Poll: Audience

Please choose a definition of yourself that you would use as the closest to how you identify yourself [1384 votes total]

Gay and single (271)  19%
Gay and single, seeking life partner (156)  11%
Gay and single, promiscuous (38)  2%
Gay and single, not promiscuous, content to be so, but open to the right guy (113)  8%
Gay and Married/partnered to an opposite sex partner (82)  5%
Gay and with a same sex life partner (129)  9%
Gay with an opposite sex friend cover (10)  0%
Gay and reclusive with no involvement (85)  6%
Gay, but I want to try it with an opposite sex partner at least once! (8)  0%
Bisexual and single (54)  3%
Bisexual and single, seeking life same sex partner (25)  1%
Bisexual and single, seeking life opposite sex partner (5)  0%
Bisexual and single, seeking life either sex partner (16)  1%
Bisexual and single, promiscuous (12)  0%
Bisexual and single, not promiscuous, content to be so, but open to the right guy (13)  0%
Bisexual and single, not promiscuous, content to be so, but open to the right girl (3)  0%
Bisexual and single, not promiscuos, content to be so, but open to the right person, boy or girl (31)  2%
Bisexual and Married/partnered to an same sex partner (11)  0%
Bisexual and Married/partnered to an opposite sex partner (80)  5%
Bisexual and reclusive with no involvement (10)  0%
Asexual (17)  1%
Heterosexual and single (23)  1%
Heterosexual and single, seeking life partner (7)  0%
Heterosexual and single, promiscuous (0)  0%
Heterosexual and single, not promiscuous, content to be so, but open to the right person (10)  0%
Heterosexual and Married/partnered (38)  2%
Heterosexual and reclusive with no involvement (5)  0%
Heterosexual, but dammit I want to try it with a same sex partner at least once (31)  2%
Trans and single (5)  0%
Trans and single, seeking life partner (1)  0%
Trans and single, promiscuous (1)  0%
Trans and single, not promiscuous, content to be so, but open to the right person (1)  0%
Trans and Married/partnered (5)  0%
Trans and reclusive with no involvement (2)  0%
Ok, you tried, but I can't find an answer that works for me (59)  4%
I just like answering surveys (27)  1%


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