Maybe You're Not Better After All

by Jonathan Perkins

Chapter 4

Bart is worried that he went too far with Eric and it may have dampened their friendship. It did have an effect on them but not the way Bart had feared.

This is a fictional tale of sexual relationship between two teenage boys. The characters are made up and are not based on any person, living or dead. You must be eighteen to read this story. If it is against the law where you are to read stories like this you are kindly requested to leave and not read this story. It is only a fictional story for your reading pleasure.

I look forward to your comments. I appreciate you feedback, good or bad. Send to and let me know what you're thinking.

Copyright 2024 All Rights Reserved

Bart woke up the next morning and lay in bed thinking. He was the one with 'buyer's remorse' concerning what he had done with Eric yesterday. Eric said he was okay with Bart giving him a handjob but now Bart wasn't so sure. Bart had enjoyed doing it and Eric hadn't stopped him but he was afraid it was going to change their relationship, even though Eric said it wouldn't. He didn't want to dwell on it any longer so he got up and got ready for school.

Bart still wasn't attending school but would have his driver take him to school thirty minutes after classes had started. Bart would use the front entrance to go directly to the office and get Eric's make up work then leave before any of the students saw him. Mr Phillips had given Bart some time off to get over the whole kidnapping saga. Bart scurried back to the limo and had the driver take him back home. His Father insisted he see a counselor to get over the trauma so Bart went once to please his Father but never returned. After school was over for the day, Bart would have the driver take him to Eric's house.

Bart knew that no one would be home so he just walked in the house as he had done in the previous days. He went up the stairs just as Eric was walking out of the bathroom, totally naked.

"Oh, hey Bart."

"Er, hello Eric," Bart replied being caught off guard by Eric being out of bed on his own. "I see you are feeling better."

"For sure. You have done wonders for my mobility. I don't think I'll need any more physical therapy sessions with you."

There it was. Eric was upset about yesterday and now didn't want Bart to massage him for fear of Bart jerking him off again.

"Remember last time you stopped? You got stiff and could not get to the bathroom by yourself. You do not want to sacrifice the progress we have made, do you?"

"Let's get started on my homework then we will have time for a video game," Eric suggested, going to his closet and getting out a robe.

Bart was disappointed he wouldn't be able to have his hands on Eric's body again but he didn't dare push the issue. He was equally disappointed that Eric covered his nakedness so he set about to help Eric with his homework. Eric noticed that Bart was unusually quiet.

"Is something the matter? You're awful quiet today."

"I am just concentrating on this school work to make sure we get it right."

"You're not mad because I don't want another massage, are you?"

"Certainly not. You know your body better than I do and I am sure if you stiffen up that you will ask for my assistance again."

"I'll try not to get stiff again while you're here," Eric laughed, grabbing his crotch.

"That is not what I meant," Bart said defensively.

"Relax, I'm just kidding around. But I think something is bothering you."

Bart shook his head no and looked back at the homework papers.

"I'm curious none of my friends from school have called or stopped by to visit to see how I'm doing. Have any of them said anything to you when you pick up my homework?"

Bart took a deep breath and let out with a sigh as he exhaled.

"Eric, I am a horrible person. I have deceived you."

"You mean this is your homework we're doing and not mine?" Eric laughed.

"Please stop. This is serious."

"Okay. Tell me what this big deception is all about."

"The first day I went to school to pick up your make up work, everyone was stopping me and asking me how you were doing. They asked if you were able to have visitors. I was afraid of all the attention they would be giving you and you would no longer need me to be your friend."

Bart's eyes started to water as he bared his soul to Eric.

"I am so sorry. Tomorrow I will tell everyone at school that you are recovering just fine and would enjoy their company. As much as I want you, as a friend of course, I will go back to being the snotty rich kid that no one likes, including you."

"Wait a fucking minute! Do you really believe that I would dump you as a friend? After all we've been through together?"

"You mean all I have put you through. It is my fault you are here like this," pointing to his leg.

"Screw the gunshots. I mean everything we've meant to each other, you pouring your heart out to me about how you feel. Forgiving me for all the shit pranks I played on you? Even what you did for me yesterday. That doesn't just go away because my other friends would come visit. Nothing, I repeat, nothing will change all of that. That is what made us friends, true friends."

Bart looked at Eric and smiled.

"You have no idea how much it meant to me for you to listen to my problems and not pass them off as just a spoiled rich boy complaining about trivia feelings."

Eric pointed to a small sign on his desk.

"Read that sign and then tell me I'm not your friend."

The sign read . . .

'A friend is someone who understands your past, believes in your future and accepts you just the way you are'

When Bart finished reading it, he broke down crying. Eric leaned over and gave him a strong hug.

"For better or worse, we're friends from now on and nothing is going to end it," Eric reassured Bart.

"You have no idea how much I need you, how much I needed to hear that," Bart got out between sobs.

"We need each other, Bart."

