
by Victor Thomas

Chapter 5

Alex opened his eyes about half an hour later, looking around all dazed and confused. He suddenly looked around the dimly lit room and made a sudden movement. But he couldn't move. In addition to the zip tie around his hands and feet, I had also wrapped several lengths of rope around his upper body and legs, securely tied to the large table in the barn. Slowly, he lifted his head.

"Where am I?" he asked. He turned to his left. Blood drained from his face and his eyes widened when he saw Steve tied up next to him, a small trail of blood running down his face. "Steve?"

Steve moaned a little and struggled to move, but he was tied as securely as Alex. He then looked to his right. Jeremy was lying there as well.

"Jeremy," he shouted loudly.

Jeremy woke up, disoriented and lost. He looked around and tried to move, but he couldn't either. They were all three laid out next to each other, unable to move.

"Help!" he screamed, trying to set himself free.

"Jeremy," Alex said again.

Immediately, Jeremy turned toward Alex. His eyes widened, while his face went white.

"Al… Alex?" Jeremy asked. "Where the hell are we? What happened?"

"I don't know," Alex murmured, looking around. "Help! Is anyone out there?"

"To quote a friend… let's play a game. Shall we?"

I stood over them, looking down, a giant hammer in my right hand, causing all three of them to jump.

"What the fuck, McCall?" shouted Steve.

He tried to wrestle his way out of the ropes that held his body down on the table.

Alex tried to get loose as well, but was unable to. Jeremy, on the other hand, had a broken leg so he just lay there sobbing like a little bitch.

I smiled coldly at all three of them.

"The one and only," I said.

"I'm going to fucking kill you, bitch!" shouted Steve.

Without any sort of mercy, and with a single movement, I lifted the hammer and dropped it on top of his right bicep.

"Ahh," he yelled.

His body tried to constrict, but the ropes wouldn't let it.

"You should be a little more afraid of someone who is above you holding a hammer in his hands, Steve," I said, laughing.

His eyes immediately focused on me again. A few tears ran down his cheeks.

"What the fuck do you want from us?" Jeremy cried.

I immediately lifted the hammer again, smiling broadly.

"Do you want me to hit you as well, Jeremy?" I asked. "Maybe break your other leg? What the hell do you think I want? I want you guys to suffer and then die."

Fear flashed through his eyes as he slowly shook his head.

"No… please," moaned Alex.

"Look at you pussies," I said to all three of them. "One little hit and you're all three crying like little bitches! Where's the almighty macho football players who had to gang up on one fag? Too chicken shit to fight me one on one because you knew I'd kick your asses. We used to be friends until you decided to turn on me." I looked down on then and spat. "Pathetic."

"Scott?" It was Steve again. "Why are you doing this? Please, let us go."

"You've really got the balls to ask why?" I said. "Really?"

"Listen." It was Alex talking to me again. "Let us go and we'll forget all about this. What do you say… buddy."

Buddy? I couldn't believe that he had the balls to call me buddy. Now he respected me. Now? Now he wanted to by my friend again, like we had been before I had been outed. He killed Brian. He and his friends killed him! I smiled, lifting the hammer again.

"Would this answer your question?"

I smacked him on his left bicep. He screamed while his body quivered, then he started crying.

"Oh my god!" he sobbed loudly. "Please! Please, don't do it again. Please!"

He begged me, tears running down his cheeks.

I smiled.

"Guess what," I said to them. "If you guys answer the following questions, I'll let you go. How does that sound?"

Steve immediately glanced at the other two, still sobbing. He then turned his head toward me.

"Okay, Scott," he said.

I grinned sinisterly.

"Good," I said. "But you've got to tell me the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth. Understood?"

All three of them nodded.

"We will," Steve said. "But please don't hurt us."

A crooked smile formed on my face. Now I had them where I wanted. Finally, I could find out what really happened that night.

"What happened the night Brian died?" I asked.

Steve immediately glanced at Alex who nodded and whimpered as his entire body quivered.

