His outburst shocked everyone almost as much as Eric firing the gun. They all stared at the prim and proper boy shouting such a vulgar expression. His face turned red when he realized what he had said.

Laughter broke out and Eric's parents hugged him and congratulated him. Bart got over his embarrassment and came to give Eric a hug as well.

"Bring on them damn kidnappers, Bart, we'll take them on together."

The smell of gunpowder permeated the air as they thanked the sheriff and got ready to leave. On the way home, Eric had his head back against the headrest in the car and goofy smile on his face that he couldn't erase. His father splurged and stopped at Eric's favorite restaurant on the way home to celebrate. While they were eating, Eric's mother told him that Mr. Conrad had heard about the episode at school on Friday and suggested he should take some time off.

"I've been thinking about working Monday, Wednesday, Friday and Saturday morning instead of every day after school. I was going to talk to him about it tomorrow. That will split things up so I'm not always at work."

Bart heard this and knew this would mean at least two days a week for them to have some private time together. He was all for this.

"That would be a good idea, son," his father agreed, "No sense in getting burned out working right away. Wait until your older like me before you decide you don't like working," he laughed.

Eric leaned over and quietly asked Bart a question. Bart's face lit up and he nodded yes.

"Mother, Father, if you don't have any plans for me this afternoon, this morning was kind of stressful and I'd like to go somewhere and relax."

"Of course, dear," his mother answered. "Where would you like to go?"

"Can you drop Bart and I off at the Botanical Garden. It's so beautiful and quiet there."

"Isn't that where the kidnappers found you?" his father asked with concern.

"Yes, but the sheriff gave me his gun so I'll be ready if they return."

His parents and Bart looked at him with there mouths open.

"I'm kidding, you guys, lighten up. Those guys are in jail and I'm not going to live my life in fear of 'what if'."

"Are you okay with this Bart?" his father asked.

"I think it is a wonderful idea. You are both welcome to join us if you would like," Bart offered.

"We can drop you boys off and spend some time alone. We'll go home and come back in two hours to pick you up," Eric's mother told them.

"Thanks, mother."

The boys waved goodbye and walked into the garden. Bart looked around to makes sure no one was in earshot.

"Eric, do you think you're mother suspects something about us?"

"What do you mean?"

"Yesterday she made a point of taking your father shopping with her so we could be alone in the house. I invited her to join us today and she said she wanted to give us some alone time. Mothers can be very intuitive, you realize."

"She already knows we're good friends. That's all."

"But does she know how we spent our alone time?"

Eric's face got red thinking about his mother knowing.

"That would suck, wouldn't it? Literally? Maybe they need some alone time like we do?"" Eric laughed.

This time Bart's face turned red with the mental image of Eric's parents in bed.

"Get your mind out of the gutter. We are here to enjoy the flowers, not your screwball sense of humor," Bart ginned and headed to the displays.

The boys spent several hours walking through the garden enjoying the peace and serenity of the beauty surrounding them, occasionally holding hands when they didn't think anyone would notice. Eric's father picked them up and dropped Bart off on their way home.

"Bart, Eric's mother and I want to thank you so much for staying with him this weekend. It meant so much to him for you to be there for him."

"That is what friends do for one another, sir."

Eric smiled at Bart and discreetly squeezed his hand.

In bed that night Eric was feeling much more relaxed than he had felt in weeks. Being with Bart for the whole weekend was special. Just why it was so special, Eric began to wonder. They were becoming more than just friends but that didn't particularly bother Eric. He hoped Bart felt the same way.

When Eric entered school on Monday, some of his friends said hi and some of the other students just looked at him and gave him a wide berth as they passed him. He knew they felt weird about what had happened Friday. The rest of the morning went about the same. At lunch Eric stood up to make and announcement.

"Could I have everyone's attention please."

The cafeteria went silent. Mr. Philips put down his fork and turned towards Eric.

"First, I want to apologize for the commotion I caused Friday. I know it must have scared some of you but I assure you I meant no harm to anyone. I was having a flashback episode from the kidnapping Bart and I went through. Suffering from a mild episode of PTDS I imagined I was trying to save Bart."

From the back of the cafeteria a voice hollered,

"How many times are you going to have to save him?"

