We both were cruising- in a cottage in St Judes. He bacame my life.
Old Dave.
I call him Angel He takes it seriously My strong protection
Sonny Williams
My heart aches, although Love blossoms powerfully- E'en beyond his grave
Quondam Manitou
They kneel down to cum My forehead neck chin lips cheeks Draped in warm candy
My eyes dart about As the train slows to a stop - He is here, somewhere
Don't you feel it too? This feeling emblazed inside Oh please just touch me
Tim, I need your fun Lewis, I need your passion Rick, I need your touch
N Fourbois
Whisper quietly so the flowers can hear you Breathe in our embrace
Patrick S.
Shame is drowned in love. Naked in beauty you stand, bathed in tears of joy
P. Ingraham
You are a dancer Will you hold me and guide me? I do want to learn!
The Captain
Turgid blue-veined shaft Rises from silky curled hair Parted lips approach
I kissed my boyfriend. He kissed me. Next day we woke sporting two lovebites.
N Fourbois
Touch my shaking hand. Your skin is made of sunlight: Warms me, wanting more.
He seems to be lost; But autumn leaves fall into The greenness of spring.
Jack Rowan
Through the crowded streets Our eyes quietly lock, the held Hands make the statements
Rage Through This Life
Four square and handsome; Demure, sweet and confident. Alabaster boy.
I am bone china. Am on show for all to see. "But I am a BOY!"
he will not see me the title of my heartbreak so I can't explain
Youth becomes wrinkled, But inside our love remains; Who cares if you snore?
My heart's on my sleeve. Your flesh invades my essence. I'm turned inside out!
P. Ingraham
Alive in our hearts, Paul and Simon give him voice. Scholar, you are missed.
Rick, ten long years I have jerked you off in my mind. Now I can't get hard.
N Fourbois
In my lustful dreams I've already ravished you. Why can't I touch you?
P. Ingraham
I'll find you, my love! You can't hide from me because you're deep inside me.
P. Ingraham
the girl's lovely star flushed as the red tango rose petrifies my piece.
Celia Nest
Whiff of Fahrenheit And how I long for his arms - even in his arms
sitting beside him, saying everything but, the feeling i felt
A handle to hold. Two balls to play with. It's no Wonder I like guys!
Often friends are all. Love can wait if I have those. But not for ever!
It's Only Me from Across the Sea
I can't be with you - Everything touched turns to dust Don't know how to love.
Soft, sensual smile, seductive sandalwood scent. silky island boy.
P. Ingraham
It is soft at first But soon grows hard in my mouth I suck noisily
Tim, Rick and Lewis I think of you ev'ry day Be my Valentines
N Fourbois
Chasing a shadow I wasted so many tears. He was not worth them!
I kiss his red lips, then put his boyhood in mine and swallow his gift...
Promethian hope the rock is not my torment but my foresight is
If I could tell him Show him what's inside of me - I could breathe again
In soft, deep, safe arms I sleep encircled by him. My leonine boy
It's Only Me from Across the Sea
Shirtless men walking Their dogs in hot noonday sun ... Erect, I pant pant!
"You're so beautiful", he tells the water spirit. Narcissus, so vain.
Paul Ingraham
so near yet so far I can imagine kissing blossom turns to dust
We lived in silence, The queer boys of the sixties. Not much better now!
It's Only Me from Across the Sea
He's so cute and he Turns me on so much it aches Yet I know he's straight
"He can never love. Tortured and dead is his soul". But I've heard you sing . . .
P. Ingraham
Afraid still, sometimes, I wait for your kiss that heals. Loved, and safe at last.
Je l'aime de tout coeur, Mais il sait bien le briser - Avec un baiser.
At 18 I prayed, "God, please don't let me be gay!" I don't think it worked.
I have never known Immortality's appeal- until I saw him.
Curled close to his chest - Tiny cub to his great strength Safe, warm and complete.
odyssey across silky flesh of boyish ass, fall into crevice.
howard sez "blow me" i certainly wouldn't mind but distance makes waste
"Anne R. had our school's fairest peach-skin, apple-cheeks" [...So Did Her Brother!!]
Brian Beck
Embrace me, my love I love you more than ever Tell me how you feel
The boy who loves me Has perfect imperfection. Am I his equal?
It's Only Me from Across the Sea
Bathed in soft moonlight your breath spreading o'er my breast: Is this paradise?
P. Ingraham
All my life I've yearned For that special 'him' to love. Now it is too late.
