Locker Number 104

by Jonathan Perkins

This is a story about two teenagers who become friends on the first day of school discover things about each other, including a shocking discovery at Locker 104

There is a sexual theme between these two boys.

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This is an updated email from my previous stories. If you enjoy this story, you can find more at this site and others under the author's name, Jonathan Perkins

The author reserves all rights to this story and cannot be copied or reproduced in part or in whole without the author's written permission.

Copyright @2024

Bill Kincaid was happy to be headed back to school after the summer vacation. Oh, he had a great summer, but Bill is a people person and thrived in the high school environment. He was also looking forward to another winning season on the varsity football team. This was his second year of high school and he was eligible to step up from the freshman team. He had been working out all summer and it showed. He had put on ten pounds of muscle, toned down and gotten rid of some baby fat now that he was well into puberty. His father had played high school ball and helped him with his exercise program during the summer.

Lee Kelly was a new boy in town. His father was a lawyer who had moved the family to town to take advantage of becoming a partner in a successful local practice. He didn't know any of the other kids his age and stood in front of the school with all the other students, looking around nervously for a friendly face. He found it in one Bill Kincaid.

"Hi," Bill stuck out his hand to shake hands, "Bill is my name.

"Hi. Lee Kelly, I'm new here."

"I could tell. You look like you lost and alone in a mob of people," Bill laughed.

"Yeah, it's kind of overwhelming. I came from a small town that was one of three towns attending the same school and it was still smaller than this."

"Don't worry, I can introduce you to my friends. We're a friendly bunch."

"That would be awesome. I'd appreciate that."

It only took that brief conversation and a few minutes in each other's company for them to make a connection. Lee was much more at ease, his face lighting up in a broad smile. Bill ran his fingers back through his hair to keep it out of his eyes, showing his typical twinkle when he was in company of people he liked.

The principal came out to address the group.

"Good morning, students. I hope you all had an enjoyable summer. Now it's time to get back to work."

A groan sprung up from the kids.

"I call out the homeroom assignments and you are to go to your respective rooms where you will get your class schedule."

He began with the first room number and called out the names. When he got to homeroom 12, Bill knew that was going to be his room. The principal continued to call names until he got to Bill's name. Bill was well known at school, for all the right reasons.

"William Kincaid," he called out, looking around the faces.

"Here, Mr. Knowles," Bill shouted out, waving his hand.

Mr. Knowles smiled and nodded.

"Leopold Kelly," he called out.

Snickers and giggles could be heard around them.

"I thought you said your name was 'Lee'?" Bill asked quietly.

"It is, I go by 'Lee'. You can hear why," Lee answered with a red face.

"Excuse me, Mr Knowles, there must be a typo on your list. My friends name is 'Lee'."

The principal looked down at his papers then up at Bill. Seeing a serious look on Bill's face he realized that Leopold must be embarrassed by his name and Bill was trying to help.

"Yes, Bill, so I see. Lee Kelly?" he called out again.

Lee raised his hand with a smile. Not five minutes at a new school and he found a friend who dared to talk back to the principal to stick up for him. Maybe this wouldn't be so bad after all. And they were both in the same homeroom.

They walked to their homeroom, Bill with his arm around Lee's shoulder, pointing out and hollering to his friends as they past.

"Hey, this is my new friend, Lee. He's new here this year so give him a big welcome."

Everyone Bill yelled out to said 'hi' to Lee or gave him a high five or at the very least a smile and a wave. When everyone was seated, Mrs. Matthews gave out the locker assignments. Bill got locker #104 and Lee got locker # 106.

"Hey, we're neighbors," Bill whispered to Lee. Lee just smiled.

Everything was going smoothly until they got their class schedules. Lee and Bill had most of the same classes together except the free period. Bill had a study hall and Lee had signed up for drama club. They were both in the same math class, which presented a problem for Lee. It was Algebra II.

"Shit, Bill, I'm screwed. I'm in Algebra II and I barely passed one semester of Algebra I in my old school. I might as well take an 'F' and skip the class."

"Hey, not to worry. I'll help you with it. Math is my strong suit. I passed Algebra I last year with an 'A+' average. Tops in the class."

"Thanks but I think it would be like trying to teach a rock how to fly."

"Well spread your wings, buddy, we're going to taking off any minute now."