A few kids laughed quietly but most just looked to see who had made such a rude comment not knowing it was said in jest. Realizing his joke went over like a fart in church, he continued.

"Why don't you give someone else a chance to save his skinny ass for a change!"

This time everyone chuckled.

"That is not going to happen. Eric and I make a good team and we work together to look out for each other." Bart chipped in.

"The second thing I want to say is that I attended a therapy session on Saturday and Sunday where I've learned how to handle my problem. So, if any on you feel the need to set off fireworks or fire a gun in school, just let me know ahead of time and everything will be good."

The cafeteria broke out in applause and laughter.

"There will be no fireworks or guns allowed in this school. I repeat, none!" Mr Philips stood up and shouted over the noise. "I want to ask the student body to accept Eric's apology and once again help him through a difficult time."

Everything got back to normal in the coming weeks. Eric was home on Tuesday and Thursday afternoons and he and Bart could spend some private time together. There was less and less pretense as the weeks went by that the sex was just a diversion from playing video games and was actually the reason they got together in Eric's room. They would come home, check the house to make sure no one else was in the house, then run up to Eric's room and get naked. Sometimes they would undress each other, slowly and teasingly, other times they would just pull off their clothes as fast as they could. They would embrace and kiss, the kisses getting more passionate every time. What started as a quick peck on the lips was now full on making out, open mouths, dueling tongues and swapping spit. They varied they fun from a simple hand job, first one then the other or mutual, to a full menu of oral fun. Invariably the sucking would lead to a finger or two being inserted in the nearest body cavity.

Bart accepted the fact that he was gay, wanting only Eric. Eric wasn't ready to go that far yet and still insisted that he wasn't gay, just enjoyed playing with Bart. Bart's affection for Eric had grown to the point that he wanted to tell Eric he loved him but was afraid that would spook Eric, him not admitting he was gay.

And so they relationship grew stronger ever day but it was still undefined. They were extremely happy and saw no need to assign a label to it, for now anyway.

Thanksgiving was approaching and the big Thanksgiving football game with school rival from the next town over.

"The game this year is going to be awesome. Are you planning on going?" Eric asked Bart.

"I am not sure what I am doing for Thanksgiving this year. Normally I stay at school and study for my mid term exams."

"You stay at school? You don't come home for Thanksgiving dinner?"

"No, my parents travel to the West Coast to attend Alumni Weekend at Stanford University where they met and graduated together. It is a tradition with them, much more important than Thanksgiving."

"That totally sucks! How the hell can they go and leave you all alone at school?"

"Actually I prefer it. When I was younger I was left with the help while they traveled. They were always resentful that they could not be with their families. It removed the guilt if I stayed at school. I suppose I am old enough his year to be by myself. If my Father makes them stay, I will send them home after my parents leave."

"Yes, send them home and then get your ass over here. You're spending Thanksgiving with us."

"Oh, I could not impose on your family like that."

"Then you stay home and my father and I will come over and it will be kidnap time all over again. Only this time I'll use duct tape on you so you can't escape."

"I appreciate the offer but I am not sure your parents would not want me at your family celebration."

"You know damn right well that they will be pissed if they find out you spent the holiday all alone in an empty house."

"Thank you Eric, I think I will accept your offer, but we have to make sure it is acceptable to your parents."

Eric's parents insisted Bart join them so Bart offered to buy the turkey and the other necessary food supplies. Eric's father explained that his boss gave him a turkey every year and Eric was using his money from his job to pay for everything else this year

Bart came home from school with Eric on Wednesday and stayed the night. Thanksgiving morning they all went to watch the football game. They found seats in the bleachers and all sat together. Some of Eric's friends waved for he and Bart to come down and join them where they were sitting. Eric got up to move but Bart stayed seated.

"I would prefer to stay here if it is all right with you?" Bart asked Eric's mother.

" You can if you wish or you can go join your friends," she replied.

He opted to stay with the parents while Eric went to go sit with his friends. Bart was sitting in his statue mode, his back upright, his knees together and his hands on his thighs. Eric's mother reached out and put her hand on his and smiled at him. Bart smiled back but then quickly turned away so she wouldn't see him start to tear up. By the end of the first quarter, Eric and most of his friends had moved up to sit with Bart and the parents. The home team lost but there would always be next year.

