Friends Always Win in the End!

by Ruwen Rouhs

Chapter 2

Severin and Arash, a Portray

The two of them were very different. Severin was not only one year younger than Arash, i.e. 18, but after the summer break he would attend the last, the 12 th grade. Arash, on the other hand, was already 19 and was going to be in the 11 th grade after the break. Not because Arash was stupid. He was born in Iran and only came to Germany with his mother when he was 7.

Arash was a hand's breadth shorter than Severin, stocky, dark-haired and had a big nose. He hated his big nose. He often rubbed it in the bathroom in front of the mirror and wished that it wouldn't turn as crooked as my grandfather's nose later. "I don't want an eagle's nose!" he prayed.

Severin was the opposite of Arash. Thin as a rail, light brown hair and always a smile on his face. And yet he had no reason to always smile at everyone. He was disabled. His left arm had been weaker than his right since birth. He couldn't lift heavy weights with his left. He couldn't play handball or basketball because of this handicap. Therefore, he concentrated on soccer from an early age on. As he avoided tackles, he had concentrated on the position of center midfielder. He was very good at it. He organized the game, distributed the balls and tried to combine attack and defense. Severin was successful in this position. This earned him the position of the captain.

I n soccer Arash was the typical striker, the goal scorer, the one who wanted to assert himself against the opposing team's defenders. Arash loved this role. Ever since he arrived in Germany, he had had to assert himself. At elementary school, he didn't put up with bigger boys bullying him and often came home with torn clothes or a bloody nose. Now at high school, he no longer got into fights. He knew better. He fought for his reputation with good grades.

They both had sisters. Severin's sister Lisa was two years younger, red-haired, weedy as her brother, but cheeky. At 16, she changed boyfriends like a butterfly changed flowers. Sarya, Arash's sister, was petite, dark-haired and shy. But when she liked someone, she was trusting. As Arash liked Severin, she also had a soft spot for him.

When Arash played in the team for the first time, something unexpected happened. Severin was center as usual. When he tried to pass the ball to Arash in front of the goal for the first time, they looked at each other briefly and immediately knew which move would be the best. From then on, they only communicated with glances and surprised the others with new moves.

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