Love is wonderful, Yet romantic is not all. Savour love for friend!
O bitter knowledge. The power you have over me - Forever secret.
Spunky Frog
Alone in darkness He holds me to his bosom; Cries himself to sleep.
A ring of rubber Is all that he is wearing How hard his cock is
Tiny appendage... Is not the body I've used. Why here, mighty God???
Gerald Arthur Young
anniversary - hand in hand for fifty years we have beat the odds
Allen & John
My love has brown hair A dimple on his proud chin. I am a boy too
It's Only Me from Across the Sea
be still bleeding heart! forget me not forget me boy in the closet
Love me gently now Passion has long since been spent But true love sustains
P. Ingraham
I love them, truly Men, wonderful men, sexy Bigots, family
Late night the stars bright. His angel eyes caress mine: Take me my love, please!
Sonny Williams
Boyfriend and boyfriend ... Why do you flirt with others?? It makes me so sad !
He pinched my nipple and I liked the way it felt. I knew I was loved.
Dallas Nichols
Light comes from darkness: Love now dares to speak its name. I am the rainbow.
I have always known. So why did I get married? A lonely coward.
Spunky Frog
Focus on his crotch. That's what makes him who he is. The rest's illusion.
P. Ingraham
Our breasts touch gently As my fingers stroke her clit - Her hot juice explodes
Are we of less worth? Gay couples defile marriage! So says christian church.....
We're so far apart, Yet we're so close together, Love over distance.
When times bring darkness My friends listen and guide me. Nor gay nor straight. Friends.
Sweet and sexy Josh This feeling's only for him My heart melts inside
I undress my love, Shirt, pants, briefs - and there he is, Gloriously nude!
He lies back, eyes closed my lips, tongue engulf his prize, hot seed slakes my thirst.
If I could hold you you would know how real love feels Come, and be fulfilled.
P. Ingraham
Like a lollypop? Who can love the sweet young boys? The Candy Man can!
P. Ingraham
The smell of clean sweat Golden hair against tan skin His legs beguile me.
White Hanes undies teased ever so slowly downward red hot sun rising
Trevor McConchie (Miruku)
Your arms hold me tight Yet we are not together. Come and take me now!
We were once best friends but I'm that three letter word. Those fags that you hate.
Patrick S.
i'll do what you ask just don't whip me anymore i get the message
T. Chase McPhee
(Don't flaunt/rock the boat) (Straights aren't ready) (Flamers harm) (Why blurt of sex lives)
Brian Beck
Jason and Nickey:
and we love you, still.
Gerald Arthur Young
"I Want To Be Straight" ("Well, you flowed gay here," I touched) [So, he hated me...)
Brian Beck
Sometimes I hate me, Trapped by fate in the wrong place. Love conquers all? No!
Beautiful David, stepped down from your pedestal. Mike'angelo mourns.
When first I saw him I exclaimed, "It's John!" I knew: Without knowing him.
Michael Sargeant
closet-male for male who will not blow my cover -- surfing to Eagles!
Marine in silkies - Runs by; Falling Autumn Leaves - Touch his naked chest.
When time gets shorter And time can only be snatched I worry for him
come taste my honey depends on which bee makes it only choice is me
T. Chase McPhee
his are basketballs one fits in my mouth barely -- he shaves, we dribble
I am as I am. Thank you for understanding And accepting me.
Afraid I'll get hurt They protect and shield my heart... A boy in a cage !
Two perky nublets Underneath the mat of brown So, so sensitive
R. Dean McPhee
Always I love you. Never do I hate you, love. Our joy will not die.
I am yours forever, I'll wait patiently for you, It's okay, I'll wait.
Looking and looking, maybe you could be the one, searching, still searching.
Pierce me with your great body Again before night
This haiku sucks, but So does my boyfriend, Roger. He does it so well!
get the point across take your shirt off or I will take it off for you
T. Chase McPhee
luscious and juicy only one special flavor will you lick my stick?
T. Chase McPhee
The sea is gentle It pumps into the tunnel Of the man I love
god's a fine young man sly, standing in a corner waiting for playtime
Please, may I phone you? Where? When? My heart is pounding: Your wife unaware.
Kiss me, hug me tight, Let your arms enfold me now. Never let me go
I went to see you to say what i feel for you but he told you first
The door closed, at last! Take your time with each button, My hands in your jeans.
Through The Scholar's love Paul's dream is reality; He and Simon: one.