" I have to tell you how important you are to me. When I was tied up in the boathouse, I was going crazy worrying about you, whether you were alive or dead. I was tied up and all alone in that dark smelly place. They were keeping me from you. Then it dawned on me. They were doing the exact same thing may Father was doing to me, keeping me locked up inside myself, unable to be free of the family name and traditions, unable to make friends with anyone. You were taken away from me, just like my

Father had done with his lawyer's letter. That is when I got mad, madder than I have ever been in my whole life. I worked feverishly until I had set myself free. It was exhilarating! When Bobby came in the door I grabbed an oar and smashed him on the head, symbolically smashing my Father's head, to be able to escape. I ran aimlessly until I came across the old man in the cabin. His kindness saved me, just as you had done that day in the hospital. That was on my mind as the sheriff drove me back to you. That night I got in touch with the lawyer to make sure no one would be keeping us apart again. I hope that doesn't sound stupid."

"Damn, Bart, that is so revealing that you can make that comparison."

"My psychiatrist said the same thing."

"You saw a shrink?"

"Yes, my Father made me go the day after I was released from the hospital to quell any trauma from the incident. The psychiatrist almost choked on his pen when I laid out the similarities between my Father and the kidnappers. He did end up agreeing with me, though."

"Guess your Father called that one wrong," Eric laughed. "So no lingering effects?"

"Actually, he said if I been able to deal with my Father for so long without having a breakdown, I would be fine dealing with the kidnapping as long as I still had your friendship. I whole heartily agreed."

"While we're talking about your Father, do you mind if I ask you a personal question?"

"You already know more about me than my Mother or Father so nothing you could ask would be out of line."

"One of the nurses told me when your Father showed up at the hospital he didn't even ask if you were injured or anything? He just wanted you to leave with him?"

"That did not bother me much. I am used to his carelessness in the way he treats me. What really got me upset was not asking about your condition. That is why I made up my mind to stay and not leave with him. Heartless bastard!"

"You had a concussion, you couldn't leave," Eric pointed out.

Bart started to weave in his chair.

"Are you okay?" Eric nervously asked.

"I am fine, just a little dizzy."

Then Bart let out a large sigh and fell to the floor. Eric jumped up and ran over to him.

"Shit! What's the matter Bart? Should I call a doctor?"

Bart started to laugh.

"No, just call my agent and tell him I just did another magnificent performance," he said as he bolted up off the floor.

"You bastard! You had me scared silly!"

"See, you care about me so you got scared. I did the same thing in the hospital that night and my Father just looked at me, gave the nurse his business card and told her to call him when I was able to leave, then left to go back to his meeting."

"The prick! No wonder you were thinking about him when you smashed Bobby with the oar. You should have brought that oar home with you," Eric laughed.

"I think I cracked it so I need to find something else, sturdier," Bart laughed.

When he got back in his chair, Bart had gone quiet again. Eric was tearing up. Eric felt such emotion for Bart, he hugged him tight, leaned in and kissed him on the lips. Bart was so shocked that he stopped breathing for a moment. Eric realized what he had done and pulled back.

"I'm sorry, Bart, I don't why I did that, it just happened. Forgive me?'

"I am not sorry and I will not forgive you. I will however, cherish that kiss for the rest of my life."

"I don't want you to get the wrong idea, but . . ."

Bart put his finger to Eric lips to stop him from talking.

"It was just a spontaneous reaction to our openness with each other, sharing our intimate feelings and emotions, that is all. Now let us get back to your homework before you do something really stupid," Bart grinned.

Eric had mixed emotions about the kiss but didn't want to dwell on it. Yesterday's handjob and today a kiss had Eric confused and embarrassed that he had these feelings. He was feeling something more than just friendship and it scared him a little.

They finished the homework and were going to play some video games when Eric said he had to go take a piss. He stood up then steadied himself against his desk.

"I guess sitting for so long is different that lying in bed. My leg has got stiff again."

"Hey, there is only one actor in this room and it is not you. I am not going to fall for it, faker"

"I'm not faking but I'll be okay. I just have to walk it off."

Eric steadied himself on the desk and then limped towards the door, putting his hands on anything he passed on the way. When he got to the door, he hesitated, then lurched towards the other side of the hallway, heading towards the bathroom. Bart had quietly gotten out of his chair and peeked out to see if Eric was walking normally once he was out of Bart's sight. Seeing him still struggling, Bart hustled to catch up with him.

"You really are hurting. Let me help you."

Bart helped him to the toilet and held him as his opened his robe and aimed his cock.

"You know we have to stop meeting here," Bart spoke up.

"What do you mean?"

"I have heard this is where all the dicks hang out."

Eric got the joke and started to laugh so hard he was missing the bowl. Bart reached out and steadied Eric hand, correcting the stream of piss. Eric took his eyes off what he was doing and looked at Bart. Then he removed his hand from his cock and let Bart hold it by himself. Of course that brought the blood flowing to his cock as well as his urine. Eric finished so Bart shook it twice.

