The Apprentice
by and © N Fourbois
Chapter 37
Kieran was rather taken aback by William's request. To play for time he started saying silly things such as
"You know the traditional apprenticeship takes seven years?" However, finally he regained his equilibrium and said "I've got to think this one through. You see, at least I was apprenticed to a member of the family. It's scarcely two months that we've known one another."
"You're trying to say no, aren't you, Kieran?"
"Quite the opposite, William. I'm trying to say yes." Kieran felt tears welling up in his eyes, tears of frustration. "Go and sit in the living room and I'll clear up the kitchen. Then I can think. I'll get my copy of GY magazine for you to read."
"No, Kieran. You go and sit down and I'll clear the kitchen up. I'm quite used to doing it at home. What's this GY mag?"
"GY stands for Gay Youth."
"Sounds interesting."
"Okay, I'll fetch it." In a couple of minutes Kieran was back. "I'm going up to my room. If I'm not down in half an hour, come on up."
Kieran did want to say yes, and so he had to counter all the reasons for saying no. For a start it flattered his ego. Could he live up to the expectations of the boy? Uncle Eric would approve, in principle at least, but what about his parents? Then there was Mrs McLarney. The time span, unless... unless he could fit everything into the week of half term, but it would become a crash course rather than an apprenticeship, especially when compared with what he and Eric had gone through together with further back up from Orlando. Kieran got off his bed and began to make notes of what Eric had taught him, and how. One thing Eric said he typed out: You are now a 'craftsman' free to practise your trade, but you have to take on an apprentice yourself before you can become a master craftsman. 'Am I experienced enough to do that?' There came a knock on the door.
"Can I come in?" came William's voice, almost a whisper.
"Sure. I'm just writing some notes."
"Have you made up your mind yet?"
"Pretty well. I've a couple of questions. I don't think we have the time available for what I would call an apprenticeship and so would a crash course do? Over this half term?" William nodded. "Are you willing to entrust your body to me and if I hurt you, and I think I well might, will you tell me and believe me that I haven't done it on purpose?" William nodded again. "And if we get to the stage where you want to stop, again you will tell me?" The boy agreed. "Remember that sex is messy. It consists of mixing saliva, mixing saliva with semen, semen with faeces, inserting body parts into other bodies. With certain people the actions can be worse than that, but for some unfathomable reason human beings continue to do them and get pleasure from it."
"I think I understand what you're saying and I can take it."
"Okay, you're my apprentice." William ran towards Kieran and gave him a big hug, planting a wet kiss on his cheek.
"So what do you gayboys do?" asked William.
"We do the usual things gayboys do - snog, wank, suck cock and shag arse. Occasionally we might rim or be really kinky and do bondage."
"What's rimming?"
"I don't want to hide anything from you, but I'd rather wait until we get there in the progression of things. It can be put in context then."
"And don't forget that you promised to let me see what's making that great big bulge again in your trousers." Kieran looked down and blushed.
"Yes, William, I promised and you shall before you go home. By the way, what time do you have to go?" William told him and Kieran looked at his watch. "It's okay. We've plenty of time." William grinned. "I've just thought of next time."
"It will be have to be Monday. Mum will have all sorts of things organised for me tomorrow. She calls it spending 'quality time' with me because we're both so busy during the week. I used to have to spend that quality time with my father," he said ruefully. "So yes, I'm afraid it'll have to be Monday."
"Can I come to your place? Mrs Crater would be in and out and disturbing us here."
"Who on earth is Mrs Crater?"
"She's a kind of housekeeper. She cleans for us and makes sure the house is tidy... and she keeps an eye on me when my parents are away."
"That should be okay. I'll check with Mum. She wants to meet you anyway. She's heard so much about you."
"Nothing pleasant I hope." William giggled. "You'd better write your address down for me. And your telephone number and e-mail address. Hey, how did you know where I live?"
"It's written on the label on your backpack."
Kieran swivelled round in his chair and sat bolt upright.
"William, come here a minute, please." He crossed the room. "Come and sit on my lap." He sat crosswise on Kieran's lap and put his arm round his shoulder. "No, not like that. Sit straddled across my knees and face me. That's right." They stared seriously into one another's eyes. "Now kiss me." William giggled and said
"Boys don't do that."
"Oh yes they do and you have already kissed me."
"Ooh, so I did." William kissed him on the cheek.
"Now I'm going to lean forwards towards you and we'll kiss properly." William raised his eyebrows. "To do this you have to keep you mouth open a little bit and not bite or clench your teeth. That's important, okay?"
"Okay." Kieran put his arms under William's shoulders, placed his hands on his back and slowly drew him in towards him. Their lips met tenderly and William kissed him, gently at first, and as Kieran could feel the boy responding in his arms, gradually he applied the pressure, turning his head slightly so that their noses didn't get in the way. Their eyes closed. Kieran opened William's lips with his and started to probe with his tongue. As he did, William's instinctively came to meet it, as if he were a seasoned lover. Soon a little battle was going on to see who would gain supremacy and strangely it appeared to be William. Eventually they broke the kiss, parted slightly looked each other in the face and smiled.
"William, how do feel?" He thought for a moment before answering.
"Funny... all warm and tingly inside and do you know what?"
"It's given me the most incredibly hard boner and it feels damp."
