Soulbound ‡ clash

by Wes Leigh


Death leaves a heartache no one can heal, love leaves a memory no one can steal.

-- From an Irish headstone

It was over quickly once Ignatius Caedes fell.

Trudy, the gun-wielding drama teacher, demanded the surrender of the invading forces. Backing her up were the other humans of Agony, North Dakota. And a few allies…

… the warlocks of the Order of Golden Stone.

… the werewolves of the Silvermane Pack.

… the vampires of the Smyth Covenant.

… and an unexpected ally. With the death of Corpo Seco, the witches of the Tribe of the River of the Ancestors found themselves freed from his hypnotic spells. They immediately made peace with their Brazilian cousins and turned against their former partners.

Seeing no hope of winning, the invading vampires and werewolves turned tail and ran, leaving Agony forever.

The defenders of Agony untied Daniel, Connor, and Xavier, setting them free, though they could do little to console the boys whose hearts were crushed by the loss of Diego, their soulmate.

Agony was forever changed by the battle.

Xavier turned over control of the Smyth Covenant to Regina. He no longer had the heart for it, and he had other plans for his future. Reluctantly, she accepted his resignation and took over as the new Executor.

The Silvermane Pack also accepted a change in leadership. Connor was awarded a scholarship to play football at the University of Nevada, so he appointed Donny and Ethan, his lieutenants, to guide the Pack until he could return to the mountains he loved and the Pack that would always consider him their leader.

The witches of the Tribe and the warlocks of the Order left Agony together, returning to Raiz Antiga in Brazil. Having lost so many of their family to Corpo Seco, they felt it best if they returned home and attempted to unite their clans. Paulo was a driving factor in that, asking that they put aside their past differences as a tribute to Diego, his childhood friend. In a departing gift to the city of Agony, the witches repaired the damage done to the city park, sending the trees back to sleep with their roots in the earth, but causing the trees to form fantastic, interconnected tree houses that children would play in for years to come. The warlocks commanded the broken earth to be smooth again, raising up beautiful stone sculptures to adorn the park.

The first sculpture was a tribute to the fallen. It showed three teenagers—Diego, Sebastian, and Deborah—standing in a circle, laughing and holding their hands above their heads in celebration. The plaque at the base of the sculpture read: Love leaves a memory no one can steal . The sculpture was Caleb's idea, and he insisted that Deborah be shown in human form, reminding everyone how much she had enjoyed attending school with her human friends. Trudy agreed and backed up Caleb's request.

Connor asked for a second stone statue depicting a large bear, walking on all fours. He wanted the statue deep among the trees in the park, with stones conveniently placed nearby so that children could climb up and ride on the bear's broad back. A simple plaque at the bear's feet read: Elder Brother .

The residents finally changed the name of their town as they had planned. No longer Agony, North Dakota, it became Unity. They asked Daniel Anderson to be mayor, but he refused, asking his father Mike Anderson to step up. Judy agreed, encouraging her husband to leave his job in the oil fields. She said she needed him to be at home for a change, staying by her side.

The people of Unity, North Dakota, joined together to rebuild their home and their lives, trying as best they could to return to the peace they once had enjoyed, to raise families, to attend school, to play football games, to perform community plays, to graduate, to move on …

… a few years later …

Daniel moaned in pleasure. He'd been deep in sleep, but now he was waking up in the very best way possible! Kisses from Connor and Xavier.

Connor nibbled on Daniel's ear, then pecked Daniel's neck and jaw. His hand rubbed Daniel's stomach, sliding down to grasp Daniel's soft cock and squeeze gently, rubbing a finger across the tip. Though Daniel wasn't fully awake yet, his cock quickly rose to the occasion, swelling inside Connor's fist and beginning to throb.

Xavier nuzzled Daniel from the other side, placing quick, soft kisses on Daniel's cheek. Xavier stroked Daniel's jaw with one finger, tracing a line back to Daniel's neck, down the center of Daniel's chest, tickling his belly button briefly before moving down through Daniel's neatly trimmed pubic hair to his soft ball sac. Xavier massaged Daniel's balls, bringing a soft moan from Daniel's lips.

You guys can wake me up like this every morning , Daniel thought, smiling with his eyes closed.

I don't know what you're talkin' about, Big D , Connor said, leaning over to kiss Daniel's lips. This is just more of what you started last night .

Xavier chuckled and tried to kiss Connor and Daniel at the same time, licking both their lips and starting a tongue battle. I don't recall sleeping either. But I do recall a very wild and sticky night .

Daniel shivered when Connor's finger rubbed precum over the sensitive ridge of his cock. It's going to be a sticky morning too … if you don't stop doing that .