My heart is racing Two hundred beats per minute Coming out is tough
Sleeping naked, great, but say, where on earth do you keep your handkerchief?
N Fourbois
Have your way with me Victim of your vicious rape I'll get even man!
R. Dean McPhee
Reila por el mundo
Tearing through the streets Lost, the heart can't be found with A broken sat nav
Rage Through This Life
Come to me my love, Be afraid of nothing here... I will accept you.
pant loud pant loud pant stop in the name of sweet love i've had enough, now
T. Chase McPhee
Verdant gaze longing Stooped and field-worn sun-bronzed frame Fulfillment awaits
I see him walking Grace, elegance in his step I yearn but can't touch
Fingers through your hair, Tongue in mouth, exploring there, Phallus - you know where!
P. Ingraham
I sent a haiku - waited for over a week. Did you forget me? ;-)
Music turned up high: I try to hide my feelings. Nothing drowns him out.
Inner Shadows
"What's your job?" he asked. "I test zips." "Would you test mine?" I did. My hand slipped.
N Fourbois
tingly to the tongue soft silky undercarriage I love to nuzzle
He hurt me! Tore me! I needed love; he forced sex. I hate the bastard.
It's Only Me from Across the Sea
I only love you, No others can have my heart, I belong to you.
I would die for him; He only has to ask me. We are boys at school.
It's Only Me from Across the Sea
Cute? Handsome? So what? Teased me and let me love him. But he never cared.
daily i recall how eagerly we loved then now we are 'both' dads
Your words made me smile A text message compliment I felt so alive
The Captain
I said, "I am gay," He said, "I'm glad you told me..." My love for him, mine.
No words are spoken Search my eyes while trees deny Our staggered leaving
The beauty of a Boy's young body is simple - He is perfection.
rainy jungle air a snaking kiss so cruel out behind the school
Rhett Miller
I have read your words I have seen your pain and tears Let me console you......
All day, printed up "gay-lib" stuff. Then, ink-stained, glimpsed sun-print on young cheek...
Brian Beck
Every day at three he will pass by my window: schoolboy walking home
horrid betrayal joy in he who is not I charon's fair in hand
Jon Doe
My heart touches yours The dark places disappear: Hold me forever !
love, we have not touched but i know the depths of you soul's mate, heart of mine
If you only knew how you elevate my soul... boy in girl's clothing.
Michael Sargeant
Your slick hard cock head Enters my hot eager mouth Sticky seed for me
A condom's thickness Is too great a distance, Tim To separate us
N Fourbois
You are far away. Across the world, our souls join - You are in my heart.
Spunky Frog
tying, untying the sash of his kimono two hands full of snow
blue eye angel boy sweet and innocent looking not available...
A gay hook-up site - Profile username: Phiboy. 'Adam for Adam'
Perfection - it is him - shoulders broad, azure eyes. And he is all mine.
Ropes streak from below Some higher than the others Joy that words can't tell
R. Dean McPhee
I want to hold him to kiss, love and live with him Dreams they are only
Raven black your hair, Jade green your wild, piercing eyes; White your ice cold heart.
P. Ingraham
You want children too? But we are gay they will say... Love beats all evil !!!!
Faster! Faster! Now! Oh! full release! Hold me close Linger in the wet
To have and to hold - From this day and ev'ry day; My promise to Steve.
"You can NOT be gay! You are married with a child!" I am. And I am.
It's Only Me from Across the Sea
torrent of wicked fools mock my satisfaction such is springs vengeance
Jon Doe
So close yet so far - his beauty leaves me breathless. Alas! I teach him.
Spunky Frog
I love, you love, and
Nice conjugation.
Gerald Arthur Young
Hunter, track me down. Baste me on your roasting spit: My flesh feeds your soul!
P. Ingraham
"I TOLD Parents, Friends!" (That same day some mopped up clean out of mind that splash...)
Brian Beck
Anticipation..... Tip of my tongue peeking out Taste me, love - taste me
Came out of womb, gay.
Never want back in.
Gerald Arthur Young
blaze fox and rubbers simply a means to his end leave his head alone
I see only him; My mind thinks only of him. Why can't he see me?
It's Only Me from Across the Sea
Where to love? Not here! The wall hole nor the white bowl Let love take hold here.
It's Only Me from Across the Sea
Curled blond hair, blue eyes Boy who has never been kissed How can one resist?