They sat down to eat dinner and Eric's mother was going to say grace.

"May I?" Bart asked.

"Of course," she answered him.

"Dear Lord, we thank You for the bounty we are about to receive. We thank You for Your blessing throughout the year and watching over all of us, in good times and bad. I want to thank you for this lovely family that has taken me in as their own and giving me love and comfort like I have never known before. Amen."

Everyone at the table said 'Amen' and then sat in silence looking at Bart.

"Did I do it wrong? I have never had an opportunity to say the blessing before."

"It was perfect. Thank you for every word." Eric's mother said.

When they finished eating, Bart insisted that he and Eric would clean up and do the dishes while his parents went in the living room and relaxed. Bart and Eric joined them once they had finished to find photo albums piled on the coffee table.

"Dad, I think Bart will be bored looking at old family pictures," Eric said.

"On the contrary, I would enjoy seeing your family heritage."

As the pictures were passed around, Eric would explain who was in the picture and how they were related. Bart would study each picture intently, asking questions about the people, the location, what was in the background and anything else that pertained to the photograph.

"Do you have pictures of your family, Bart?

"No, a few portraits and some paintings but nothing as interesting as these. These really tell the history of your family,"

A full stomach of turkey and hours of looking at family photos had taken its toll on everyone. The yawns and stretches were getting more frequent until Eric's mother announced it was time for bed. She took the sleeping bag upstairs and put it in the boy's room but didn't roll it out like last time.

Eric and Bart got ready for bed and turned in naked, as was the new normal, then cuddled up close.

"Eric, I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart. This has been the best holiday of my life. I shall never forget today for as long as I live."

"I was glad you were here, it made the day special for me as well."

The boys kissed and fell asleep in a matter of minutes.

The next morning they awoke to the smell of breakfast cooking, bacon, eggs and homefries. They threw on some clothes and bolted downstairs. After they ate, Bart insisted he and Eric clean up again.

"I could get to like this," Eric mother announced. "Three more days before you return home and I'll be totally spoiled."

"I do not want to wear out my welcome so I was thinking I could repay Eric's hospitality by inviting him to spend the night at my house."

"I don't know. Would your parents approve of the two of you being there alone?" she asked.

"If they were content with just me being there alone, having Eric with me would be of no consequence to them."

"Okay, but first the two of you have to help me get the Christmas decorations out of the attic and put up the display on the front lawn," Eric's father bargained.

"That would be splendid. I would enjoy being a part of that family tradition as well."

The decorations were all set up, an early supper of turkey sandwiches and pie for desert, and then the boys were off to Bart's house for the night. It was still light out when Eric's dad pulled up to the gate of a huge Victorian mansion on the affluent side of town. Bart punched in the entry code on the keypad, opening the massive steel gates. They drove up the driveway and stopped in the portico on the side of the house. The boys got out, Bart punched the alarm code into the keypad on the side of the door, said good night to Eric's dad and went inside, closing and locking the door behind them as they entered the foyer.

Bart took of his shoes, which Eric didn't find unusual. That is the custom in quite a few homes. So Eric did the same. Then Bart took off his socks. Again, Eric followed Bart's lead. But then Bart took off his shirt and dropped it on the floor followed by his pants. He was standing in front of Eric wearing only his underwear and a smile.

"Well, am I going to be the only one naked in this house?" Bart asked.

Now that Eric understood what Bart was up to, he quickly disrobed down to his bare skin. He smirked at Bart and stated the obvious.

"It looks like I'm the only one naked," and pointed to Bart's underwear which was quickly removed. "Is this required of all your guests?"

"No, not all, just the special ones. I prefer to be in the nude when no one is home. I thought you might like it as well."

"You definitely thought right about that," Eric said as he swung his hips around to make his cock flop around in a circle.

"Let me give you a tour of the residence. We'll start in the living room."

They walked into the living room, a huge stately room with a high ceiling and dark wood walls, offset by tall windows facing the front of the house. There was a fireplace that was big enough that Eric could almost stand up in the firebox, a characteristic of the way they were built when fireplaces were the primary source eof heat in the house. The walls were adorned with large paintings of members of the Worthington Family going back for generations.

