Stockroom Secrets

by Mark Peters

Chapter 15

The look of anger on Mike's face would have been enough to scare the bejesus out of just about anyone, I thought. It certainly had the desired effect on Troy and Dan, as they backed away. They wouldn't have been quite the same age as Mike, who had told me he was twenty-five, but seeing as he was one of the managers within the store and they weren't, they knew when they were beaten.

'I don't know what you punks think you were going to do, but it ain't happening,' Mike said. He gave me a quick glance as he said this, and seeing me still holding my flesh coloured club I thought I could see the beginnings of the faintest of smiles. 'I would suggest you get back to your departments. And if I hear even the slightest whisper of something like this happening again I'll be talking to your line managers.'

Their eyes grew wide when he said that and after a few more steps backwards they both turned and retreated, but not before I heard Troy say something about "the fags sticking together". I wasn't sure if Mike heard that, or just chose to ignore it.

'What happened?' Mike asked once they had left us.

'They were looking for a threesome,' I answered, my voice and hands still shaking.


I could only agree with him on that.

'So, were you actually going to use that thing?' he asked, while pointing to the arm I was still holding. There was something of a smile on his face, but I was pretty sure it was just from amusement.

'I . . . I guess, if I really had to.'

'No doubt about you, you go all in,' he replied. 'You let me know if anything else happens, okay. Then I'll talk to Webster about it. It seems that we've all been reminded about the company policies this past week, so if action is needed it will be taken.'

It was on the tip of my tongue to ask him about what had happened between the two of us at work, and just what the company's stance on that might be, but as it was mutual and as far as I knew it wasn't public knowledge then I thought it was best to just let sleeping dogs lie. As for what happened outside of work hours, that was a different matter altogether. It was the repercussions from that I was worried about though.

'Thanks,' I said to Mike as he turned to leave. 'I know things have been a bit tense this past week, but it wasn't all your fault what happened.'

'We all just have to live with it now,' he replied. 'You're not the only one who has copped the blowback from this, now that all our secrets are out.'

That shocked me. It was something I hadn't even thought about.

'Just finish up with what you are doing up here, then after lunch come back to the loading dock. There are some deliveries that need to be broken up and then taken out onto the shop floor.'

I met Raffa at the front door of the store, as we had arranged, and we walked down the arcade and out onto the main street. There was a sandwich shop on the corner where we each grabbed something to eat, then we crossed the road into one of the parks.

We had been talking as we walked and I had filled him in on what had happened this morning. He was shocked that Troy and Dan had been so brazen, but not really surprised. They had been a couple of years ahead of him at school and apparently they had always been bullies. I also mentioned what Mike had said about all our secrets being out now, and that I wasn't the only one to have been outed.

'Didn't you know?' Raffa asked. 'It's true that you're not the only one affected by what happened last week, but it's also been common knowledge in the shop for some time now that Mike was gay, or at the very least bi. And the two of us aren't the first to get caught up in Mike's little escapades, I can guarantee you that.'

'What? What else has happened?'

'Well, some time after my own experience I heard there had been at least one complaint made by a staff member previously, but as whatever occurred happened outside of work the company washed their hands of it.'

'They asked me if what happened had been outside of work hours,' I offered, remembering my discussions with the Personnel Manager. 'Sounds like that's their get-out clause. I wonder what they might say if they knew he sucked me off in the stockroom?'

'He what?' Raffa exclaimed, almost spitting out his fruit juice as he did so.

'Yeah, that's how it all started,' I replied, offering him a wink as I did so. 'I guess I haven't quite filled you in on everything just yet, have I?'

'Apparently not!' he answered, while chuckling as he did so.

As we headed back to work I gave him the basics of what had originally happened between me and Mike. I also added that there was someone else who I had fooled around with in the stockroom but didn't want to give up the identity of that person, so I left Hoppy's name out of it.

'Oh, I think I might be able to guess who that is,' he teased.


'Mate, you're a bit of a late comer to all this guy-on-guy action. There are others in our workplace that like to dabble, so to speak, but it sometimes takes the right circumstances for them to put their hand up. Stick with me though, and I'll help you get up to speed.'

'I can hardly wait,' I replied, while giving his shoulder a bump with mine as we walked in through the front doors of the store. 'What are you doing after work?' I asked.

'I'll come and see you later,' he replied, before we separated and went back to our duties.

For the most part the rest of the day was fairly straight-forward, with nothing much untowards happening, other than the usual stares, smirks and occasional snide remark.

I was finally getting used to all that. I think my skin was growing thicker. It was only when people confronted me that my legs would sometimes turn to jelly, so I spent quite a lot of time trying to ensure that I avoided situations where this might happen.

I could only be so careful for so long, however, and eventually my luck did run out. I was in the baler room crushing boxes late in the afternoon when I sensed, more than saw, that someone was at the door watching me. Startled, I turned and looked that way, only to find Tom Goodwin standing there, leaning against the door frame, with a sneer plastered across his face and one hand rubbing at the front of his trousers, the action unmistakable.

'What do you want?' I demanded to know.

'Just wondering if it's true what they say . . .'

'About what?'

'About whether guys give better blow jobs than chicks,' he replied, as he continued to rub himself. I couldn't help but glance at his hand and the bulge beneath it that was now clearly evident.

'Well, I guess you're fresh out of luck, because you won't be getting an answer to that today,' I responded, before turning my attention back to the job I was doing. That proved to be a mistake, as what happened next caught me totally off guard.