N Fourbois
Hug me, cuddle me, Let me feel loved and secure, Nestling in your arms
rip my ass anew, plunge me deeper to the depths of fear. FUCK ME HARD!
He who? He who loves. Male? Female? No, never mind.
Gerald Arthur Young
Unconditional Love that brings my soul to soar Darkness falls away
Two boys; love full, ripe Destined sure for destruction; Little they know us!
Sonny Williams
In the soft moonlight I proffer dewdrops in the chalice of your lips
P. Ingraham
He is just a boy, the shining light of my life. Oh, I love him so.
I would save your life, Then go back for my brother. You'll never know why.
Mark Apoapsis
Nude boys shower close. I cannot control my dick. It's dangerous here
It's Only Me from Across the Sea
cheap seedy motel wrinkled sheets stained with semen we wake up sweaty
T. Chase McPhee
In golden sunshine, his multi-hued tattooing reflected his heart.
For So Many Years I ached, so much pain inside.... Now, I'm free... I'm gay !!!!!
Slender, bronzed, blue-eyed blonde, great pecs and abs. He turns and smiles. I'm in love!
His glance locked with mine, Deep blue eyes engulfing me -- Erotic whirlpool.
Nels Beck
Tisket, a-tasket, My! What a gorgeous basket! Let your pants fall down!
P. Ingraham
Slim youth glares at me As he steps in to shower -- Is it a challenge?
Nels Beck
Loved my boys, Hot toys Married, kids, skids, Lies, byes,,,,TIME Loving boys. Great toys
He is just sixteen Life's cruel blow, too young for me I must shed seed now
Your soft countenance, Your passionate embrace, your deadly acid kiss.
P. Ingraham
What I am is me What you see is what you get Take it or leave it
The Scholar
winter, cold and wet playing boys, firm hot sweating winter snow melting
A second too long Our eyes locked on, laser like. Will it always hurt?
Wants his OR-ga-sm! [But will he then pause by me calm together-while?]
Brian Beck
Infinite Desire Unquestionable Beauty Endless lustfull love
Hot, frenzied hardness! Breathless mouths, probing tongues, then - we come. Together.
Spunky Frog
Pocket billiards is far more exciting when played as an away match.
N Fourbois
Heart broken, hope gone, I hurt every day for him, I wish he was mine.
Five decades I hid, afraid to tell six lovers that I did love them.
Nels Beck
Youth's heat lights my fire, He smiles and climbs into bed. Joyous 69!
Autumn of our lives; life has treated us badly.
Isaias Ramos Garcia
why did he not tell when he was lonely or scared that's why he is dead
If only you knew How often I think of you I'm in love with you
Crying in shadows Blinded by the darkness here I fail to realize
I've so many friends, Only one can have my heart. It's you, my boyfriend.
his flesh fills my dreams my knees shake when I see him if he just was gay
He and I in love, Embracing each other's soul, Hold each other tight.
A darkened hallway Shadows hide my performance Did I hear footsteps
Resting on your thigh Gazing at your growing cock Hunger in my eyes
Coming Out gives me extra hands! New, core-seed self looms up, smiles--content!
Brian Beck
On car's rear window, old gay-pride flag still holds place. Now pale... still, not torn...
Brian Beck
i had the cherry, then i had the na na split God, he was so sweet!
mark my calendar anniversary draws near how could you forget
T. Luke McPhee
Will you leave or stay? Or are you only a dream? I must stop crying.
P. Ingraham
He's back - my heart leaps! I admire him from afar. Impossible dreams.
I've heard your music, OK, seen your naked soul: Love you all the more.
I yearn for your touch sweet boy of my heart let me lie deep inside you
I was hurt by him, My heart broke, I was so hurt, If only he knew.
Still living a lie - A slow, suffocating death. Trapped in the closet.
Spunky Frog
Glory hole awaits Open mouth and hard penis Two satisfied men
Lang'rous summer days Teens -- slim or buff, arousing. "Rub on some sun screen?"
unbearable grace sweetly innocent embrace blonde god of my dreams
I gave you my heart-- Whose, then, is this in my chest? seems to bear your name...
fucked with a dildo wow, factories make these things by the millions,wow
will eizlini
It's a friendly hug; Merely happy to see me. Nothing more than that
He says he loves me - I truly believe him now..... My soulmate exists.
A smile in his eyes I smile back with hope and fear Maybe he likes me...
he disappeared in the mist leaving me behind cum-stained underwears
I am in hiding Scared of the darkness outside Yes, I'm gay - help me?
