
The scroll treats me well, it gives me a light
It tells me the wonders that can give me a fright
But I read on anyway, thirsty for smart
I read through the page that is falling apart
Of the magical land which I bring
Set sail on the ocean where mermaids sing
Listen carefully to the meraids' song
If you follow you heart you won't be done wrong
They tell you the wonders that come from the scroll
Living that life that has its own toll
Much will be sacrificed, some men in vain
Women and children, crying in pain
But others will be happy, happy as can be
And you will set sail on the big open sea

With all my life, I'd take you too
My life means nothing, nothing without you
Taking a voyage without you, I just cannot bare
The treasure we'll find is for us to share

This poem is copyright 2002 Mouser, to whom comments may be sent.