
by Victor Thomas

Chapter 1

Reader discretion is required. There are elements of this final part of the story which include graphic violence. If this is not something you wish to read please omit this final part of the tale.

November-December 2001

Revenge is a dish best served cold: Khan Noonien Singh, quoting an old Klingon proverb.

I knelt in front of Brian's grave, my heart pounding hard in my chest and tears running down my cheeks. Less than two weeks ago, he had been in my arms, and now, he was gone forever. He had become nothing more than a distant memory. My hair stuck out in all directions and my eyes were blood shot from all the crying I'd done for the past twelve days. With my hands curled into fists, I punched the soil where my one true love rested. His lifeless body lay underneath that fresh soil, and there was nothing I could do about it. And to make things worse, they killed him and got away with it. I simple couldn't believe it. His murderers were walking free while my love lay trapped inside a brown wooden box until the end of time.

Thirty minutes ago, I'd gotten a call from his mother saying that the Labette County Coroner had ruled that Brian's skull fracture and subsequent death had resulted from an accidental fall.

Accidental fall? My blood began to boil. They killed the boy that I loved, and they were getting away with it like nothing had ever happened. Where was the justice system now? Shouldn't justice be served to the ones that deserved it? And there wasn't enough evidence to indicate murder? Weren't they doing their jobs? Deep inside, I knew that what had happened wasn't an accident at all. They had killed him. They must have caused his fall. There was no way I was going to let them get away with it. No way in hell! I was going to avenge Brian's death, even if it was the last thing I did in my life.

I slowly crawled on top of the hundreds of flowers above the ground where my love lay, silently sleeping forever. Thorns buried themselves on my knees and hands, but the pain was satisfying and soothing to my mind, heart and soul. Once I had reached his tombstone, I hugged it tenderly, smearing it with my blood. As I wept, I started hitting my forehead on the stone. All I wanted at that moment was to be dead, just like him, but I couldn't think about suicide and let Ashton and his friends get away with it. No way! They took my happiness away, so I was going to get them back. I was going to avenge Brian's death. I knew what I needed to do. I needed to kill every single one of those motherfuckers.

For the last three months, they caused me so much pain and suffering. For three months I endured their humiliation and torment. For three months I had felt absolutely worthless. For three fucking long months! The only person who had made sense in my life had been Brian, and those sons of bitches murdered and took him away from me. They took my one and only chance at happiness. They took my one and only love. I gently kissed his tombstone.

"I… I will avenge you, babe. I swear by all that is holy that I'll kill every single person responsible for this. I'll smear my hands with their blood and meet you someday. You'll see, my love. I love you, Brian Fowler. You'll always be my one true love."

Anger quickly filled every fiber of my being, and my broken heart began to pump the need for revenge throughout my bloodstream. Ashton's little gang had made my life a living hell at school, and everywhere else, as a matter of fact. They taunted me, mocked me, insulted me, beat me so bad that I ended up in the hospital twice, and had even raped me. I had endured it all. I knew that high school was just a tiny bump on the road of life and that one day I was going to be free and happy. We had so many dreams together. I was going to move far away from Chouteau and start over, and he was going to follow me. We had talked about getting married one day, even if it wouldn't be legal, maybe adopting a kid, grow old and die together. But no, they took him away from me before all that could happen. Enough playing victim and getting treated like shit! I wasn't going to put up with that anymore. I wasn't going to cry and depress myself to death. No, I was going to plot and get even. If the law wouldn't avenge his death, I was going to do it myself.

I slowly rose to my feet, looking down at what was left of the love of my life. My spirit, heart, and soul were broken and the only reason I was pushing forward was… revenge.

Ashton and his little gang of faithful followers weren't getting away with murder. Hell would have to freeze first in order for that to happen. I was going to avenge him. I was no longer going to be the victim or prey. No way! I was going to be the hunter and upholder of truth and justice. I was going to seek what my soul wanted the most, so I could finally rest in peace. Me, Scott McCall was going to become a mass murderer.

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