The Scholar
Sweet quiet young Steve: so ready, I'd just boyhand, & we'd come/come/come/
Brian Beck
A glistening drop Oozes from his hard penis My tongue will have it
The men drink and stare Can they touch me, or I them My first time stripping
Though Spring's blossoms die, He swore his love eternal. Two lips? No, tulips.
Michael Sargeant
Someone said, "I'm scared" Don't be! Reach out to your friends We're all here for you
The Scholar
The day of my love Rests in my hands to hold it But I never do
deep eyes... dark hair... kiss... drowns me more than the depths of my love: my life's yours.
liam o'brian
Silence is golden My body was a temple I have been broken
I will cuddle you, Hold you close to me in love; In my arms find peace.
Look into my eyes don't you see my love for you? look into my soul
between cheek and gum spot of cum an hour later -- after dinner mint!
Trees black with cold rain; A year the house is silent. He has not returned.
Jack Rowan
My boyfriend's nipple begs to be kissed. He does know what that will lead to?
N Fourbois
Strong arms embracing, lips caress, hands roam, eyes meet - in me now, thrusting.
"I love you", A drop... Showering love upon me, But no rain falls here
Paul, Ralph, John and Phil: All my past - and present too. Future beckons bright.
Tim, Rick and Lewis Forty long years have gone by My love won't perish
N Fourbois
You say, "Fuck me now!" You're already all fucked up. Maybe you mean "Love...?
P. Ingraham
Where are you True-Heart? Why are you so hard to find in this sea of flesh?
You've taken my heart Inside outside upside down I shout, Thank You Jack
Kevin (Dr. Suess)
As I sit and stare he moves towards me and sits oh god I'm in love
Round about of speech from him, to Mike, then to me Hey Luke, we're married!
R. Dean McPhee
Perfection's wanted. No place to be a gay boy. My "home" was perfect.
I'm so happy he cares He's now told me he loves me I'm floating on air
The Scholar
I look in your eyes, I see past your outer shell, I see only you.
Robber! What cheap loot! You've just stolen my body! Why not my soul! Here!
P. Ingraham
Go ahead. Jerk your young boyfriend off, but who'll be cleaning up the mess?
N Fourbois
You fruit hangs heavy - Ripe and ready for plucking. Fill me with your seed!
Spunky Frog
A love in this world; it would mean so much to me if he came today.
We meet after school He stands, one red rose in hand; A kiss, I get hard!
Sonny Williams
Hard-on in his shorts His eyes fixed on eyes, alas,
sweet smooth chocolate brown strong supple muscled torso love those southern boys!
blonde hair surrounds it defined trail leads right to it hint - think bellyhole
T. Luke McPhee
Nineteen years with him... ...in '81... C.D.C.; Then we stopped whoring.
Gerald Arthur Young
Tension... shoots and scores Wide grin, hands waving, cheering My boyfriend - Sports God
I long to kiss him And taste his wine-wet, full lips He's my addiction
it's so hot hot hot burn your tongue if you don't stop hairy nips ablaze
T. Luke McPhee
he's a married man i play 'the other woman'-- he does not kiss me
What is he thinking? "Love me, hold me, for ever!" That's what I'm thinking.
Spunky Frog
When God speaks to me He always says, "I love you": Just the way you do.
P. Ingraham
Yes, I am married A roadblock that ties me down Will you lust for me?
The Captain
sullen-nellie kid's light tight white short-shorts are greyed: his restless scratching--
Brian Beck
I love you so much !! The depths of your soul you've shown I love all of you !!!
He said to me, "You're not what I want, but you'll do." This is what love is.
Celia Nest
Flex it! Make it hard! One more pump - and then you're shot: Love my muscle man!
P. Ingraham
Been there? Not ever. Never have done that, either... Happy as I am.
Gerald Arthur Young
"I'd Sure Like To See 'What He's Got'"! [Look carefully, "It" shows all O-ver...]
Brian Beck
Outted to my friends A feeling of peace ensues Happy finally
When I see him smile His eyes and his face light up Deep in me, I melt
Jock flexed his muscles He impress me in the least? I like chubbies, dah!
R. Dean McPhee
I wish that he would Love me all of the TIME and Not just in his DREAMS.
In silence I wait For him to be in my arms. He will never come.
It's Only Me from Across the Sea
Cats and illusions 44 years together Husbands, magic, love.