"You can shake more than twice if you want," Eric said with a grin.

"I have to pee now, I will see you back in the room," Bart said as he let go of Eric.

Eric turned and walked towards the bathroom door, no limpness in his walk or in his cock, not reaching out for balance. Eric saw this and ran after him, reaching his hands out to tickle Eric's side.

"I knew you were faking! And not doing a very good job of it. Way overacting," Bart commented as he continued to tickle Eric. Eric broke free and ran to his room and jumped on his bed, rolling on his back with his boner sticking straight up in the air. He looked done at his crotch,

"The leg stiffness was an act but I think this stiffness is for real."

Bart looked at Eric's cock with desire in his eyes and in his heart. Eric was presenting himself but did Bart dare to follow through? Bart stood at the doorway and didn't move towards Eric. Eric took that as a sign that Bart was not going to help him out today. Eric was a little embarrassed that he had been so brazen as to expect Bart to stroke him off again. Now he was the one wondering if he had screwed up their friendship.

"I understand," Eric said softly as he sat up in the bed and swung hi legs over the side.

"No, I do not think you do," Bart said as he slowly moved closer.

Bart pushed Eric back and kneeled beside the bed. Eric smiled, thinking Bart was receptive to giving him another handjob. Bart took Eric's cock in his hand and stroked it a few times. Then surprising himself and Eric, he leaned over and took it in his mouth. Once again Bart felt it was a chance to do something he would ordinarily be too nervous to do. It seemed to have worked with the handjob yesterday so he took another plunge.

"Whoa, what the hell? That's not what I was looking for," Eric protested.

"Give me 30 seconds and if you don't like what I am doing, just tell me to stop."

Bart put his head back down and took Eric in his mouth again. Eric lay motionless, not saying or doing anything to indicate if he was enjoying himself or if this had gone too far. The 30 seconds passed and Bart pulled off again and looked at Eric, his eyes closed and still no expression on his face.

"So, should I continue?"

Eric didn't answer verbally for fear he might say something out of line so he just wiggled his hips, his cock swinging side to side while whining like a baby. Eric was confused mentally but physically, wanted more of it. Bart got the message and knew he was okay to continue.

Once again Bart lowered his head and took Eric's cock in his mouth. The sweet taste of his precum coated his tongue as the cock slid deeper in Bart's mouth. He used his tongue to caress the tip, then the underneath of the head. He took it too deep and gagged a little, backing off to a more manageable spot. He began to bob up and down, swirling his tongue for extra effect. He took one of his hands and took a hold of Eric's balls, fondling them as he sucked. Eric let out a moan and placed his hands on either side of Bart's head, not to force him down on his cock but just to hold him, to touch him and increase the intensity of what they were doing. Bart used his other hand to rub one finger underneath Eric's ball sack, pushing towards his ass crack. Eric rolled to his side part way and lifted his hips, giving Bart room to get his finger further up Eric's ass crack, putting some pressure on his pucker.

Eric's head was a mess. Just a few minutes ago his lips touched Bart's in a quick spontaneous kiss and now those same lips were wrapped around his manhood giving him more pleasure than he had ever experienced in his young life. Yet he knew how vulnerable Bart was emotionally and so desperate for a friend. Was he taking advantage of Bart? He had after all, sucked Pete's cock so maybe he wasn't as straight as he pretended. With Pete, however, it was more of a dare and not something he might have done otherwise. His head hated what they were doing but his body was reveling in the sensation.

Bart was doing whatever he thought he should do to give Eric the most pleasure he could. He had sucked Pete's cock and Pete seemed to enjoy getting a blowjob from another guy, even though he was straight, so this shouldn't be a big deal for Eric. Maybe the finger on his anus was too much, but Eric moved to give Bart better access so maybe that was okay as well. Bart didn't want to dwell on analyzing things so much that it took his mind off the business at hand. He got back to sucking Eric.

With both the boys minds just thinking about their physical reactions, it wasn't too much longer before Eric exploded in a bed shaking orgasm. Bart felt the cock in his mouth stiffen just before letting loose with volley after volley of thick cum into Bart's mouth. Bart could feel the surges coming along the bottom of Eric's shaft, filling Bart's mouth to excess, then spilling out the sides of his lips. Eric had squeezed Bart's head as his orgasm reached its peak, then let go as he slumped on the bed, drained and sated. Bart leaned back on his heels and wiped the cum off his chin, looking around for somewhere to wipe it. He stood up and went and got some tissues from the desk, then walked back to Eric's bad.

"Damn, where the hell did that come from?" Eric asked as he tried to catch his breath.

Bart couldn't judge Eric's reaction so he tried to make light of it.

"Just a continuation of your original bet."

"My bet?"

"Yes, you bet me you could give a better blow job than I could and Pete was to judge. So I had to find out who had the better cock for sucking, you or Pete," Bart laughed.