Lee felt a wave of calm come over him at Bill's assurances.

"You're signed up for drama class?" Bill asked, looking at Lee's schedule.

"I took drama last year and really liked it. I had a small part in the class play but the advisor told me I'd definitely get a bigger part this year. I hope the advisor here feels the same way."

They say opposites attract. It seemed to be the case with Bill and Lee. Bill's left side of his brain is the more dominant, giving him the edge in math, logic, linear thinking and facts. Lee's right side of his brain is the more dominant, promoting his skills in imagination, the arts, feelings, visualization and daydreaming. Together, the boys complimented each other with their strengths.

Their first class of the day was English Literature. The teacher gave the class a brief outline of the works they would be reading and discussing. Bill let out a soft moan of displeasure. Lee looked over at him to see what his problem was.

"I was horrible last year in American Literature and now I have to learn about this crap in a foreign language?"

"English is not a foreign language," Lee laughed.

"It sounds like it with the dumb accent."

"But your reading it, not listening to it," Lee laughed again.

"Is there a problem, boys?" the teacher asked at the noise.

"No sir, I was just telling Bill how interesting and how much fun this course is going to be."

A groan came up from half of the class.

"Quiet!" he shouted. "What is your name, son?"

"Lee Kelly, sir."

"That's Leopold," someone shouted from the back of the room, starting a giggle from all corners of the room.

Bill turned and glared at the one who shouted.

"Sorry, that's his brother. This is Lee. I get them confused." The voice called out.

"Lee has the right attitude. This will be a fun and interesting class. Or you may find it boring and dull and you will surly flunk. So I recommend adjusting your attitudes accordingly."

The books were passed out and everyone started to browse through them. Bill flipped through a few pages and dropped his head onto his desk. The teacher came by and stopped next to him.

"Are we bored already, Mr. ??"

Bill picked up his head and looked at the teacher.

"Kincaid, sir, Bill Kincaid."

"I thought you looked familiar. I remember you from last year in American Literature. I hope you'll do better this year. So if you're not bored, I want you to read the first thirty pages and be prepared to give a report on it tomorrow."

Some quiet laughter came from the rest of the class.

"If you think it is funny, I'll make it fifty pages for everyone and I'll will give a pop quiz at the beginning of class. Are we still laughing?"

"No sir," came a unified response.

"Fine, then Mr Kincaid, please be ready in the morning."

At the end of class, Lee told Bill he'd help him after school to work his assignment.

"That would be great but I have football practice. Maybe you can skip drama class and help me during study hall?"

"It's my first day. I don't want to miss my first class. How about if I come over after supper and we can work on it then?"

"Sounds good."

"But try and read as much as you can during study. Then we can discuss it tonight."

The next two classes weren't anything that either one of them couldn't handle. Then came the dreaded math class. They sat next to one another like their other classes. Mr. Franklin introduced himself and like the other teachers, gave an overview of the semester ahead. Then he wrote a simple algebra equation on the board and asked everyone to solve it. After a few minutes, he looked around the room to find someone to call on. He noticed Lee trying to slink down in his chair and invoke the invisibility clause that every student tries when they don't know an answer and don't want to be called on.

"You, young man, can you give me the answer?" he said, pointing to Lee.

Lee looked around and behind him pretending the teacher was pointing at someone else.

"You sir, the shy one."

"Me, sir?" Lee said pointing to himself.

"Yes, that's right, you."

Lee looked at the equation again and screwed up his face, hoping an answer would pop into his head if he concentrated hard enough.

"Well, we're waiting."

"Um, seven?"

"Really, seven?"

"Eight?" Lee replied in desperation.

"Stop quessing! If you don't know, just say so."

"Sorry sir, I have no idea."

"Does anyone know the answer to this simple equation?"

"Yes sir," Bill replied raising his hand and giving the correct answer.

"Very good young man. What is your name?"

"Bill Kincaid, sir"

"Well Mr. Kincaid, maybe you can help give this poor fellow some idea of what he is doing in this class."

"I intend to, sir. He'll be up to speed in a month's time."

"Oh is that so? You fancy yourself a math wizard of some kind?"

"Not at all, sir. I just know math."

"If that is the case, come to the board and solve this problem for the class."

Mr. Franklin wrote out an equation that he typically used as an extra credit problem on the year end final exam. No one has solved it in the last five years. Bill walked up to the board and stared at the equation for several minutes.