"This place looks like a fucking museum!" Eric exclaimed.

"Yes, quit right. But museums can be fun places to be and there is no fun to be had in this room, or any other rooms for that matter."

Bart's tone had turned somber. Eric noticed so he reached out and grabbed Bart's flaccid cock.

"I guess we're going to have to make our own fun then." Eric giggled.

Bart smiled, gave him a quick peck on the lips,

"All in due time, horn dog, all in due time." Bart replied and moved on with the tour.

Bart walked out of the living room and down the hallway. Eric followed, enjoying the view if Bart's bare ass cheeks jiggling in front of him. Bart stopped at the next door, opened it and stepped inside.

"This is the library. We have copies of original manuscripts going back to the founding of the country."

"Awesome. Your own history class right here at home."

"Yes, unfortunately Father never let's anyone touch any of these books. They are simply status symbols to show off when visitors come here."

"What a waste."

"Yes, so much of Father's life is a waste in practical terms."

Bart steered Eric back into the hallway and went to the next room.

"This is Father office. He is the only one allowed in here."

"Is this where he works?"

"No one knows what he does in here. Years ago Mother sent me let Father know that supper was ready. I opened the door and walked in. He exploded and yelled at me for five minutes, telling me to never enter this room again unless he specifically invited me in. He told my Mother the same thing."

"Damn. So how do you connect with him when he is in there?"

"We have to call him on his private phone line. Now that he is not home I can come in here. It is not all that impressive so I think it is him that he does not want anyone to see, not the inside of this room."

Eric noticed Bart's mood was getting more and more depressed.

"Enough of these rooms. Is there one that you like?"

"Actually that is in the next wing. Follow me."

The boys went down the hallway and around a corner into a smaller hallway, a well lite room at the end of the hallway. They entered the room that was all glass walls and ceiling, looking out over the expansive back yard and gardens.

"This is the solarium. The gardens used to be filled with gorgeous flowers, different ones blooming at different times to provide color from early spring until late fall. This was my favorite room in the whole house. Father would never come here but Mother used to sit here with me when I was little. When she stopped coming and sitting with me, the flowers weren't replaced when they died off. That's why I make it an imperative to spend at least one afternoon a week at the botanical garden."

Even in Bart's favorite room Eric could detect some sadness in his voice. Eric reached out and put his hand on Bart's shoulder. Bart turned to look at him and smile.

"Let us go to the kitchen and get a snack. I'm starting to get hungry."

"Great idea. Food is always good for the soul."

They headed back down the hallway towards the kitchen. They passed a door that Bart hadn't said anything about.

"What's in this room?"

'That's Father biggest embarrassment," Bart chuckled. "He called is the Billiards Room but he had an American pool table installed not knowing the difference. Pool and Billiards are two distinctly different games played on different tables. Father was so upset that he screwed up that this is another room that no one is allowed in. I enjoy playing and sneak in when he is not around."

Bart opened the door and invited Eric in.

"Do you play pool?" Bart asked.

"I play pocket pool, I've played in a pool and I joined a betting pool on last year's Super Bowl. But I've never played this kind of pool."

"Would you like me to show you how to play?"


Bart went to a cabinet and opened it. He took out a tray of pool balls, a triangle thing and two cue sticks.

"This is a cue stick for hitting the balls. I'm going to rack the balls."

Eric immediately covered his crotch. Bart noticed and asked him what that was about.

"You're not going to wreck my balls, no way!" Eric nervously replied.

"RACK, you fool, not wreck. It is how you arrange the balls to start the game."

Eric smiled, knowing he had put one over on Bart.

Bart racked the balls and gave Eric the basic instructions on the game. Bart broke the balls and showed Eric a few simple shots. Then he told Eric to try. On his first attempt, he missed the cue ball completely. Bart came up behind him and put his arms around him to show him how to hold the cue stick and make a smooth stroke. Bart's naked body pressed up against Eric's back made both boys chub up. Bart was rocking back and forth slightly while moving Eric's arms. The movement made both boys rise up to full bonerism. Bart's head was right next to Eric's but not touching. Eric dropped his head to the side to rest it against Bart. This he wiggled his ass up against Bart's stiff cock, resting in Eric's ass crack.