Eric just looked at Bart with a deadpan look on his face.

"You're one crazy son of a bitch, you know that?" Eric said. "Sometimes I just can't figure you out."

"I guess maybe I did go too far. It was just a spur of the moment thing, like your kiss," Bart reminded Eric.

Eric looked at Bart and started to speak, then stopped.

"If you have something on your mind, please tell me what it is." Bart told Eric.

Eric opened his mouth and closed it again. Then looked down at the floor.

"I really enjoyed what you did, both times, but I'm not sure I could do the same to you. It doesn't feel right that I get taken care of and you are left hanging."

"I did not do it so that you would do the same to me. I did it because I care deeply for you as a friend and I thought you would enjoy it."

"I sure as hell enjoyed it, it was the most incredible thing I've ever experienced."

"Then I am pleased.

"But it's still not right. As friends it should work both ways."

"You mean if I do something to you then you have to do it to me?"

"That's part of being friends, Bart."

"Then Eric, I am afraid I can no longer be your friend."

"What, why?"

"I was the cause of you getting shot and I would rather not get shot myself to even the score," Bart said with a straight face.

"No, that's not what . . ."

Bart broke out laughing and pointed a finger at Eric.

"I got you, I really got you," Bart continued to laugh.

"You fucking dick head! Since when did you develop a sense of humor," Eric joined him in laughing.

"I have had it all along. I just never had a chance to use it."

Eric jumped off the bed and grabbed Bart, putting him in a headlock and tussling his hair.

"I'm going to have to be on guard from now on now that I know I have a joker on my hands," Eric warned him.

"Put your robe on and let's go downstairs. Your mother will be home soon."

Bart headed out the door and down the hallway as Eric put on his robe. Eric followed Bart and took a good look at his ass as he walked in front of him. He had never noticed that Bart had a nice tight bubble butt. Not that it was the kind of thing Eric was in the habit of looking for on a guy. He began to wonder if it would really be that awful to stroke Bart's cock. He surely wouldn't be willing to suck his cock, but a handjob might even the scales between them a little.

Eric's mother came home and invited Bart to stay for supper but he declined and said his Father wanted him home early today. Eric came downstairs to say goodbye to Bart, but spoke to his mother first.

"Mom, can some of the guys from school stop over tomorrow and visit?"

"I wondered why none of them had shown up to check on you?"

"I had Bart tell them I wanted a couple of days to get back on my feet before them came over. Thanks to Bart helping me with my exercises I'm able to get around on my own now."

"So I see. Bart, you have been such a big help for Eric and I. He certainly got lucky when the two of you became friends."

"We both did, Mrs. Brown."

"Eric, you just make sure things don't get out of control with your visitors when I'm not here," his mother admonished him.

"Do not worry, Mrs. Brown, I will keep the unruly masses under control," Bart giggled.

"I'm sure you will," she replied.

Eric walked Bart to the front door.

"Let everyone at school know that visiting hours begin tomorrow."

"I will. Thank you for understanding," Bart said with humility.

"That's what friends do," Eric said.

"Among other things," Bart smirked.

Eric extended his hand to Bart. He looked at Eric's extended hand then looked up at Eric's face.

"What, a handshake instead of a kiss?" then laughed out load.

"Only one per day and we've met that quota," Eric laughed back.

As the front door closed, Bart stopped on the front steps and Eric stopped behind the closed door, both boys trying to judge those comments. Were they joking around to ease the awkwardness of what had happened in Eric's room or was there more too it?

Eric's father got home and they all sat down t eat dinner. They had just finished when there was a knock on the door. Eric's father answered the door and was shocked to see Bart and his father.

"Good evening, sir, I would like to talk with your son, if I may" Bart's Father said.

"Eric, someone is here to see you," his father hollered.

Eric assumed it was one of his friends and came into the living room with a big smile on his face. It quickly faded when he saw Bart and whom he assumed was his Father.

"Hi Eric," Bart said with a worried look on his face as he stood behind his Father.

"Hey Bart."

Bart's Father reached out and handed Eric an envelope.

"This is for you," he said.

Eric opened the envelope and found it filled with hundred dollar bills.

"What the hell is this?" Eric was confused.

"That is $20,000, the reward money I offered for the safe return of my son. The sheriff told me you were instrumental with information that led to his release." Looking around the their house, he muttered under his breath, "God knows you can use this."

Eric was furious. This was blood money as far as he was concerned.

"Is that what your son is worth to you, $20,000?" Eric growled.

"Are you trying to hold out of more?"

"Hell no, I don't even want this blood money. That night at the hospital you weren't even worried about your son's condition. You weren't relieved to see him alive. You were more concerned about being inconvenienced by having to leave your damn meeting. I'm surprised you didn't send a ride share car to pick him up."

"A Worthington will not ride in a ride share vehicle."