"Stumped are we, Mr. Kincaid?"

"No sir, just double checking my answer."

Bill proceeded to write just the answer on the board. Mr. Franklin looked at it with his mouth open.

"You didn't show your work so I can only assume you have seen this before and had memorized the answer."

Bill picked up the chalk and filled the board with equations, working from the original problem through to the final answer. He put the chalk down and turned to face the teacher.

"Math is just numbers, sir. Work the numbers in an orderly fashion and you'll always arrive at the correct answer. That's what my father had always taught me."

"And just who is your father? Is he a math teacher?"

"No sir. He is the head of engineering at Plainridge Industries."

Plainridge Industries was a huge company two towns over that was a leader in new technologies in the areo-space field.

"Please ask him to come see me at the next teacher-parent night. I would enjoy talking with him. Please take your seat."

Bill sat down with a smug smile on his face. Lee gave him a thumbs up and silently mouthed, 'Well done'.

"And what is your name," the teacher looked at Lee.

"Lee Kelly, sir."

"I would strongly advise you to become very good friends with Mr. Kincaid."

"Yes sir, I already have, sir," then looked at Bill and smiled.

The next two classes, American History and English Composition weren't too bad. Bill could remember any date they threw at him but he had trouble connecting the significance to the dates. Lee was going to help him there and with English Composition as well.

The next period was study hall for Bill and Drama Club for Lee. They were going to meet after that for lunch.

Lee entered the drama class a little apprehensive. He had a small part in a play at his old school but he didn't know anyone here and was afraid he would be the outsider.

"Hey Lee, I didn't know you were in this class?" one of the girls said when she saw him. She was a friend of Bill's who he had met that morning.

"Oh, hi. Yeah, I figure if I'm going to be acting out, I might as well do it here," he joked.

Miss Pratt came in and called the class to order. She took attendance, introducing everyone as she went.

"There are some new faces this year. I'd like to do some improvisation and see what we are working with."

She picked some of the other students first and left Lee for last.

"Okay, Lee. Don't be nervous. Just do a five minute presentation of your choosing, maybe something from a personal experience you've had"

Lee went up to the front of the room, standing with his back to the class. He waited a few minutes, flexing his shoulders and shaking his hands. Then he turned and ran across the front of the class, shouting as he went.

"Come back here, you bastard! You just ran over my dog!" pointing back to the center of the room.

He ran back to where he had started, and knelt down.

"Benny, what did that son of a bitch do to you?" pretending to stroke his fallen dog. "You'll be alright, Benny, I promise." Looking up at the class, "Please for god sake, call the police! Call a veterinarian! Benny needs help right away!"

Then looking back down as he continued to stroke the dog.

"Benny, please don't die. You've been my only true friend since I brought you home when you were a puppy. All the great times we've had together, chasing sticks and your favorite, the tennis balls. Don't die on me and I'll get you a million new tennis balls to chase, all colors." He looks up again, "Where the hell is the ambulance? I need to get Benny to a doctor right now!"

Actual tears formed in Lee's eyes and rolled down his cheeks.

"Stay with me Benny. I'm going to make sure you get better. Then you and I will go hunt down that asshole that hit you. We'll show him he can't get away with doing this to you."

Lee looked up to the sky,

"Please let Benny live. I'll do anything you ask. I'll go to church every Sunday, I'll be a better person. Anything! Just don't let Benny die!"

Lee dropped his head again and kept stroking the invisible dog. He picked up his head and looked to the left.

"Thank god you're here officer. We have to get Benny to the vet clinic right away. I'm talking lights and siren right away." Lee moves over a little, still kneeling. He pretends he is taking off a jacket. "Here, wrap him up in this to keep him warm. Please, be gentle. Hang on Benny, help is here now. You're going to be okay, you just have to be."

The entire class was misty eyed, some crying softly. Miss Pratt told Lee he could stop. Lee walked over to her desk and took a couple of tissues and wiped his tears then blew his nose.

"Oh my, that must have been traumatic for you. Did your dog survive?" she asked.

"I don't know. You stopped me before I got to the end."

"Well, yes, I stopped your performance, but I was asking if Benny, your actual dog survived."

"I never had a dog," Lee replied.

"A cat that got hit by a car?"