Jackie Patsch
Like a mighty oak Taking root he grows skyward. Boys love climbing trees
A sailor's lament - He's surrounded by young buoys Never by young boys!
Food waiting, cooling weakness in the knees, whimper a door opens, HIDE!!!
Hands roam in my pants Lips and hot breath on my neck I want him closer
I watch him laughing; I do not have permission. He leaves with his friends.
Silence is golden? Love that dare not speak it's name. I inwardly scream.
Spunky Frog
You spot a cute guy on the street. You then notice he's eying a girl.
N Fourbois
Seering was the fire When you pierced my throbbing heart: scorching love burst forth.
P. Ingraham
You hung up on me, I only wanted some fun, I guess we weren't friends.
"cumming"'s what They want-- I'll serve that, to get my goal: [Coming Close A While...]
Brian Beck
Tonguetied: sweat breaks out. I must speak today. or die. "I lo... like ice cream."
It's Only Me from Across the Sea
buttocks bounce as he runs for the ball, catch of breath lurch in the heart - love
Gary calls at lunch Says he needs a man tonight -- another drought ends!
Tell me it's ok. To forget my angry scars, Give it up for you.
Just Me
You can cry on me My shoulder will hold your tears I want to comfort.
i have many days of which i rise and fall hard for i am myself
My precious first time Lifelong fantasy come true I ache for the next
Kiss him on the lips. Let him put his tongue in first, then you know he's yours.
N Fourbois
It's not what he has, It's that he has all of this and loves only me.
Sam Hayes
I wanted you so much. And one day you came to me. I love you Will!
No one would suspect This randy skirt chasing wolf Loves to make men cum
Gay men are all sluts Society would believe Closed minds see for naught
Love's idiotic. Wisdom in the fool, they say, Folly in the wise.
Kneeling before him Oh god, I feel him cumming First time in my life
Growing up scares me; Boy things should last for ever! He grew and left me.
It's Only Me from Across the Sea
Boy fourteen years old Meets boy fourteen years of age Instant love affair
N Fourbois
If only he knew, I'd do anything for him, Why can't he be gay?
Michelangelo Valentino Menichini
I don't see my friends Maybe I did something wrong I ask forgiveness
Simon Reynolds
Gone is the love, trust No more in my heart or soul Help me please, will you?
Love's yearning passion A fierce tempest of desire Lust insatiable
Boys in my Porn Files: In Life: Aged!... (Married?... Perished?...) [Here: they still spring moist ...)
Brian Beck
Summer of fourteen His love, his soul my comfort Never ending love
"Blue Is For Boys." Cool. (Shirts, Jeans.) Not pink. Regal hue. Blue. The sun-filled sky.
Brian Beck
I hurt him I know I never meant to do so I am so sorry
Simon Reynolds
My sun and my moon Every night I dream of him When I wake he's gone
Deftly touch each one Singly, slow, then together Lick them, pinch them tight.
Why do boys have them? Once I had kissed his nipple, I soon understood.
N Fourbois
I can feel your breath Travel far beyond my neck To unexplored worlds
Only Me
Seeking friends around, To: kiss, caress and play with; Or, just sit and talk.
Love me, hug me tight, Lay your body close to mine, Kiss me, heart and soul.
I had so loved him Thinking it would be f'rever; Now he has fucked off
He said, 'I love you.' But when he removed my briefs, It was lust not love.
Michael Sargeant
Smart?... "Cool"?... (Hot?...) Well, no. Doesn't fit those "slots." [Why, then, do I dig him so?]
Brian Beck
sweet, sweet recipe spread choc'late syrup on his body and then lick
T. Chase McPhee
sexy boy, dancing hips, thrusting; blank eyes, staring throbbing heart, breaking . . .
P. Ingraham
The rainbow shining My love is standing naked In boyhood glory
I like to have sex When I have sex, it's quite gay Gay fornication
Dan E
I am shaking now, And the air is heavier: Then you kiss me back
Perfection am I, They show me off with great pride. Do I say "I'm gay!"?
A world of their own; urgent, gentle lovemaking - two boys. Together.
Spunky Frog
Your love, like flowers, Tender in the warm sunlight, Breathing perfume rare.
Gary S
I say "I love you" As you walk away from me If only you heard
He's only a friend, I keep saying to myself. He's only a friend.
"I'm gay," I told them. "Why does that matter?" they asked. I had no idea
Gasping for air. Now! Suddenly! Salty nectar - Ejaculation!