"I didn't try to save Bart for a reward, I saved my best friend. I care for him more than you ever will. That's what friends do for friends," Eric stammered he was so mad. "Take you damn money!"

Eric threw the envelope back to Bart's father then looked at Bart. Bart was smiling, his eyes turning red.

"Plebeians!" Bart's Father shouted, "Come Bartholomew, let us get out of here and leave these people to the themselves."

"But Father, " Bart started to say something.

"QUIET! Get in the car now!" his Father shouted as he pushed Bart out of the house and towards the waiting limo.

Bart looked over his shoulder and mouthed, "I will see you tomorrow."

Eric slammed the door and turned to face his father.

"I'm sorry, dad. He got me so angry at his careless attitude towards Bart. He probably was right, though, that money would have come in handy."

"No, you were right, Eric. Standing up for yourself and not sacrificing your principles was not worth $20,000. Maybe if he offered $21,000 you should have caved in," his father joked.

Eric saw the smile and laughed with his parents.

"I love you two. The better I get to know Bart and understand what he goes though at home, the more I appreciate what I have. I'm so freaking lucky"

"Just remember that the next time I nag you to clean your room," his mother chipped in. "Speaking of which, you really stink. It's time you took a shower. Your wounds have healed enough by now to be gotten wet. Just don't scrub them too hard."

"Okay, mom. I'm too cranked up to do it tonight so I'll wash up tomorrow."

"I'm not sure I like the idea of you taking a shower when no one is home."

"Bart will be coming over tomorrow so I'll have someone here."

That satisfied his mother. Eric went up stairs to play a video game before going to bed. He was about to turn in when the phone rang. It was Bart.

"Hi Eric. I want to apologize to you for the way my Father behaved tonight."

"Don't worry about it. I hope I didn't get you in trouble."

"He was pissed that you didn't take the money, but too embarrassed that you called him out so he just cut and ran. Typical behavior for him. My Father left the envelope on the seat of the car when we got home so if you want to reconsider he reward, I have it in my sock draw. Just say the word."

"I meant what I said I hope you know. You're my best friend and I'd take a bullet for you any time. I wouldn't like it, but I would," Eric giggled. "I have a favor to ask of you."

"Anything, just name it."

"My mother told me I stink and she wants me to take a shower before my friends come over tomorrow. She doesn't want me here alone so could you get here before everyone else in case I fall in the shower?"

"Of course. I'll skip out after lunch period and come right over."

"You don't have to skip classes, just come straight here after school."

"And loose the opportunity to skip classes for a good cause? I'll see you right after lunch."

Eric hung up and got ready for bed. His mind started wandering, thinking about taking a shower with Bart in the house or in his bedroom waiting for him. Or maybe even in the bathroom to make sure Eric didn't fall. Or in the shower with him? He shook his head to clear those thoughts and turned off his lights.

Bart hung up the phone and went to his room. He was getting undressed for bed and was fantasizing about helping Eric in the shower, getting his hands all soapy and washing Eric's firm body, running his hands from top to bottom and everywhere in between. He was sure that was not what Eric had in mind but it gave Bart some great images in his head that he used to stroke off his stiff cock before he fell asleep.

Bart made sure he arrived at school early the next morning to seek out some of Eric's friends that had asked about visiting him. He let them know that Eric was up for having company and they could stop over this afternoon if they wanted. Some said they would and some said they would stop by in a day or two. Bart finished his morning classes, then left to go to Eric's house.

Bart walked in to find Eric sitting on the couch in his robe watching television.

"Hi Bart. Did you tell everyone to come over today?"

"I told the ones who had asked me earlier and some will be coming over this afternoon."

"Great. Do you want something to eat before we go upstairs?"

"No, I am fine."

Bart went to the couch and gave Eric his hand to help him up.

"Damn, your mother was right. You do stink," he laughed.

Eric glared at Bart with mock indignation then led the way upstairs. He went into his room and dropped his robe on the bed. Bart tried to not stare at the naked body in front of him but he managed to make enough quick glances to arouse his manhood.

"My mother left a pair of surgical scissors on my desk to cut off my bandages. I don't want to inflict any more injuries so will you do the honors?"

Bart went and got the scissors and came back to Eric. He had touched his body extensively when he was giving him a massage, but this was different. If he made a wrong move, he might open the wounds. He gingerly put his hand on the bandage to see if he could lift it enough to get the tip of the scissors underneath it. Eric winced when the adhesive pulled his skin.

"I am sorry. I am new at this."

"I'll be fine, just cut it and pull it off."

Bart tried again and was successful in cutting through the gauze. He gently pulled it away from the wound area and then quickly yanked it the rest of the way. Eric yelled out in pain.

"Thanks. It really hurt but it will feel better shortly."

Of all the strange thought that entered Bart's head, he thought back to when Pete butt fucked him. He had said the same thing to Bart.

Both bandages were removed and they both looked at the wounds. They were healing nicely with no sign of bleeding or infection.