"Nope, never had any animals, not even a goldfish."

"You mean that was all made up?" she asked

"They call it acting, Miss Pratt," Lee said with a smile of satisfaction.

"Where the heck did all that emotion come from?"

"Some from here and some from here," Lee replied as he put one hand on his heart and pointed to his head with the other hand.

"So none of that actually happened?"

"No ma'am."

She looked back at the class and shook her head. The whole class looked around and started clapping.

"I'm looking forward to our school play this year. I think we will have a winner," she predicted.

So went the school year. Lee and Bill would be inseparable during the day and study together after school. Bill played football and Lee had rehearsals for the school play through much of the fall. If Lee got finished with his rehearsal early, he would go and watch Bill at football practice. If Bill got done early, he would go and watch the rehearsal. The two of them were together so much that their friends would often refer to them as 'Bill-Lee'.

During the first week of October, Bill opened his locker and a note fell out. He picked it up and read it. He looked around to see if he could see who might have slid it in the vent at the top of his locker door.

"Bill, I have been wanting to talk to you but I'm very shy and couldn't bring myself to approach you so I'm leaving you this note. My heart skipped a beat when I saw you on the first day of school. You are the most handsome boy I have ever seen. Your cute face, you wavy hair and your athletic body make me want to just stand and stare at you, longing to be with you every minute of every hour of every day. I hope you don't take offense at the way I'm handling this but I'm working up the nerve to talk to you in person about my feelings.

Your secret admirer"

Bill had a lot of friends, both girls and boys, but he had no idea who this might be. He looked around the hallway again to see if he could see anyone staring at him like it said in the note. Just then Lee walked up to him.

"Looking for me?" Lee joked.

"I hope not."


"Here, read this note. It was stuffed in my locker."

Bill handed the note to Lee who read it quickly.

"Damn man, you got a red hot lover just waiting to hook up with you," Lee laughed.

"Yeah, so red hot she can't even say hello. That would make a hell of a date."

"It says she going to work up the courage to approach you. So just be patient."

"I suppose. It's probably a joke from one of the Neanderthals on the team."

The boys shrugged it off and went to class. The rest of the day, both of them kept a watchful eye to see if they could spot the secret admirer. But they had no luck spotting any girl staring at Bill.

A few days went by and another note was in Bill's locker.

"Bill, I have tried to work up the courage to talk to you directly but every time I get near you my nerves get the better of me. My lips start to quiver thinking about pressing them against yours, our souls making contact for the first time. Its been said that the first time is special and I want our first time to be special. Our mouths pressed together as we hold each other tight for what seems like an eternity. Please be patient with me.

Your admirer"

"Damn, Bill this girl is good. She's just interested in you but she has me chubbing up."

"At lunch we're going to make a list of who this might be, then go to work and figure out her identity."

At lunch the boys sat by themselves and looked around at the girls in the cafeteria. Bill took out his phone and started to make a list of the possibilities.

"You're only putting down girls that you like, the good looking popular ones. Suppose its not one of them?"

"We have to start somewhere so why not start with the best girls in school."

"Suppose it's not a girl? What if it's a guy who is smitten by your cute face?" Lee laughed.

"Screw you, asshole, I don't date guys," Bill said and punched Lee's shoulder.

"Picky, picky, picky," Lee giggled.

Bill showed Lee the list he had put together.

"Okay, so now what?" he asked.

"I casually run into them one by one, say hello and see what happens. If they engage in conversation, I'll have a pretty good idea it's her or not. If she stutters, stammers and get tongue tied, I'll know I found the one."

"Then you'll have a dozen girls thinking you're interested in them. I'm not sure that's a good plan."

"Got any better ideas?"

"Not really. Maybe wait and see if the next note gives you any more clues?"

"Okay, we'll try that."

If was a few more days before the next note showed up.

"Bill, I watched you at football practice the other day. When you tackled the player trying to catch the ball and landed on top of him I imagined it was me underneath you, your body pressed hard on mine, squeezing the wind out of me. The weight of your muscular body pinning me to the ground, unable to move even if I wanted to, which I wouldn't. You would remove your helmet and once again our lips would seal our passion for each other. Maybe I should sign up for football and hope that my fantasy comes true?"

"This girl is going to get me hurt."

"How so?" Lee asked.

