Friends Always Win in the End!

by Ruwen Rouhs

Chapter 18

Teammates and Boyfriends

Two days later Naim, Robby, Yamal and three of their friends were playing soccer in the monkey cage, when Severin and Arash squeezed through the small entrance. Naim dropped the ball and stormed towards Arash: "I missed you, Arsh! Tanner didn't want to tell me the whole story when he came home yesterday morning. He was tired but happy. Immediately, he fell into his bed and slept for more than 12 hours."

"It was really an exciting evening, Naim!"

"Why wasn't I allowed to come? I would have loved to have been there when the rockets hit."

"Be happy! That was really scary."

Now the other players gathered around them and wanted to know everything. Severin and Arash had to take it in turns to tell them. They were particularly interested in how the two attackers were arrested. "And then you all slept together at your place?" Naim wanted to know at the end.

"Of course! But not in the same bed." Arash's answer was grinning. This of course was a lilywhite lie.

Severin grinned blushing. Of course, they had spent the night in one small bed, at least Arash and he. Arash had finally wanted to know what Severin's blue b ikini briefs were hiding and Sev had to show him. And Severin? He finally wanted to find out what Arash's red ones were hiding and he liked it.

After the attack was averted, Tanner had left together with Henner. As they had suspected Tanner had stayed with Henner. Naim's words confirmed their suspicions. Severin and Arash winked at each other, now sure Tanner and Henner had spent the night together also. Certainly, not in two beds.

"Where is Tanner anyway? Isn't he coming to the kick today?" "They didn't want to take me with them!" Naim whined, "They went to the Baltic Sea because Henner had some days off. Dad even gave my brother a vacation over the weekend! He likes Henner."

While the soccer play continued Arash spotted two girls watching the goings-on in the monkey cage from a bench. He pointed at them, "Have you got any spectators lately?" Naim straightened up on his toes and whispered to him, "The dark-haired one is Michaela. She has a crush on Robby. The blonde one is Hannah, her sister. I think she's cute!"

"Do you have a crush on her!"

"Are you crazy?"

"Come on, don't swear! You're blushing already!"

"Am I too late?" Roger came sprinting up. "I completely overslept. There was a party at Nelle's yesterday. Until dawn."

A young man suddenly appeared beside him. He was slender, had shiny black hair and dark almond eyes. Dressed in black slack and a white shirt, he looked like he had just jumped out of a boys' love picture. Roger beamed like having won the first price in a jackpot. "This is Cheng Hoayu. Hoayu is his first name. He was also at the Nelle's party yesterday and later I took him home with me." He put an arm around Arash's shoulder and pulled him close. "He is a genius in math. We are going to study media informatic at the same school."

"Isn't Nelle your latest crush?" Severin asked curiously. "Hoayu and me had more fun together than I had with Nelle ever! He is so cute. We are in love!" As if in confirmation, the young Chinese looked from Severin to Arash and smiled at them and then bowed to Severin, "I like you two! You look as if you are boyfriends also!

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