"They look good so I think it will be okay to get them wet," Eric noted.

"They do not look good, they look horrible. Your perfect body has been scarred for life."

"Good scars though. No matter where we end up in life, they will always remind me of you. Just be careful washing around them," Eric told him.

"Yes, you should be careful."

"Let's go and wash me up."

Bart wasn't sure but he felt Eric was talking about him doing the washing, not Eric. It was probably just wishful thinking by Bart.

Eric turned on the shower and set the temperature, stepped in and looked back at Bart.

"You're going to get your clothes wet if you don't get undressed," Eric smiled.

"I thought I was just here to make sure you did not fall?"

"That too. But you can't do that from out there. As long as you in here you might as well do something useful."

Bart was delighted at the prospect of being in the shower with Eric but also nervous. He knew he'd have a raging hardon, even more so than he already had. He slowly got undressed and briefly considered leaving his underwear on but didn't want to appear weird. After all, Eric had invited him to get undressed and get in with him. Bart removed his underwear and let his boner jump free. Eric had his back to him and was washing his hair as Eric got in the shower and pulled the curtain closed.

"By the way, I have to warn you," Eric began, "We have very special water in this house."

"Oh, really?"

"Yes," Eric said as he turned to face Bart. "It will give you a boner the minute you get under the spray."

Looking down at Bart's erect cock, Eric commented,

"Oh, I see you have found that out by yourself," laughing.

Bart was embarrassed but smiled. Eric handed him the soap, turned around and told him to start washing. He was trying his best to keep this as clinical as possible, just helping a friend to clean himself after several days of bed rest. But his hands moving over Eric's shoulder and down his back were raising his level of desire, wanting to pull their bodies together, his hard cock pressed against Eric's soapy ass crack. He was using all his will power to fight his primal urges. He got down to Eric's ass and moved his hands to the sides to wash his hips, trying to discreetly pass his ass. When he moved down the side of Eric's legs, Eric spoke up.

"You missed my ass. I know it's a lot to ask, but can you make sure it's clean."

"Um, . . . okay," Bart said, clearing his throat.

"Go ahead, just do what you have to back there."

Bart froze for a minute. 'do what you have to'? Exactly did he mean by that? Was that a subtle invitation to fuck him? Hell no, that would be asking too much of the sex gods. He meant just wash it and move on.

Bart soaped up his hands again and started to wash the butt cheeks so prominently displayed in front of him. The washing soon became more of a massage than a scrubbing. One finger slipped down Eric's ass crack, moving up and down, pretending to be getting is squeaky clean. He passed over Eric hole and applied a little pressure each time. Eric would let out a quiet moan and steady himself against the front of the shower as he arched his body back towards Bart.

"Oh yeah, nice and clean. I don't want any butt stench when the guys come over."

Bart made a few more passes then moved down Eric's good legs, not wanting to spend any than time than necessary. He scrubbed the good legs and then told Eric to turn around so he could wash the wounded leg and not get too close to the bullet wound. Eric stood up straight and turned to face Bart. Bart was looking directly ahead at the wound then looked up to see Eric's stiff cock staring him right in the face. Eric soaped up his hands and started to scrub the good leg again.

"You already did that one. It's the other one that needs washing," Eric laughed, knowing that Bart had been distracted by the boner in front of him.

"Yes, of course. I just wanted to make sure I had not missed a spot." Bart tried to cover his mistake.

He washed the other leg, being cautious near the wound. He went above it and washed right up to the top of the legs, then stopped.

"You might as well keep washing all the way up," Eric suggested.

He knew Eric was more than capable of washing the front of his body, this was not an opportunity he was willing to pass up. He stuck his hand in between Eric's legs, washing his groin then taking his ball sac in one hand and stretching it out. He washed back and forth, releasing his grasp and massaging his balls between his fingers. Eric's cock was twitching up and down at Bart's touch. Bart soaped his hands up some more and grabbed his stiff cock. He swirled his hand around it, tightening and loosening his grip. Eric was moaning out load now, causing Bart to hold it tighter and move faster.

"Okay, that's clean enough," Eric said with a sigh, pushing Bart's hand away.

Bart was disappointed but he knew he had taken advantage of the situation.

"Yes, I am sure that it is. I think you can finish by yourself now," Eric said as he stood up in front of Eric.

"I do have something I want to finish," Eric said as he reached out and took grabbed Bart's erection.

Bart's heart almost stopped then it started to race. Feeling someone's hand on his cock for the first time in his life was beyond anything he could have imagined.

"What are you doing?" he asked, as if he didn't know.

"I'm repaying a favor. It's your turn now," Eric grinned as he stroked Bart, slowly then increasing his speed.

Bart reached out and put on hand on Eric's shoulder to steady him, then moved closed and nestled his head against Eric's neck.

"Oh my god, this feel so wonderful."

"Shh, don't talk. I know exactly how wonderful it felt when you did it to me."