"The next time I tackle someone and land on top of them, I'll be imagining laying on top of her. Chubbing up when you're on top of another guy is not a good thing."

"Maybe he won't notice. Just don't take of your helmet and kiss him," Lee said and then ducked another shoulder punch.

"You were at practice yesterday. Did you notice any girl paying more attention to me than anyone else?"

"Not really. They were a lot of people there, the guys watching the cheerleaders and the girls watching the hot buns of the players. But none watching you in particular, not a girl by herself."

"Tomorrow we got to our lockers separately so we can take turns spying to see if we can spot who puts the notes in my locker."

"Okay. You go to your locker first and make sure there isn't a note there already, then we take turns keeping watch until classes start."

The boys kept a vigil for several days and no note showed up. This plan had failed. After they gave up another note showed up.

"Bill, I was dreaming about you last night. We were in my bed and you were making love to me. I can't wait for that to happen, to have you up inside me, locked together until we both give each other a bed shaking orgasm. My hand is shaking as I write this reliving my dream. Our day will come, and we will cum. I'm sure of it."

"New plan. Close me in my locker and I'll spring out when she slips a note in. She's so hot to trot she'll probably push me back in my locker and fuck me right then and there."

"Dream on, lover boy. You'll be so flustered you won't be able to get your locker open."

"This is driving me crazy not knowing."

"Just be patient and wait her out."

Other than the salacious notes in the locker, life was becoming pretty routine. After classes, Lee would go to drama practice for the school play and Bill would go to football practice. If Lee got done before practice ended, he would go and watch Bill. He had become a regular in the bleachers and the rest of the team adopted him as their honorary teammate. He would help carry the equipment back into the locker room after practice but then made an excuse to leave the locker room while Bill and the team showered and got dressed in street clothes. He didn't want to be seen as lurking around all those naked guys.

The school play was scheduled for just before the Christmas break. Miss Pratt had taken an ambitious undertaking in choosing 'Death of a Salesman" for this year's production. She felt that with Lee in the lead, they could pull it off. Lee didn't want to be automatically chosen for the lead and wanted to give everyone a chance to try out. But the whole class insisted that he play the part of Willy Lowman. The play explores a salesman who is struggling with his fading career and the disillusionment of his life. It addresses denial, contradiction and the quest for order versus disorder, unrealistic expectations of what his life should be. The final line in the play is spoken by his wife, "We're free", referring to the fact that after Willy's death the family is not longer chasing something that they will never attain, the American Dream.

Days were pretty normal when another note appeared.

"Bill, last night I had my hands between my legs and I'm not sure if I was actually dreaming or just in a dream like state. My mind was envisioning my lips, my wet warm lips, wrapped around your manhood. I only have an idea of what it would feel like and hope that some day I will experience the real thing. I took you deep in my mouth, no feeling of gagging which I'm told is common for a first time, just being overwhelmed at how hard yet soft you felt. You had your hand on the back of my head, gently pressing down and I moved up and down, swirling my tongue on you. Unfortunately, my fantasy was so vivid that I reached my orgasm before you did. Next time I'll be more diligent to make sure you are first."

Bill finished ready the note and put his hand down to readjust his swollen cock.

"I'm going to jump in my locker and jerk off. Make sure nobody disturbs me."

"If that's what you're planning, you're already disturbed, deeply mentally disturbed," Lee joked.

"But read this. How can you not get a boner from this?"

"I read over your shoulder and it was hot but it's you that's get sucked off, not me."

"If only I was. Damn!"

Thanksgiving rolled around and the big season ending football game between the school rivals ended in a win for Bill and his team. Bill made an interception near the end of the game to prevent the other team from scoring, then gave the pivotal block that allowed his team to score the winning goal. Bill was carried off the field on his teammate's shoulders.

Now that football was over for the season, Bill would usually go right home after school and wait for Lee to come over so they could study together. Mid year exams were looming ahead of them and they both wanted to get good grades. Bill's father was working late hours, trying to finish a big project on schedule before the end of the year and his mother was doing volunteer work for some local charities collecting gifts for underprivileged children so the boys were often alone.

Bill had found another note in his locker before he left school.