With a shaky voice, Steve said, "we were all drinking in the park, on the east side of the river."

I nodded. Me and Brian had frequently walked through the park during our nightly rendezvous. There was an old abandoned house just past the park, back in the woods, where we sometimes made love.

"And?" I prodded them.

Alex sobbed, choking up.

"Brian walked by and Ashton spotted him." He groaned a little, his chest heaving from the pain. "He… he called him a few names and we…"

He trailed off.

I knew exactly what they did. They always did the same to me ever since they found out that I'm gay.

"You all joined in… is that right?" I asked.

He nodded, but he was now fully crying.

"Brian… Brian tried to go around us," Jeremy continued. "He wasn't looking for any trouble… but Ashton… he pushed him and we…"

A loud sob escaped from his mouth.

Every fiber of my being began boiling with anger.

"You what?" I yelled.

"Circled him," Jeremy screamed, sobbing. "We didn't mean to…"

I could see it perfectly in my mind. Brian trying to walk away from them, and those sons of bitches pushing him around until he fell and broke his skull open. I needed to know the full story.

"What happened next?" I asked.

"Jeremy pushed him… and then we all started…" Alex said.

"Pushing him around," Steve sobbed loudly. "I'm so sorry."

A few tears escaped my eyes. All I wanted now was to know the name of the person who had pushed Brian last. I needed to know, but I already had an idea.

"Who was the last one to push him?" I asked.

Alex glanced at the other two, then turned to me.

"Ashton…" he said.

My suspicions had been true all along. I simply knew that Ashton had been the one to give the final blow. His disgusting face had been the last face that Brian had seen in his young life.

"Now… will you let us go?" Jeremy asked, looking up at me with tears rolling down his cheeks.

I smirked at him and said, "I didn't pinky swear."

I laughed loudly and treacherously.

Instantly, the three of them began crying and trying to wrestle their way out of the ropes again.

"Please… Scott," Alex begged, crying. "You made your point, dude. Let us go. I'll do anything."

"Not yet," I answered, stepping into the darkness again.

The three of them began struggling again, trying their best to set themselves free. But it was completely useless. A few seconds later, I stepped back into the light beside Steve, holding my baseball bat. When his eyes fell on it, he started screaming, while Alex and Jeremy struggled even harder.

"Help!" Steve screamed. "Someone help me! Please! Alex, Jeremy!"

"See you in hell, motherfucker," I shouted.

While he screamed, I lifted the bat and brought it down with all my might. It was a clean break. I heard his left leg snap, while his body twitched. The look on his face was priceless. It was full of pain, torment, and a tremendous wave of fear. He screamed and then passed out.

When Alex's eyes fell on him, he threw up on himself as he continued trying to get himself free.

"Help!" he screamed, throwing up again. "Someone help me!" I walked slowly next to him, bat still in my hands. "Please, Scott…" he sobbed. "Don't kill me. I'm too young to die. Please…"

I smiled, looking down at him. My eyes fell on a wet spot around his crotch. I laughted, holding my gut.

"Did you just piss yourself?"

I brought the baseball bat down as hard as I could, breaking his right leg. He screamed, then passed out.

I turned to Jeremy next. He was shaking from head to toe, silent and in complete fear. Slowly, he looked up at me.

"Please don't kill me," he begged, weeping again. "I'll do anything."


He nodded.

"Anything. I… I… I'll suck you off. I'll fuck you good. I'll let your fuck me! Anything!"

I laughed loudly. A faint smile slowly appeared on my face. I wiped my laughing tears away and rolled my eyes.

"It's always the same with you straight boys," I said. "Do you honestly think that we gay guys only want your kind?" I lifted the bat. "You can go fuck yourself."

"No! Please! Wait!"

But it was too late. I quickly brought the bat down breaking his other leg. I then did the same with Alex and Steve, before dropping the bat on the ground.

I then dragged each of them over to one of the stalls and tied them back. They couldn't go anywhere with two broken legs, but still, I wasn't going to take any chances.

Now it was time to find Ashton.

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