Spunky Frog
Thank God it's Friday! My wrists and legs feel leather I'm his for the night
R. Dean McPhee
now her face fades vague. yours, Friend, firms up near close now. smile-lights mine for good.
Brian Beck
Love, eternity nothing will seperate up my heart, forever
sprouted in my soul so falls the petals of spring sweep the leaves away
R. Dean McPhee
Shirtless boy mows lawn Motorist circles round again Asks, is this Vine St.
R. Dean McPhee
Would you stunt your kids' minds/spirit, feed them lead paint, boot them from their homes?
Brian Beck
Quietly Thinking I watch the screen flicker blue... Sadness, summer wans.
Jon Hold
His face was once soft; Where softness was, stubble grows. I like his kiss now!
It's Only Me from Across the Sea
Learn the recipe: Love has three ingredients - Knowledge, truth and trust
I said "I love you", but made sure he didn't hear. Far too dangerous.
One day, suddenly He ran into my dull life. Swept me off my feet
Sad for those who lust There is so much more than crotch Love sees the whole man!
Sonny Williams
We share a good laugh And finally our eyes meet: Love is spoken here.
He smiles as he talks His eyes look deep inside me Nothing can I say
"Good morning my friend, So good to see you again-- Now play me a tune."
Courageous and bold With fear hiding in his eyes
"Queer!" they called us, and "Poof!"; "Faggot!"; "Nancy!": Hate words. "Gay" we never were.
It's Only Me from Across the Sea
So many men, and just not enough time, alas - Must I choose just one?
Young, blonde Viking lad, Standing in the Longship bow -- Avast! Captain's boy!
Gay Viking
When I looked at you, at those gorgeous eyes of yours, I thought you were mine.
Dallas Nichols
I cannot confess My member hardens and throbs Whilst I work with you
playing games again? thought you learned your lesson, Jon I'll not be your pawn
T. Chase McPhee
Camera zooms in To show sex, willing or not. Boys are debased here.
Fearing ECT My teenage self kept silent. Silence killed me, too.
In his hip pocket, my business card bums a ride. (Hugs butt, gets massaged...)
Brian Beck
He led me on, but Rejected me totally. Young love is so hard.
It's Only Me from Across the Sea
You don't know me -- gay, closeted -- I don't either. Together we learn?
Three boys in my heart Can that really be true love? Or an obsession?
N Fourbois
hair of woven gold delicious boyish structure mine, now and always
My love's cock shriveled. A hermaphrodite revealed? First plunge of the year.
Michael Sargeant
Hug me tight now, love Me just a little bit, and Make me feel a man.
The touch of warm silk Upon awakening fields; Your body on mine.
Gary Dee
I know it's more sweet than their common swine pastry. So call me gourmand!
I stare at the sky With my hand upon my cheek Wishing it was his
In the ring they meet Rippling muscle, glist'ning sweat Grappling with manhood
P. Ingraham
from neck to navel shape it in a defined line happy trails to you
T. Chase McPhee
Pale hair, oval face Wisdom in the eyes and I
An unlooked-for touch - lava courses through my veins; you smile and I'm lost
Shirtless boy mows lawn Passerby circles again Kid, is this Vine St.?
R. Dean McPhee
You're hard to swallow, But parts of you are tasty. Let's sample those first...
P. Ingraham
Slowly tongue the head. Creamy goodness down my throat: Yummy ice cream cone!
P. Ingraham
If I've asked you once, I've asked you a thousand times: "Why do I love you?"
P. Ingraham
His beautiful lips I kiss and in return I get a huge hard-on
The Scholar
the lure of pills, or the cold kiss of razor's edge-- i escaped. I'm gay!
You touch me in ways, I never knew thoughts could touch. All I ask: Accept Me.
Just Me
Where are you? Find me! Hold me close, our hearts combined Gasp my name out loud.
After a night of frustration I can only express love in words.
N Fourbois
I hate mornings, but I Stretch in sweet ecstacy I'll need coffee soon.
Bisexual Man Two Lovers; Having Your Cake And Eating It Too! :)
Daydreaming in school I wrap my arms around him I can feel his warmth
"But you've never felt anything like that, have you?" [...Thats no Question, Mom...]
Brian Beck
It's quiet, here, as I wonder if I've hurt you. You cling to my chest
I said it's over, I won't bother you again, I'll always love you.
I climb from the grave No longer afraid of life. This is my first birth!