"Bill, I was so proud of you at the game. Our team won because of the plays you made. I wanted to jump up and yell at the top of my lungs, 'That's my boyfriend' but I knew you'd be embarrassed and ashamed if the likes of me called you my boyfriend publicly. I was so envious of the player who carried you off the field on his shoulders. If it was me, I would have turned my head around and buried it in your sweaty crotch, inhaling your man scent like a bottle of $200 cologne. Then I would have followed you into the showers, soaping and washing your body from top to bottom, spending extra time on special parts of you."

Lee had been at rehearsal and hadn't read this note yet. Bill was alone at home and read it over and over, getting stiffer each time. Finally he couldn't take it anymore and dropped his pants to his ankles and began to stroke his leaking cock. He was so engrossed in pleasuring himself that he didn't hear Lee coming up the stairs. Lee entered the room and stood there with his mouth open watching his best friend beat off.

"Ahem," Lee said clearing this throat.

"Oh hey. Sorry about this but read this note and you'll understand," Bill said as he handed Lee the note with one hand and continued to stroke himself with his other hand. "Can't stop now, too close to finishing," he explained and sped up his rhythm.

Lee took the note, read it and watched as Bill shot his load of cum all over the floor. Lee's face got red, putting the note back on Bill's desk.

"I'm going down stairs to get some sodas while you clean up your mess"

The after orgasm euphoria began to fade and Bill was suddenly embarrassed at jerking off in front of Lee. He got a towel and cleaned up his mess just as Lee came back with two sodas.

"Hey Lee, I'm sorry about that. I should have stopped and put it away. That was rude to make you watch."

"No big deal between friends."

"You should have joined me then," Bill laughed. "I noticed your bulge got bigger after reading that note."

"Again, she is hot for you, not me. I wouldn't want to intrude on your fantasy with her."

"It's only fantasy so far so there is plenty of room for two," Bill joked.

"Let's get studying before we get distracted."

A few more days passed with Bill going home and waiting for Lee, but keeping it in his pants now. Bill was getting bored waiting for Lee so he thought this particular afternoon he would sneak in and watch some of the rehearsal. He had never realized how much of an accomplished actor Lee had become. Bill saw the end of the rehearsal coming and snuck back out so he wouldn't be caught. It was closed to everyone but the cast and the stage crew. He went to the men's room to take a piss and then to meet Lee at his locker. As he came around the corner of the hallway, he saw Lee putting a note into the vent of locker 104, Bill's locker.

"Hey, what's up?" Bill asked pointing to his locker.

Lee was taken by surprise and stammered as he explained.

"I found the note in my locker when I opened it. She must have put it in the wrong locker by mistake."

"You could have just brought it home to me when you come over."

"You enjoy getting these so much, I didn't want to take away the surprise."

"Thanks. Hey, I have a question for you. And a confession of sorts," Bill began. "First the confession. I snuck into your rehearsal and watched you earlier. I hope you're not mad."

"Not at all. If you had asked I would have invited you to watch. After all, I watched you the other day," Lee said while making the jerk off motion with his hand.

"Yeah, um, well, okay. But my real question, you've told me you're shy and kind of introverted. But on the stage you seemed completely at ease. Can you be that same way in front of a whole auditorium full of people?"

"That's different. It's not me up on that stage, it's Willy Loman. I'm standing in the wings making sure he doesn't flub his lines. I have nothing to be nervous about and he is just being himself up there."

"Wow, that's amazing. You're amazing."

"No, just me being someone else. I do it all the time and no one notices."

The note that was put in the wrong locker was even more graphic, bordering on more pornographic than a love letter. This one was different, though. It was signed with the initials 'L P'. Bill read it, offering it to Lee to read.

"Put that away before you do something you'll regret, something we'll both regret," Lee giggled.

Bill's mother was having a meeting of the volunteers at his house that afternoon so they went to Lee's house. His parents weren't expected home for a while so again, they had he place to themselves.

"You go upstairs and get the books ready and I'll grab some sodas," Lee told Bill.

Bill went to Lee's bedroom and put his books on the desk. There were some other books and a notebook already there so Bill was putting them to one side when the notebook fell to the floor. He picked it up and casually glanced at the open page. His mouth fell open as he read what was on the page. It was rough drafts with cross outs and corrections of the love notes that were placed in his locker. The last one had the initials 'L P' scribbled in the margin. Lee had been writing these all this time to prank Bill. At first he was mad but then calmed down. Good friends will pull pranks on each other from time to time. He just hadn't expected it from Lee.