As I started piling some more flattened boxes into the baler I was hit from behind. My legs crumpled beneath me as I felt a blow behind my knees, before I was then pushed sideways, crashing into a solid bale of cardboard boxes and then the brick wall.

'What the fuck!' I yelled, before I felt my hair being grabbed and my face being thrust into Tom's groin with some force. I felt his hardness against my cheek then before he pushed me away again. As I collapsed against the bale of rubbish I noticed a small amount of blood on his grey trousers. Bringing my hand up to my cheek I ran my palm over it and then looked at it, finding a smear of blood on my skin.

Tom was still standing there, leering down at me, when I heard footsteps coming our way. Turning my hand to show him, it was now my turn to leer back at him.

'Thanks for the evidence, asshole!' I said, then motioned towards his pants. When Tom looked down and saw the blood his face went as white as a ghost, before rage seemed to take over. For a moment I thought he was about to lay a boot into me while I was still down, but it was just then that reinforcements arrived.

Tom heard someone approach, then turned to see it was Raffa, then he brushed past him and left us.

'Fuck. What happened? Are you okay?' Raffa asked, as he helped me to my feet. 'Shit, your shirt is torn . . . and you're bleeding!'

For a moment I wasn't sure what had happened as I tried to recall. Had I really just been knocked over, had my face jammed against a hard cock and then get pushed against the wall?

I was in something of a daze, but when Raffa hugged me everything seemed to be set right.

'Well, ain't this a cosy little scene?' we then heard.

We separated and quickly stepped back from each other, to find Mike standing in the doorway. Why did I suddenly feel like a twelve year old kid who had just been caught with his hand in the cookie jar?

'What's going on here?' Mike demanded to know. He was looking at Raffa with what was bordering on what could only be described as hatred.

Raffa and I looked at each other.

'I was just assaulted by Tom Goodwin,' I said.

'It's true,' Raffa quickly added. 'I came in just as Tom was about to lay a boot into Gray.'

'What? What did he do? What were you doing?'

That last part made me see red. What did he think I was doing? Coming on to Tom, or something?

'I was doing my fucking job!' I spat back. 'I was crushing all this crap when he came in here. He was rubbing himself up and wanted to know if it was true that guys give better blow jobs than chicks. I told him he was fresh out of luck and he wasn't going to get an answer to that here, then he attacked me. He knocked me down then pushed me away, that's when I must have cut myself when my face hit the brick wall, then he grabbed my hair and slammed my face against his cock, before pushing me away.'

'Did you see this happen?' Mike asked Raffa.

'No. I was bringing some rubbish out when I heard Gray yell "What the fuck" then I came running. I found him on the floor still, with Goodwin standing over him.'

'He'll deny it all, of course,' Mike said thoughtfully.

I held out my bloody hand towards Mike. 'Go find him and check his pants. He'll have blood on them just near the zipper from this on my cheek . . . unless he's desperately trying to wash it off right now . . . in which case he'll probably look like he's pissed himself!'

Mike ran his hand back through his hair, as if he was thinking things over, then offered us a slight grin.

'Take a photo of the damage with your phone, then go clean yourself up. I'll go and try to find Goodwin and check him out, then I'll talk to Julie Mack. When you're done, both of you meet me in the staff room,' Mike said, then he turned and left us.

'Oh, his arse is grass!' Raffa giggled as we headed for the staff toilets.

A few minutes later, after doing what Mike had asked, we entered the empty staff room and took a seat. Both of us noticed that the door to the Personnel Manager's office was firmly closed as we passed it. It was only a few moments after that when the store manager, Mr Webster, came into the staff room and asked us to come into his office.

'You seem to have a knack of finding trouble, Mr Porter,' he said to me as he pointed to the seats opposite his desk and then closed the door.

'I . . . ummm . . .' I began to stutter, but he quickly held up his hand as he sat down.

'Relax, you're not the one in trouble,' he added. 'Did you do as Mike asked and take a photo of the damage to your face and clothing?'

'Yes, sir,' I replied, before opening my phone and showing him the photos.

'Okay, thank you. We'll need to get copies of those please. Now can you tell me exactly what happened in the baler room please?'

It only took a few minutes to spell out the events that had taken place, with Raffa also adding his bit to verify how he found me and what he had witnessed. I told it exactly as it happened, including quoting Tom word for word. The only part we left out was about Raffa giving me a hug, but that would be the part I would always remember with most fondness.

Mr Webster nodded and said, 'I see,' a few times, and when we had finished he sat there looking at us with his elbows on his desk and his hands held together in a point just in front of his face, his chin resting on his thumbs.

He said nothing for a few moments, before then sitting back in his chair.

'So . . . errr . . . what happens now?' I ventured to ask.

'Well, Grayson, you'll be reimbursed for your damaged shirt, of course, and as for Mr Goodwin, he will face disciplinary action, but I'm not at liberty to say just what that may be at this time.'

'Okay,' I replied.

'It's almost closing time, how about you head home early for now and we'll talk some more in the morning?'

'Okay. Thank you.'

'And Mr de Silva, thank you for your assistance, but I assume you still have some duties to complete this afternoon?'

'Yes, sir.'

'Then I suggest you get to it,' Webster suggested as he got to his feet.

With our interview now over we were shown the door and left the offices, both of us noticing the door of Mrs Mack's office was still closed.

'I better go and do what I'm told,' Raffa said to me as we walked back out onto the shop floor. 'You go home and enjoy your early mark.'

'Can we meet after you are finished?' I asked him. 'There's stuff I wanted to talk to you about. Is that okay?'

'Absolutely! Where do you want to meet?'

'How about Riverside Park?'

'I'll be there!'

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