"I think I like this game," Eric purred.

"This game or the pool game?" Bart asked, giving Eric a kiss on the side of his face.

Eric took his shot and missed again.

"Let me show you again," Bart told him, "Stand behind me and see how I line up my shot."

Eric tried to snuggle up to Bart but Bart rebuffed him.

"If you want to learn how to shoot you can not do it crawling up my ass."

Eric realized that Bart was talking this way too seriously. It was only a game. He backed away from Bart as he lined up his shot. He was working his cue stick back and forth in this hand getting ready to shoot when Eric took his cue stick and slide it up between Bart' legs, nudging his balls. Bart stopped moving his cue stick and looked over his shoulder.

"I'm just lining up my shot," Eric giggled as he pulled the cue stick back and pressed it against Bart's ass crack.

"That is very unsportsman like." Bart told Eric.

"Maybe, but it's fun."

"You have not been able to shoot straight yet so I do not think I have anything to worry about back here."

"I'm just getting warmed up," as Eric pulled the stick away and pressed his boner up against Bart's ass crack.

"Later . . . maybe."

Eric stopped and wondered if he had gone too far. He was joking around but wasn't sure he was ready for fucking yet.

"Yeah, a lot later. There is one more room you haven't showed me yet."

"Which room is that?"

"Your bed room." Eric answered with a smirk. "Then I can play with your balls instead of these."

"I am sure I will have your attention there more than I do here."

Bart put the cue sticks and the pool balls back in the cabinet, closed the door and headed for the hallway.

"Don't forget we were headed for a snack before we go upstairs."

"I thought you had changed your priorities and wanted to go upstairs before you ate?" Bart smirked.

"Good idea. I'm sure I can find something to eat up in your room."

Bart led the way to another grand room, bigger than Eric's whole house. Bart closed and locked the door after him.

"No one is home, why lock the door?"

"Force of habit when I am going to get in bed naked and play with myself."

"Bit this time you'll be playing with me," Eric smiled.

The got into Bart's huge king-sized bed and snuggled together.

"Don't move away from me while we're sleeping, this bed is so big I'll never find you again."

"Do not worry, like I have always said, 'I am not going anywhere. Not now, not ever."

The boys exchanged a few quick kisses and hugged, enjoying the closeness of their bodies and the touch of each other's bare skin. It had been a long day and before they had a chance to enjoy themselves any further, they fell asleep. The turkey and the hard work putting up the Christmas decorations took its toll.

Eric was the first one to wake up the next morning. He and Bart were indeed still side by side, an arm and a leg intertwined. Eric felt Bart's stiff cock, just as stiff as his. Eric had to piss so he pulled back the covers and slowly moved out of bed so he didn't wake up Bart. When he returned from the bathroom, he stood in the doorway looking at Bart's naked body and his stiff cock sticking straight up in he air. He got a devilish grin and softly tiptoed to the bed. He slithered up from the bottom of the bed, positioning himself between Bart's legs. Bart moved but his breathing didn't change so Eric felt confident he was still asleep. H positioned his head over the inviting cock and dropped down on it, licking and wetting it as he went. He had taken as much as he could when he heard Bart moan and pick up his head.

"This is considerably better than my alarm clock."

"Too bad I couldn't wake you up this way every morning."

"I will take what I can get."

Bart put his head back down and placed his hands on Eric's head, running his fingers through his hair. Eric had sucked him for almost ten minutes before Bart pushed him away.

"I do not want to have my orgasm yet," he announced as he pulled Eric further up on the bed.

Bart moved down so he could return the favor and suck Eric's leaking cock.

"The breakfast of champions?" Eric asked.

"A breakfast sausage," Bart said pulling his mouth of the cock in front of him and then going down to put Eric's balls in his mouth, "and two hard boiled quail eggs."

Bart went back to sucking Eric with renewed vigor. Before long Eric tried to push Bart away as Bart had done to him but Bart grabbed Eric's ass and pulled him tight. He wasn't going to stop until his mouth was full of Eric's salty warm cum. Eric bucked his hips and pulled Bart's hair as his first orgasm of the day exploded down Bart's throat, all of it being readily swallowed.