"Doing what," Connor whispered, kissing first Xavier, then Daniel.

Xavier replied, "I love sticky mornings." Reaching over, he found Connor fully erect, throbbing and leaking. He grabbed Connor's thick shaft and began slowly stroking him, causing a string of silver fluid to drop onto Daniel's hip.

Daniel pressed his mouth hard against Connor's. If we hurry, we can have a bit of fun before my first class .

Connor pulled away and grimaced. "Why did you sign up for an 8:30 class, Daniel? I don't like having to break off my morning make-out sessions so you can get a degree." Connor was smiling impishly as he said that, knowing Daniel wouldn't take him seriously.

Daniel pouted and tried to pull Connor back down. "It was the only time they offered Calculus One," Daniel replied, adding, "You're starting early morning weight training next week. Then we'll all be getting up at the break of dawn."

Connor allowed Daniel to pull him back down and replied, "Then let's get started this week on my weight lifting." He grabbed Daniel and lifted him off the bed, turning and rolling onto his back with Daniel hugged to his chest.

Daniel gasped in surprise, then smiled and began kissing Connor in earnest.

Xavier climbed on top of them both, resting his cool body on Daniel's, kissing the back of Daniel's neck.

A burst of childish laughter came from the next room, followed by a high-pitched squeal, then giggles.

Daniel sighed. "The boys are awake."

"I'll get them," Xavier replied. "I'm the only one who isn't sporting a boner."

Because you came four times last night? Daniel asked.

Five , Xavier replied with a grin. But who's counting?

Connor chuckled and pulled Daniel into a hug. Daniel reached down for the sheets and pulled them over their lower bodies, hiding the erections they both now exhibited and were rubbing together as they kissed.

Xavier shook his head, laughing at his soulmates as he walked into the next room where the triplets slept. No longer asleep, the three were awake and sitting in a triangle, laughing.

Xavier watched from the door, amazed as always at the beautiful boys he now had the privilege to call his sons. Their hair was deep black, like his own. Their eyes were bright blue, like Daniel's. Though only three years old, their bodies were stocky and powerfully built, like Connor's. And their skin was a tawny, golden-brown … like … like Diego's.

It was amazing how the boys shared characteristics with their fathers, though they were adopted and not their natural sons. It hadn't been a difficult decision to make. Despite planning to head off to college together, Xavier, Connor and Daniel had quickly agreed to adopt the triplets when their parents were killed in the battle to defend Agony.

There had been those who questioned the decision. Three young men? Taking college classes? Living the wild life all college students were known to enjoy? Adopting and raising triplets? That couldn't possibly work.

But it had. With a little juggling of their course schedules, they were able to ensure that one of them was always home, caring for Leonardo, Rodrigo, and Gabriel. It wasn't a burden, but rather a delight. The boys weren't difficult to manage, and they often entertained each other, as they were doing now.

They sat in a triangle, giggling. Rodrigo lifted his fingers and weaved his stubby digits in a simple pattern in front of him. Tiny sparks of electricity formed, arcing from finger to finger. He reached out to each of his brothers and touched them. All three jumped and gasped, laughing at the shock they received. Next, it was Gabriel's turn.

Chuckling, Xavier walked into the room and squatted down next to the boys.

They looked up and Leonardo squealed, "Daddy Zavy!"

The other two turned and saw Xavier, grinning. "We playing games," Gabriel explained.

"I see that," Xavier replied, rubbing Gabriel's back, marveling at the amazing softness of the boy's skin. "What game are you playing?"

Rodrigo waved his hands in front of him, summoning electric energy, and touched Xavier's nose. ZAP!

Xavier pulled his head back, shouting, "Ouch!" with exaggerated surprise in his eyes.

All three boys cackled in delight.

"Where did you learn to do that?" Xavier asked, secretly delighted to see that the triplets were showing such early signs of their warlock heritage.

Leonardo giggled and said, "Papa Diego showed us."

Xavier's blood froze and he felt sudden chills all over his body. He frowned and asked, "What did you say, Leo?"

The boy gestured with his hands, summoning electrical sparks. "Papa Diego showed us. He said do it like this." Leonardo demonstrated, touching Xavier's hand and making them both jump at the tiny electrical shock.

Gabriel and Rodrigo giggled. Gabriel nodded and said, "Papa Diego shows us fun games."

Xavier tilted his head to one side. "I don't understand, boys."

Rodrigo climbed to his feet and stood in front of Xavier, placing his chubby hands on each side of Xavier's face and staring intently into Xavier's eyes. "Papa Diego tells us how. He shows us. We do it. Fun games, Daddy Zavy."