All of Bart's senses were now concentrated on what was happening with his cock. Bart wanted to put his other hand on Eric's body but that would be the side where his other bullet wound was located so he reached down and put his hand on Eric's cock.

"Hey, this is about you, not me," Eric protested.

"Can it not be about both of us?"

Eric just purred and kept stroking. It wasn't long before they both shot their loads, shooting all over each other. They hugged before separating to let the shower rinse the cum off their stomachs.

"Let's finish up. We have company coming soon." Bart advised Eric.

"Good idea. I, . . . um, . . . well, that is . . . "

"No need to say anything."

"Good, because I don't know what I really want to say."

The boys dried off and got dressed. In a strange display of modesty after what they had just shared, Bart got dressed in the bathroom and Eric went to his room and put his robe on. Bart came into the bedroom and looked at Eric.

"Are you going to put on new bandages?" Eric asked.

"Not yet. I thought I'd leave them open in case anyone wanted to see my wounds."

"I hope you put on some underwear. I am sure they will want to see your wounds. If you open your robe to show your leg wound, they will see more than just a hole in your leg," Bart chuckled.

They went downstairs and sat on the couch waiting for Eric's friends to show up. The car pool mother for the day was going to swing by with all the boys who normally rode to school with Eric.

"I am not sure if I should stay when your friends show up." Bart broke the silence.

"Why not?"

"You and I are friends now but I don not think your friends would be so accepting of me. I have been an ass to everyone at school."

"Screw them. You're my friend, my best friend, and if they don't like it they can go right back out the door they just came in. Besides, you told my mother you would be here to keep everything under control. So you have to stay to fulfill your obligation."

"You always find the loop holes, do you not? But I am telling you right now, if they come in with a tar pot and a bag of feathers, I am gone." Bart snickered.


There was a knock on the door and Bart got up to answer it. He opened the door to see the boys from the carpool, the mother standing behind them.

"Hey, Bartholomew, we've come to see Eric," the boy in the front announced.

"Please, it is Bart. Here is on the couch, Come on in."

The boys smiled and passed through the door, each saying 'hi' to Bart, a few giving him a high five. His worrying was all for naught.

"Eric! Man are we glad to see you all in one piece."

"All in one piece, just a few holes, that's all," Eric smiled.

"Can we see them?" another boy asked.

Bart smiled knowingly. He was about to close the door when a few more boys showed up. He invited them in and received a warm greeting from them as well. Eric opened his robe and showed them the wound on his leg and on his torso.

"Damn, that must have hurt like hell."

"No big deal. If Sylvester Stallone and Clint Eastwood can take a bullet and keep on going, I can too," Eric laughed.

"Listen to Mr Macho here," the rest of the boys joined in the laughter.

"My dad know the sheriff and he says if Bart hadn't kicked the guy's arm, he probably would have killed you with the first shot instead of just wounding you. The same with the second shot," the first boy said.

This was the first time Eric had heard the details of the shooting. He had assumed the shooter was a lousy shot. He looked at Bart with a look of amazement.

"Yeah, Bart was a real hero," the boy continued

"Bart is this true?" Eric asked him.

"It was no big deal. Just a spur of the moment impulse," Bart replied, his face turning pink from embarrassment.

"Is that why he pistol whipped you?"

"Who knows why that deranged individual did things."

"Why didn't you tell me?"

"It would not have changed anything."

Another boy jumped in.

"This must have been like a TV movie. Two friends get kidnapped, there is a shootout on the way to the hideout that takes one of the victims out, then the other one gets loose and teams up with the sheriff to capture the kidnappers, all because the one who got shot gave them significant details. Who are you guys going to get to play yourselves in the movie?"

The whole room cheered.

"It was not all that dramatic. The sheriff already had the men in custody when he picked me up," Bart explained.

"Naw, our way sounds better," the boy smiled. "Three cheers for our real live heroes, Eric and Bart."

The boys yelled out their cheer for both boys. They spent the next hour or so chatting and filling Eric in on what had been happening at school. Bart faded to the background to let Eric enjoy his celebrity status. The mother came over to Bart and spoke to him.

"You and Eric are so lucky thing turned out the way they did. This must have been a harrowing experience," she told Bart.

"It was something I would not like to experience again. But we both learned something. First, never aggravate a man with a guy, and second and most important, good friends look out for each other."

She nodded quietly and looked at her watch.

"I'll be back in a while and pick up my boys."

Bart stood near the front door, watching Eric talk and laugh and joke with his friends. It made Bart feel good to see Eric having a good time. Every once in a while, Eric would look over at Bart and smile. Bart would return the smile and if was sure no one was watching him, give Eric a wink. Eric would laugh out loud every time Bart did that.