"Okay, now it's my turn," Eric said after he had caught his breath.

"I would rather wait if it is alright with you."

"Wait for what?"

"I want to stay as horny as possible for as long as I can. Once I can not stand waiting any longer then you can have me."

"As long as we don't wait too long. We only have two days together."

"Two wonderful glorious days of naked frolic and numerous orgasms. Holidays are splendid, are they not?"

The boys went downstairs and had some breakfast, heating up some food the housekeeper had prepared before she left for the weekend.

"What would you like to see next?" Bart asked.

Eric looked at his naked friend sitting at the table.

"I'm looking at what I enjoy the most."

"Would you like to go to the solarium and let our breakfast settle?"

"That's an excellent idea."

The boys went to the solarium and sat down side by side, Bart laying his head on Eric's shoulder and held his hand. They sat in silence and looked out at the garden.

Eric was so at ease and feeling so comfortable sitting with Bart. He was seriously wondering if his heterosexuality was in danger of slowly slipping away. A straight guy shouldn't be feeling his way, alone in a big house with his best friend, naked and enjoying the sexual things they were doing. And planning to do. On the one hand, he still didn't consider himself gay but this has crossed a line he never thought he would. But whatever it was or wasn't, Eric didn't want it to end. Not now and not in the foreseeable future.

"A penny for your thoughts?" Bart said.

"They're not worth that much. Just random thoughts, daydreaming as it were."

"When I daydream, I am usually dreaming about being with you."

"Well, this is no dream. This is real."

Bart turned his head and gave Eric a kiss, then told him,

"Yes is it. A life I could only have in my dreams until you came into my life. You have made me so happy. I am a changed person thanks to you."

"I am too." Eric replied thinking about how he had changed.

Eric's relaxed mood slowly dissipated. He would like this moment to last forever but he was well aware that time marches on and this special time together would end Sunday. They would still have their time together a couple of afternoons during the week, but nothing can compare to the freedom they are enjoying right now to be themselves with no condemnation from their families or their friends.

Bart noticed Eric's change of mood as his body tensed up.

"You are getting tense. May I give you a body rub to loosen up your muscles?" Bart offered.

"That would be nice. Thank you."

Bart had Eric lay face down on the couch they had been sitting on. Bart went over to a cabinet and retrieved a bottle of massage oil, returning to sit on the edge of the couch. He squeezed a little on his hands, rubbing it in.

"You keep that handy?" Eric asked.

"It comes in handy when I am home alone," Bart explained, making the universal sign of jerking off.

Eric laughed and got ready for Bart's touch. Bart put his hand on Eric's shoulders and began to massage him. Bart's slippery fingers sent a shiver through Eric, causing him to move his arm back so he could touch Bart with his hand. The tension was melting away as Bart continued to work his magic.

Eric felt Bart's hands leave his body a few times as he added more lube to his hands. Bart had worked his way down to the bottom of his legs then put more lube on his hands. He moved his hands in between Eric's legs and rubbed the lube on his thighs and his ass crack.

"What are you doing?" Eric asked, nervous about what was coming next.

"Put your legs together as tight as you can."

"Bart, I'm not sure I'm ready for this, not yet."

"It is not what you think. I think you will enjoy this as much as I am going to."

Eric pulled his legs together as tight as he could. Bart lay on top of Eric and slid his lubed cock between Eric's legs.

"Do not worry, Eric, this is all I am going to do."

Bart began to pump his cock between Eric's legs, sliding up and down his ass crack but not aiming for his pucker. Bart was right. Feeling the stiff cock fucking his legs felt great. Bart had held off cumming so long that he was shooting his load in a few minutes.

"Someday we will be ready for penetration but this will do until then. Would you like to try?"

Eric sat up and changed positions with Bart. He used the residual cum on his legs to lube up Bart and proceeded to fake fuck him the way Bart had done. It took him a little longer to shoot his load but it was worth it. Lying on top of Bart gave him the maximum contact and closeness. He lay still when he was finished and relished the moment.

"You're right, it is a great substitute until we're ready for the real thing."

