Friends Always Win in the End!

by Ruwen Rouhs

Chapter 6

Tanner and Roger, a Portray

Tanner met Roger the first time at the age of five. They met at the staircase of the apartment house Tanner's father Mamuth had just moved in. The Aksoy's lived on 4th floor and the Roth's on 3rd . Mamuth Aksoy had just opened his first Kebab Hang Out and the Roth's had an organic grocery store at the ground floor. Tanner was sucking a lollipop while Roger chewed on a green apple. "Shall we swap?" asked Tanner.

"I don't know. I'll have to ask mom first."

"Don't you like lollipops?"

"What's that?"

"That's sweet! Do you want to lick it?"


Tanner held out the lollipop to Roger. Roger licked it and they were friends ever since.

They attended kindergarten together, then elementary school, moved on to middle school and finally to St. Sebastian's secondary school. St. Sebastian was a famous Catholic high school, very strict, somewhat elitist. They both made it to the 7th grade, then they transferred to a public secondary school with a lower reputation and even lower standards.

Soon the two had even more in common than the lollipops. At 11, they jerked off together for the first time. When they did it they discovered their dicks looked different. Tanner was circumcised and Rogers knob was covered by a hood. This made their game even more exciting. This mutual wanking went on until Roger declared at 15, "I like girls now, don't you?" Tanner shrugged his shoulders, "So what?". From now on Roger was into girls and Tanner still didn't know whether he liked boys or girls more. They remained friends, friends who helped each other out from time to time and not too rarely.

Tanner had two younger sisters and a brother, Naim, who was 8 years younger. Before his siblings were born, he was the little pasha of the family, spoiled by everyone. That changed when Naim was born. Now Naim was the pasha. Tanner didn't mind, because he never wanted to be the macho man, his father wanted him to be. He preferred to help everyone, his siblings, his best friend Roger, the old lady in the post office who had problems to use the cash terminal, just everyone who needed help. At 18 Tanner thought back and forth and finally decided to apply to the police academy. Roger, on the other hand, aspired to stud y media information.

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