Suddenly it hit Bart. Once again he was on the outside looking in, watching Eric with all of his friends while he stood away from everyone. He wasn't jealous, just sad that despite all they had been through, it was coming to an end and going back to the way things were. He contemplated quietly slipping out the door and heading home. But he had promised Eric's mother he would be there to keep an eye on everyone so he held his ground.

The carpool mother came back and told the boys it was time to leave. They all said their good byes to Eric and also Bart as they passed him at the door. When they had all left, Eric looked at

Bart and smiled.

"Thanks, Bart. I really missed those guys."

"I could tell you were enjoying their company."

"I was, but now its time to head back up stairs. It's been a busy day."

Eric started to stand up from the couch and slumped back down, holding his side. Bart came running over to him and took his hand.

"Are you all right?" Bart asked.

"Yeah, just a twinge in my side. I tried to get up too fast. Give me a hand will you?"

"Of course." Bart said as he pulled him to his feet. "Just lean on me and I will help you get upstairs."

Eric put an arm around Bart's shoulder and slowly walked to the stairs. They went up one stair at a time, finally reaching the top step.

"Let me catch my breath," Eric asked.

He rested a few minutes and then continued to his bedroom. Bart lowered him to the bed, sitting on the edge and waving Bart off.

"I'm okay now. Thanks," taking off his robe.

Eric winced as he tried to lay back. Bart came back to him and helped him lay back.

"Man, I'm in worse shape than I thought."

"Two bullet wounds and you thing you would be healed in a few days? This is going to take time."

"I know. I'm just anxious to get back to normal. I better put bandages back on so I don't get infected. Can you get fresh ones from the bathroom?"

"I will be right back."

Bart returned with the bandages to find Eric struggling to take off the underwear he had put on earlier.

"A little help here?" Eric shyly asked,

Bart helped Eric take off the underwear and then apply fresh bandages. Through all of this, Eric's cock chubbed up, not to the level of a boner, but certainly not flaccid either.

"Sorry, something about you touching my body," Eric laughed.

Bart just finished what he was doing without saying anything. When he was done, he sat on the edge of the bed and looked at Eric.

"May I ask you something very personal?" Bart asked.

"Remember you said we're beyond anything being too personal. What's on your mind?"

Bart hesitated, looked down at the floor and then back up at Eric. He put his hand on Eric's thigh.

"Are we gay?" he asked softly.

Eric was quiet, making Bart again think he had gone too far. Finally Eric cleared his throat.

"No, I'm not. I don't think you are either. Do you think you're gay?"

"I am not sure. I know I have gotten great pleasure out of what we have done together so I'm confused."

"I've enjoyed it as well but I don't think that makes us gay. Maybe just horny teenagers experimenting."

"I have strong feelings for you and I am not sure if it is just a strong bond of friendship or something more."

"I have strong feelings for you too but considering what we've been through, I think its normal. I consider our friendship stronger than that of any of my other friends. But I don't think it goes as far as being boyfriends or lovers."

"When I was watching all your friends I did not feel any attraction or arousal towards any of them. Only you. That's what has me confused. If I was gay I would think I would be attracted to other boys."

Eric was quiet for a minute then put his hand on top of Bart's hand, still on his thigh.

"Now that you mention it, I was having fun downstairs but it wasn't until we came upstairs and you were helping me get undressed that I got aroused. Some of them were touching my wounds and I had no reaction what so ever, but with you it's different."

"Maybe I should not come around for a while until we figure this out."

"I don't think we'll figure anything out that way. I think we should see where this goes and deal with it, one way or the other."

Bart's heart started to race hearing Eric say that.

"On one condition," Bart stated.


"If you ever feel uncomfortable or want to stop doing anything together, PLEASE say so. I can bear never touching each other again, but I don not want to loose our friendship."

"Deal. And the same goes with you."

Bart leaned down and hugged Eric. He wanted to put his lips on Eric's and kiss him. But it was Eric who initiated the first kiss so Bart left it up to Eric if he wanted to kiss again.

It didn't happen. Bart was disappointed but was glad he hadn't pushed the issue. He was hoping their relationship would develop into something more than just friends but if it did, it would take time.

Bart sat up and smiled at Eric.

"I better get going before we get into something that we can not finished before your mother gets home," Bart said with a smirk.

"Thank you for everything today. And I mean everything."

"That's what friends are for," Bart gave his standard answer.

Bart went downstairs and was leaving just as Eric's mother came home. He told her how well the afternoon visit was then went out front to wait for his ride.

In the back seat on the ride home, Bart was feeling giddy then quickly faded to melancholy. In just a few weeks he had found a true friend in Eric, he had been kidnapped and engineered his own escape, an escape that mimicked his escape from his lonely world of isolation, and now potentially might have a boyfriend, a lover if possible. But in a few short months, he would be returning to the boarding school, the emotional prison that kept him captive, unable to escape, and all this could be coming to an end. Should be break off his friendship with Eric now and save the pain later on or should he just enjoy the time he had.

This would be the most important decision he has ever made in his young lifetime.

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