Friends Always Win in the End!

by Ruwen Rouhs

Chapter 11

Cowardly Murder Attempt

Message from Henner to Severin: "It's my day off. Can I tempt you to come swimming with me at the Crumen Lake. You're on vacation!"

Checking with Arash, Severin answer was: "Sure! We like to. Is Tanner coming too?"

Henner: "I haven't asked!"

Aras: "You didn't dare or you didn't want?"

Henner: "Hmmmm!"

Severin: "Ok, I ask!"

Five minutes later Henner's phone buzzed and the message was:. "Tanner likes to, but he has to bring along his brother. Naim is eleven and quite a pest."

Henner: "Sure, I pick you up around 11 am. Alright?"

Exactly at 11 a.m. they met Tanner and Naim in front of Mamuth's Kebab. The red broad shorts were far too big for Naim and threatened to slip down his skinny ass at any moment. In one hand he had a net with a big ball and a towel. In the other, a mini camera. "Look Arash, what I have. Can I take pictures of you at the lake?" he shouted as he squeezed between Arash and Severin in the back seat of the car. Tanner had with him an ice bucket with kebabs and drinks. "From mom; she thinks we will starve to death if we don't get something to eat at noon!"

Henner parked the in the small street running along the ridge hiding the Crumen-Lake. Taking one of the overgrown trails running down to the lake Severin and Arash took Naim between them clasping his hands. He enjoyed the attention of the teens jumping up and down like a four-year old. Henner and Tanner followed the one carrying the provision his mother had provided, the other the Naim's ball and the towels and carpets. Halfway down the path, Tanner stumbled, twisted his ankle slightly and gave a short cry. As he was limping, Henner put his arm around Tanner's waist and supported him the rest of the way to the water. The sprain was probably not as bad as Tanner had pretended, because once they reached the narrow sandy beach and people started to notice them, he was able to walk normally again. Severin and Arash, who had witnessed the sudden recovery, grinned at each other. "Another way to get closer!" said one of them, nudging the other in the ribs.

The narrow sandy beach was already overcrowded. The five of them managed to find a spot in the shade of an oak tree. Exhausted and sweaty, Severin and Arash lay down on their blanket. But they couldn't rest because Naim was as excited as a toy. He immediately jumped on Arash, cuddled him, tickled him and finally began to ride him. Grinning mischievously, "And if I make you a baby?"

"Then I'll make you one too!" laughed Arash. As his speedo's got tighter and tighter he tried to push Naim down, "Please stop riding me, otherwise something will happen!" When that didn't help, he got up and ran into the water with Naim, carrying him front of his stomach like a mother monkey his baby, hiding his erection.

Severin was kind of jealous of Naim, but in a good way. He regretted that he couldn't ride Arash here in front of all the bathers like Naim had done. The very thought of it made his skimpy swimming briefs getting tight. To distract himself, he took Naim's ball, ran to the water, "Let's play!" and threw the ball to Arash. After a few rounds, others joined them and wild ball game started.

Henner and Tanner had settled on the other blanket. At first, they lay on their backs next to each other stiff like tree trunks, then Tanner slid closer and finally put his head on Henner's stomach. With his nose against Henner's swimming trunks, he remarked after a while, "I like the way you smell. I like your deodorant."

Ruffling Tanner's mop of black hair Henner whispered back, "I don't use deodorant! I always smell like this when I am close to you!"

In the hot noon sun Henner's shin turned red. "I don't need a sunburn. Let's go into the water." Henner suggested, "Let's have a race. See the moored buoy in the middle of the lake? If I get there first, I'll give you swimming lessons."

"And if I beat you, I'll buy you a kebab." And when Tanner didn't think that was enough, "And I'll show you my room, tonigh t !" They sprinted off to race each other.

After a while, Severin got bored of the ball game with Naim, Arash and the others. He retreated to his blanket, closed his eyes and dozed off. Suddenly the shrill voice of Naim tore out of his dozing "Arash, Arash, Arash!" At first, he thought he was dreaming, but then he opened his eyes and searched the water. Naim was standing there, shouting, "Where are you Arash? Come back to the surface! Where are you? Don`t hide under water." The others, who had been playing ball with the two of them, were also searching the water. Henner and Tanner, who were on their way back from the buoy heard Naim's anxious voice changed from breaststroke to crawl to get to Naim faster.

Severin jumped up also, rushed into the water trying to spot Arash. A swimmer with diving goggles joined the search and started to investigate underwater. Henner, who was still about 20 meters from the shore, suddenly shouted, "Here, here!" and dove into the depth. The one with the diving goggles speeded to the spot, Henner had vanished. A few seconds later they pulled Arash to the surface.

Arash's body was completely limp. On the shore, Henner and Severin began resuscitation. They placed him on his left side and after Arash had expelled a large gush of water, life returned to him slowly. In the meantime, other bathers had called the rescue station. Soon an ambulance pulled up and the paramedics took Arash with them. Severin was allowed to accompany him.

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