
by Victor Thomas

Chapter 4

I slowly stared at Alex and Jeremy as they sat on a fallen tree trunk in front of a small campfire that they had made earlier. Behind them stood a small blue tent that had taken them an hour to build. For three long hours I had been hiding behind a small cluster of bushes, waiting patiently for the perfect moment to strike. It was a quarter to six, already dark, and I was getting frustrated that they hadn't made a mistake so that I could make my move. But I needed to wait it out because there was no way in hell that I could bring both of them down at the same time.

"Where do you suppose Steve is?" asked Alex. "He wasn't at school today."

"Probably with his girlfriend or some shit," answered Jeremy. "He'll be here shortly. I just wonder if Ashton will show up or not. That fag really fucked his face up yesterday."

"Broke his jaw from what I hear," Alex said. "I talked to him earlier and he doesn't feel like coming tonight. Not that I blame him."

Too bad, I thought, but I'll get him later. I'll figure out something. As far as Steve goes, not only will he not be joining them, but they'll be joining him later tonight if everything goes well.

I took a deep breath, clenching the baseball bat in my hand. These sons of bitches had made my life a living hell and had been responsible for Brian's death less than a month earlier. And there they were, casually talking and having fun as if nothing had happened.

"You ever think about what happened that night?" Alex asked.

"You mean with Brian?" Jeremy asked. "I can't stop thinking about it."

My blood went cold. I leaned forward, trying my best to hear every part of their conversation.

Jeremy looked around.

"We swore never to talk about that ever again," he said. "What happened that night we'll take to our graves. Got it?"

Alex nodded.

I clenched my bat tightly, wishing it was their necks I was holding. They killed them. Jeremy and Alex had just confirmed something that I knew all along. These motherfuckers had killed the boy I loved. Jeremy was right about one thing, though. They'll take that secret to their graves alright, just sooner than they thought. I stood my ground, listening to them.

"I know… but I feel guilty," Alex said.

"That's just one less cocksucker walking the streets," Jeremy said.

Anger boiled inside me. All I wanted at that moment was to shred these fuckers into thousands of pieces. But I couldn't let my anger get the best of me. A silly mistake like that could cost me my freedom, and I needed to avenge Brian now more than ever. I had to wait it out.

"I think I'm going to go dig for some worms," Jeremy said, "while we wait for that dumbass Steve to get here."

"I'll wait here for you and keep the fire going," said Alex.

Jeremy was standing at an isolated spot near the river, digging a small hole in the ground looking for fishing worms. I could clearly see everything from where I was hiding behind a small cluster of trees.

My mind drifted back to a month ago, when Brian was still alive and holding me in his arms.

"Pussies," Jeremy shouted at us, from seemingly out of nowhere.

Me and Brian were sitting in the park. When I made a move to stand up, he held my arm and pulled me back.

"Just ignore them, please," he begged.

Behind Jeremy stood Ashton, Alex and Steve. All three of them were laughing their asses off while Jeremy mocked us. All of a sudden, Alex walked up to us, grabbing his crotch.

"You want to suck on this, Scott?" he asked.

I stood, ignoring Brian's pleas.

"What the fuck is your problem?" I shouted. "Why the fuck can't you leave me alone?"

"Ooh!" Ashton laughed. "It looks like Scott wants to get another beating."

Brian stood up.

"Please," he said. "We don't want any trouble."

"Awww! Isn't that cute? The fag wants peace and love," Ashton mocked.

"More like cock and love," Steve chirped in.

Brian stepped up to him with a menacing finger to his face.

"Fuck you, Steve."

That was the moment Steve's right fist connected with Brian's jaw. The second he fell to the ground they began to kick him nonstop.

I froze on the spot, too shocked to move or do anything. It was fight or flight, but I quickly made up my mind. I ran to them with my heart pounding hard against my chest and with wobbly legs, but Steve was faster than me. He connected his fist with my nose and I fell to the ground, covered in warm blood and completely disoriented. I painfully watched as they continued to kick Brian.

After they had beaten him nearly unconscious, the four of them turned toward me. After they had worked me over, they ran off, mocking us all the way.

I slowly crawled toward Brian and held him tightly.

"Are you okay, babe?" I asked him.

He squeezed me tightly and cried.

"Yes. Are you okay, Scott?"

I carefully held my right ribcage.

"I'm fine," I said. "I can take a beating."

No, I couldn't! No human being could take what I had gone through in the last three months without any form of retaliation. Ashton and his friends had mocked me, beaten me, raped me, made my life a living hell, and finally they had killed my boyfriend.

My mind came back to the present as I watched Jeremy, waiting for the right moment to strike. Finally, he turned and started walking in my direction. I smiled. This was the perfect moment to strike. I silently followed him like a hungry lion in the middle of the African Savanah. Steadily, I crept up behind him, keeping a little distance between us. It was then that I made a terrible mistake. I stepped on a stick that cracked when I placed all my weight on it. I quickly hid behind a tree, my chest heaving up and down.

He froze, turning toward the direction of the noise.

"Who's there?" he asked. "Is that you, Alex? Quit fucking around, dude."

I held my breath while he kept looking for the source of the noise. After a few nerve-wracking seconds, he shook his head and continued walking back toward the campsite.

Now was the moment to strike! I stepped out of the cluster of trees and approached the oblivious boy.

I swung my baseball bat and struck him in the right leg, knocking him to the ground, where he lay moaning.

"Hello, my dear friend," I said, standing over him, ready to swing again if necessary.

He looked up. When his eyes fell on me, blood drained from his face.

"Scott! What… what the fuck are you doing?"

"It's called payback, motherfucker," I said.

He shook from head to toe.

"Dude! Put that shit down… please. You're scaring me."

"Like you scared Brian? Like you scared me?" I laughed. "Are you really scared?"

I slowly raised the bat over my head.

"Yes, dude!" he cried. "I'm sorry if I messed with you and Brian, but Ashton…"

I smiled at him.

"Don't worry about him," I said. "I've got something very special planned for that low life piece of shit." I smirked evilly. "See you in hell, bitch."

I brought my bat down on his other leg and heard the bone break, as his entire body convulsed on the ground. I quickly secured his hands with a zip tie and dragged him back toward my car, tossing his still breathing body into the trunk.

"Two down, two to go," I said to myself as I walked back toward the campsite where Alex was waiting.

I'd get him and then drive both these assholes out to where Steve was already waiting.

Slowly and carefully, I made my way back to the campsite. I hid behind a tree, trying my best to get closer without being heard. A few seconds later I moved again and hid behind another tree. I had to be on the alert. Any opportunity was once in a lifetime.

As I waited patiently for Alex, he got up from where he was sitting and walked toward me. I froze. Then he turned around and took out his dick and started pissing.

Slowly, I tiptoed to where he was standing, whistling a song. When he started shaking his dick, I stood behind him with the bat in my hands. The second he turned around, I swung the bat with all my might, hitting the left side of his face. A small moan escaped from his lungs as he dropped to the ground, knocked out cold. I quickly pulled out two zip ties and secured his hands and feet.

Now I had to move fast. I quickly dragged him toward my car and dumped him in the trunk on top of Jeremy. A smile formed on my face. Now I was ready to move them to where I had Steve, and then start the next part of my plan.

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