"That's okay. That's what it's meant to do. I've got one as well." They repeated the action, building on their experience. Kieran moved his arms down and place his hands on William's butt cheeks, then started caressing them. "Come on, let's go and lie on the bed. It'll be easier." Both boys shucked off their trainers, peeled off their tops and lay side by side on the bed. Kieran led the kissing, and although this was William's first time he reacted instinctively returning as much pleasure as he was receiving. They stopped, looked at each other and grinned. Kieran leaned over and lightly caressed William's right nipple with his tongue. He felt it go from completely flat to erect. He ran his finger round the boy's navel, which made him shudder. He stroked the inside of his thighs, all this making William give out little whimpers of pleasure. Kieran rolled the younger boy over on his back so that he was lying on top of him. It was second nature for them to grind their stiffened cocks together. His hand moved in between their bodies. They rolled onto their sides. Slowly Kieran pulled down the zip on William's fly and his hand slipped into his trousers and went exploring. Suddenly and without warning William's body shook in a great spasm. He drew in a short breath and said
"I've come in my pants."
Kieran giggled and said
"I know," as he felt the warm stickiness oozing through the thick cotton. "I think we'd better do something about that. Take them off and I'll put them in the washing machine and if we tumble dry them they'll be ready for you to wear home." He went across to his closet and took out an old pair of PE shorts. "Put these on for the time being, William." While the shorts were now too small for Kieran, they fitted William fine and Kieran was fascinated just watching the python jiggling about inside.
After they'd got the washing machine going, Kieran said
"It's your turn now."
"So, how big's your dick?"
"I don't know. I've never measured it."
"I just wondered."
"Try pulling down the zip on my trousers and putting your hand inside." Back in Kieran's room he leant against the wall and William knelt on both knees in front of him. Tentatively at first he lowered Kieran's zip. Put his hands inside and had a feel. It surprised him when Kieran's balls jiggled in his hand, but he found it an immensely satisfying feeling. He unbuckled the belt and undid the clasp on the trousers which dropped, and Kieran stepped out of them. William slipped the briefs over Kieran's tackle. They dropped to the floor likewise and he kicked them and his trousers out of the way. Up to that point Kieran's equipment had been behaving itself, but with its new found freedom it sprang up and stood to attention. During all this Kieran was closely observing William's reactions, particularly his face. William tenderly clasped the shaft and gently rubbed the foreskin back and forth over the glans. Kieran was obviously deriving great pleasure from it.
"Can I put it in my mouth?"
"If you want to, but be careful with your teeth." William did so, emulating what Kieran had done to him earlier in the day.
"When I come, you have to make the decision whether you're going to take my spunk in your mouth or let it shoot wherever, usually over your face. Quick! I'm coming now..." Kieran's body gave a quick shudder, his balls tightened and his dick bucked. William lost control of it. The hot sticky liquid shot partly into his mouth, but mainly all over his face, making his eyes sting. He blinked a few times and the stinging went. His first instinct was to spit out what he had in his mouth, but before he was able to, the spunk had got to his taste buds and he rather liked the flavour. He savoured it before swallowing. It tasted different from his own; it tasted different on the flat area of his tongue than it did on the tip.
"Mmm, I could get used to this." Meanwhile Kieran had extricated himself from the engagement and had fetched a box of tissues so that William could clean himself up. His stiff prick was still poking through the shorts he was wearing.
"We might have to do something about that." Kieran dressed and said "I'll be back." He went downstairs, took William's undies out of the washing machine and put them in the tumble dryer. 'Good job Mum isn't here,' he thought. 'She'd go spare at using the machine for one item, and then the tumbler dryer on top. Life wouldn't be worth living. On the other hand she probably wouldn't say a word about the fact that I'd just been sucked off and that the pants were soiled because I'd been snogging a boy three years younger. Funny old world these adults inhabit. I'm not going to be like that when I reach their age.'
He went back upstairs.
"I think the best thing we can do while we're waiting for the tumble dryer is to rest up on the bed." They climbed onto Kieran's bed and kissed and cuddled and explored and giggled until the briefs were dry.
William picked up his watch from the bedside table.
"I think I'd better get going. If I'm home when Mum gets back, there'll be fewer questions." Kieran went downstairs to fetch William's undies from the tumble dryer and bring them upstairs.
"Here you are. Just a moment. One final kiss before you go." They hugged and it was a battle for who was going to deepthroat whom. They broke, both sporting boners. William eased Kieran's shorts off himself. Kieran watched while the python diminished to a grass snake. As William was putting his slip back on and arranging himself, Kieran took back his shorts, looked for the damp patch, sniffed them and tucked them under the duvet. "I know what I'm going to do with them tonight."
"What?" inquired William, genuinely wanting to know.
"Wait until we get to fetishism in your apprenticeship and all will be revealed."
"To what?" Kieran smiled; William smiled back.
Kieran took William through to the garage for him to fetch his cycle. William put on his helmet, swung his leg over the saddle and cycled off with a smile and a wave. Kieran went back into the house, put the kettle on and sat down in the living room with a cup of tea. 'Now, what am I going to do tomorrow? Parents abroad, Eric with Peter, whoever Peter is, William having 'quality time' with his mother, Jack abroad, Toby - now that is desperate - Orlando at uni. I don't want to know any of my so-called friends from St Sergius's and to cap it all boring Sunday is going to be twenty-five hours long because the clocks go back. Homework up to date. S'pose I could do a little reading. There's the syllabus for William's apprenticeship. Must take my camera on Monday. Hmm, DVD, TV, Sunday papers and several rounds of masturbation, here I come. At least I've got plenty to dream about there. I know. I could make some slide shows for William's apprenticeship, which at least should go down well with the masturbation.' Kieran drank his tea, put his jacket on and walked to the video shop.
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