For the rest of the day, all day Saturday and Sunday morning the boys enjoyed as much sex as they could in as many different variations. Eric's father picked him up Sunday morning and the weekend of sex and frivolity had come to an end. Before he left, Eric thanked Bart for inviting him to stay with him.

"It is I who must thank you. The past three days have been better than all the days I have lived so far put together."

Eric was afraid Bart was going to get emotional and say the "L" word. He was beginning to care deeply for Bart but he knew he wasn't ready for that declaration yet, by Bart or himself.

"See you on school Monday," Eric said as Bart took him in his arms and hugged him, then planted a prolonged kiss on him.

That night Eric climbed into bed and turned his head to the side.

"Good night my friend," Eric said quietly even though he was alone in his bed.

At school on Monday, Bart seemed unusually quiet and aloof.

"Is something bothering you?" Eric asked him.

"No, not anything to worry about."

Eric immediately assumed the worst. Had Bart's parents found out that he had spent Thanksgiving Day with him or that he spent the rest of the weekend at Bart's house? This was such a let down after the weekend they had shared.

Tuesday was more of the same. Bart was not really avoiding Eric but just not his chatty self. When he came over to Eric's house that afternoon his face was expressionless.

"Okay, something is bugging you. Out with it," Eric demanded.

"After last weekend I find it difficult to see you in school and restrain myself from grabbing you, stripping your clothes off and having my way with you."

"As much as I would enjoy that, thanks for your self control," Eric laughed. "I thought you were have regrets about last weekend."

"Just the opposite. I want more. But I am concerned that I might show too much affection towards you in school and have rumors get started about us. I do not care for myself, but I believe you would rather we remain as discreet as possible."

"I never really thought about that but you're right. We have to be careful in public and save our passion for the privacy of my room, or yours when we can."

The next two weeks flew by. The Christmas spirit was in the air and everyone was excited. The boys got together at Eric's house Tuesdays and Thursdays to study their homework and then study each other, up close and personal. Christmas was eight days away when Bart came over on Thursday.

"What are you're plans for Christmas? Are you parents going away again?" Eric asked hoping they might have a whole week of fun at Bart's house.

"No, we always have a traditional holiday at home. We exchange thoughtless expensive gifts then eat a large dinner before we all go to our own areas of the house for the rest of the day."

"Damn, that sounds lousy. Would you be able to get away and come here for a while?"

"No, sadly, no one leaves the house."

Bart was depressed thinking about Christmas with his parents but as soon as he and Eric got naked, his mood improved markedly.

Bart wasn't in school on Friday. Eric missed him but wasn't overly concerned. He hadn't heard of anything happening to him so he assumed he was just not feeling well. When Eric left school at the end of the day, he saw Bart's limo parked at the curb. He walked up to it and the back door opened.

"Get in," Bart commanded from the back seat.

Eric got in and sat in the jump seat opposite Bart. Bart eyes were all bloodshot, his face wet with tears.

"What the hell happened?" Eric asked.

Bart started to sob, his body shaking.

"What is it, Bart? You're scaring me."

"My parents told me this morning that they met with some colleges at the reunion and are going to Europe to collaborate on a business deal with them."

"That doesn't sound so bad."

"You do not understand. I have to go with them!"

"A trip to Europe sounds like fun."

"Eric, we're going to be gone at least six months, maybe longer! I will not see you again until summer, if even then. When we return I will be shipped off to that horrible prison they call boarding school."

"Fuck! When do you leave?"

"Tomorrow morning. We have a 6:00 AM flight. I do not think I can handle being away from you for that long."

Eric and Bart hugged and cried together, realizing this might be the last time they could hold each other in their arms. They friendship might have come to a crashing end.

"Before I leave, I have to tell you something very important. You do not have to respond so I will understand if you do not.'

"What ever it is, I want to hear it."

"Eric Brown, I love you. I always have and I always will. Even if we are never together again."

There it was, right out in the open. The 'L' word. It shouldn't have but it took Eric by surprise. Before he had a chance to think, he blurted out,

"I love you too, Bartholomew Lancaster Worthington."

The drive cleared his throat signaling it was time to go. The boys enjoyed one last kiss before Eric got out of the limo and watched as it drove away. He waved to the limo, wondering if he would ever see Bart again

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