Friends Always Win in the End!

by Ruwen Rouhs

Chapter 9

Henner Hellwig, a portray

Henner's parents had a farm in one of the smaller villages in the periphery of Berlin. The farm was not big enough for making a living by growing grain or fattening pigs, therefore they decided to build a holiday farm especially for children. They were offering riding lessons with horses, ponies, mini donkeys, camels and even llamas. Small kids were attracted by pygmy goats, minipigs, guinea pigs, bunnies as well as ducks, chicken and geese.

Henner grew up in paradise and was happy until puberty. Then something happened. He fell in love with boys. Growing up in the small village Henner escaped into dreams, fantasizing not only of his schoolmates but also of boys visiting the farm in holidays.

Then a terrible crime shook the small community. A 13-year-old visitor disappeared, a boy Henner had given riding lessons. After three days, a search party found the missing. He had been murdered. Henner didn't find out how. He didn't know if the boy had been raped, but since everyone acted so secretive, he assumed it had been a sexual assault.

For the next three years, he brooded over this case. When he graduated from high school, he decided to go to police academy to prevent such crimes. He wanted to become a policeman and, if possible, work for the criminal investigation department.

At the academy, he stood out for his seriousness, diligence, skill and sharp mind. Chief Inspector Martin Kraft, who taught there, also noticed this. After leaving school, Henner was first assigned to patrol duty. One day, he was called to a stabbing that ended fatally for one of the men involved. When Martin Kraft took over the case, Henner spontaneously said to him, "Can't I volunteer in your department, it's so much more important than patrolling."

Three weeks later, he received a call: "There's a vacancy in my department, would you like to come?"

Now, he had been working in the department for six months. The work was exhausting but also much more rewarding. He loved it, especially the variety that awaited him day after day. Only one problem was bothering him. Despite living in a big city, he still didn't dare to have a boyfriend. When he confided in his supervisor, Martin Kraft, he simply said, "Go ahead, young man, but be careful!"

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