Xavier stood up and lifted the giggling boy, placing him on one hip. Gabriel jumped up and lifted his arms to be picked up as well, so Xavier complied. With one boy on each hip and the third running in front of him, Xavier took them into the master bedroom where Daniel and Connor were now lying side by side, gently kissing each other.

"Look who's up, guys!" Xavier shouted.

"WE ARE!" Leonardo shouted, leaping onto the bed and landing in the middle of Connor.

Connor laughed and grabbed the giggling boy, tossing him into the air and catching him.

Leonardo squealed in delight and sat on Connor's chest, bouncing his butt up and down as he begged, "Go wolf, Daddy C. Go wolf!"

Connor grunted each time the boy landed on his chest. Then he growled menacingly and transformed instantly into a werewolf.

Leonardo screamed in delight, reaching down to stroke Connor's muzzle. The triplets loved their hairy werewolf father. They loved all three of their dads.

Xavier tossed Gabriel to Daniel, who deftly caught the boy and pulled him in for a hug. "Do you want me to go wolf, too?" Daniel asked.

Gabriel shook his head and cuddled into Daniel. "Nope. Hugs," he replied.

Daniel chuckled and squeezed the boy, rocking from side to side.

Xavier turned to Rodrigo and tapped the boy's nose. "Guess what the boys told me this morning."

Connor shifted back into human form, looking over at Xavier in curiosity. "What was that?"

Xavier sat on the bed next to Connor, moving Rodrigo around to sit in his lap. "Show Daddy C what you showed me."

Rodrigo waved his hands before him, building up electric energy, then touched Connor's arm, shocking him.

"What the—" Connor exclaimed. "How'd the rascals learn to do that?"

"That's the odd part," Xavier explained. He paused and swallowed hard. "They said Papa Diego taught them."

Daniel stared at Xavier, then turned to Connor. "What?"

Gabriel nuzzled his head under Daniel's chin and said, "Uh huh. Papa Diego showed us. He shows us fun games to play."

Leonardo bounced on Connor stomach. "Go wolf again, Daddy."

Connor held Leonardo still and asked, "How does Papa Diego teach you games?"

Leonardo shrugged. "He tells us what to do. Then we play games."

Connor persisted, "Papa Diego tells you what to do? Papa Diego?"

Nodding, Leonardo touched his own chest. "He talks to us. He loves us. He likes teaching us."

Gabriel sat up and stared into Daniel's eyes. "He wants to talk to you, Danny Daddy. He loves you too."

Shocked, Daniel turned to look at Connor and Xavier. What do you guys think? What's going on?

I don't know , Xavier replied. Brushing Rodrigo's hair out of his eyes, Xavier asked, "Can you boys hear Papa Diego talking?"

Rodrigo nodded. "Yes."

"And he taught you to make the shocks?"

Rodrigo nodded again. "Papa Diego is sad."

"Why is he sad?" Xavier asked.

Rodrigo looked at his brothers, struggling to explain.

Leonardo leaned down and touched Connor's ears. "You listen with ears. Papa Diego talks. You can't hear him."

Gabriel patted Daniel on the chest. "You listen with your heart. You hear Papa Diego. He loves you."

Rodrigo nodded and hugged Xavier, before whispering, "Listen, Daddy Zavy. Listen. He says he loves you."

Xavier closed his eyes and calmed his heart. Reaching out with his soul, he felt a faint, familiar touch. A touch that was warm, loving, playful. A jokester.

I love you all

Xavier opened his eyes in surprise, looking at Connor and Daniel. Their eyes were wide in astonishment.

You heard it too? Xavier asked.

Yes , Connor replied.

Tears formed in Daniel's eyes. Diego … is that you?

The faint whisper in their souls grew stronger. Now who else would it be? The whisper was colored with humor, but also love.

How is this possible? Daniel asked.

I can't explain that to you now, but I can tell you one thing. We're soulbound, remember? And that's for eternity.

Gabriel snuggled into Daniel's chest. "See, Danny Daddy. We told you. Papa Diego loves you."

And I always will …


Thus ends the Soulbound saga. I'm so grateful you chose to join me and Daniel, Connor and Xavier, Diego and all the others as we travelled from Agony to Whitechapel to Brazil and all points in between. It's been a delight to share the story with you, and I appreciate all the kind feedback you've sent my way. I cherish each of you, my soulbound friends.

Once again, I want to thank my special helpers, Robbie, Lucas, and Danny, for all you did to make this story possible.

Thanks also to It's Only Me From Across the Sea for hosting this story. Please do whatever you can to support this archive of fine stories.

With warmest regards,

Weston Leigh

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