Lee walked in the room and saw Bill with his notebook. His face went ghost white. He slowly walked over to Bill.

"Bill, I'm so sorry. I never wanted you to find out it was me writing those notes. I just didn't know how to tell you."

"Not a big deal, friends prank each other all the time. But why the initials 'L P'?"

Lee looked down at the floor and then back up at Bill.

"You don't understand, it wasn't a prank, the notes were from me. Leo Pold," Lee admitted quietly.

Suddenly it sunk in. A lot of things Lee had said and done now made sense. The notes were how Lee actually felt about Bill, not some mysterious girl.

Bill put his hand on Lee's shoulder.

"One of your notes said you thought I was cute? Really?"

"Cute, handsome, a fucking hunk, all wrapped into one," Lee replied

They smiled at each other.

"You're an actor. How would you like to star in a new play I'm planning?" Bill asked.

Lee was totally confused. He expected Bill to be furious, maybe punch Lee in the face or at the very least just leave.

"You're writing a play?"

Bill picked up the notebook and turned to the first page.

"Its called 'Young Lovers'. Act One, Scene One goes like this."

Reading from the notebook,

"I have tried to work up the courage to talk to you directly but every time I get near you my nerves get the better of me. My lips start to quiver thinking about pressing them against yours, our souls making contact for the first time. It's been said that the first time is special and I want our first time to be special. Our mouths pressed together as we hold each other tight for what seems like an eternity."

Bill leaned in and kissed Lee on the lips.

"You're going to be the lead in my play. Interested?"

Lee answered by putting his lips back on Bill's and kissing him. He pulled back and looked deep into Bills' eyes and said quietly,

"I'm free."

>I usually don't write an epilogue on a one chapter story but you deserve to know what happened with Bill and Lee. I don't like to leave my characters hanging in the wind."


The high school play was a smash hit, the audience giving it a five minute standing ovation. The curtain rose and the cast came out and gave a bow. The applause got even louder. They walked back from the front of the stage and the curtain came down. Everyone started chanting, 'Willy, Willy, Willy'. The curtain came up again and the cast and the entire stage crew came out and took another bow then stood there and smiled. Miss Pratt had invited a theater critic she knew to watch the second night's performance. He went back stage after the performance and gave Lee his card. He told him to get in touch at the end of his Junior year of school and he would get Lee lined up for a complete scholarship to Juilliard, one of the finest acting schools in New York City. Lee graduated with offers on several leading parts in Broadway plays. His career was off and running.

Bill went to college to study civil engineering. He wanted to be outside more than his father was, stuck in the factory all the time. His math skills allowed him to graduate at the top of his class. After a few years working for some top notch firms, he struck out on his own. He ended up spearheading massive projects all over the world.

Oh, yes, and Lee and Bill became lovers in high school keeping a low key profile that never created any controversy. They got together as often as they could while in college and then got married the day after they both graduated. If Lee wasn't cast in a play, he would go with Bill to where ever his current project was in the world. And when Bill was between projects, he was always front row center for every one of Lee's performances. They still haven't written the last act of Bill's play, 'Young Lovers', but they keep working on it together.


This story is part of the 2024 story challenge "Inspired by a Picture: Locker 104". The other stories may be found at the challenge home page. Please read them, too. The voting period of 29 August 2023 to 20 September 2023 is when the voting is open. This story may be rated, below, against a set of criteria, and may be rated against other stories on the challenge home page.

The challenge was to write a story inspired by this picture:


The picture is provided here under the doctrine of 'fair use' which is believed to apply. It is not the site's intent to infringe copyright. Copyright owners considering that this does not apply to their work should enter into dialogue with the webmaster by email [for their convenience they may use the submissions email address]. Items where copyright is asserted will either be taken down, or attribution made, at the copyright holder's choice.

Locker Number 104

You may tick as many statements as you wish. Stories my also be discussed in detail on the Literary Merit forum

It grabbed my attention early on
I had to know what happened
I identified with at least one of the cast
Gritty - it had an edge to it
Realistic - it could have happened that way
I found it hard to follow
Good characterisation
I feel better for having read it
It was romantic
It was erotic
Too much explicit sex
It had the right amount of sex, if there was any
Not enough explicit sex
I have read and enjoyed other work by this author
I will seek this author's work out

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