Why wont you share your Irrisistible Warmness? Too cold without you.
straight friends all around no doubt loving, meaning well but where is the one?
Afraid while happy, I wonder when it will end. This fear lasts too long.
Alone together We loved - eternal moment - Our consumation.
Spunky Frog
I look in his eyes, My heart races, My soul melts, I really love him.
Alexis, you tart You smile when you want something That's called cupboard love
N Fourbois
Your tongue excretes fire Be my sexy dragon man I'm your princess boy.
Why are you so blessed and yet tortured by my love? Blood and semen merged.
P. Ingraham
The camera rolls And boy spills seed to order. Humiliation.
It's Only Me from Across the Sea
Shirtless man jogs by I nearly wreck while looking - but no, I'm not gay...
His eyes close when I swallow his throbbing boyhood and taste his sweet prize.
Together we drank Tea, coffee, flirting and talk Do you want me too?
The Captian
Winter long I cried frozen tears of love for you. Spring will warm my heart.
P. Ingraham
Doe, ray, me, fa, so La, tee, doe ... upon the scales ... He loves only me.
Gerald Arthur Young
el alma Busca y el corazon llora,
I am Oliver. Gay, with so much love to give - Must I be alone?
Spunky Frog
With lovely, pearl fangs he tastes my yearning spirit. Sucking; without end!
the order of seduction. Packet first is rape.
N Fourbois
Chris is very gay, Because he sucks all the dicks. Nothing wrong with fags.
"this kinda rough edge, think i like this about you--" oh it's razor sharp.
I touch you touch me touch lust touch joy touch bliss touch love touch life touch God
P. Ingraham
A boy stands near me Now he drops his underpants His boyhood is mine
his flesh against mine his hot breath against my neck i lose myself now
Click, click, ahh Click, click. He giggles, I giggle too! We kiss with braces.
Sonny Williams
Steve, if you can sleep with John Dixon, surely you can with me? Get real.
N Fourbois
I can taste your kiss I can feel the warmth from you... How soon 'till we meet
the groping of flies sweet feel of bulging penis desire satisfied
closer and closer breathe in the sublime male scent our bodies ignite
T. Luke McPhee
In my own skin now, I'm manning your torso close: home at last, tonight...
Brian Beck
If you've formed a love partnership with your boyfriend, can you seduce him?
N Fourbois
In this rustic burg who else but me frets alone, came 3hree times today?
Brian Beck
Fall upon my knees. Summer sun has not shone here - Spring to attention!
Spunky Frog
Blobs of hot semen Spurt wildly from his penis Unseen yet tasted
"as you are, was I as I am, so shall you be. I did it my way!"
Cemetary Headstone
Lithe limbs, eyes wide, clear, those soft lips, welcoming smile - He is perfection.
Spunky Frog
We were once best friends 'til my life mirror'd your fear - married yet still gay.
These words reduce me Contrived, the softest, haiku I'll Google elsewhere
david w.
Each man sounds unique. In his laugh, and sneeze. In his ejaculation
Brian Beck
He has just turned twelve The hart of my A. O. A. Oh, the games we play.
Warm breath on my cheek Unseen fingers caressing The hungry soul drinks
Gary Sargent
I have a fever It's a rising temperature But he knows me not
The Scholar
I greeted my friend with a kiss on the lips. He smiled: "Boys don't do that."
N Fourbois
Screw euphemisms! Call me by my true name, not by my 'condition'.
'Twas from Carmichael I'll always remember him Even from R.I.
I love watching you, Undressing you with my eyes Imagining us...
Spunky Frog
Our bodies entwined, Lips, tongues, darting, exploring. We've only begun.
so sweet my ideal voluptuous curving of darling boy bottom
"Let's go and shower." "Lewis, was I hearing right?" A dream had come true.
N Fourbois
Four hands in the creek Two boys with clothes soaked and wet One confused crayfish
Patrick S.
As soon as you stripped, baring your erect penis, I devoured you.
Dallas Nichols
You are more than sex, but how much I don't yet know. Let's explore some more.
P. Ingraham
"Take it slow!", you said But you excited me so: A mess on my hands
P. Ingraham
Horny, I prayed for a hot teen. I said "Please, God." One knocked on my door.
Gay Viking
He is tanned and lean With white where I yearn to kiss. I will drink him dry.
It's Only Me from Across the Sea
Autumn dance in time Two lovers glide together Freedom in motion
He is tall and fair, A treat for my eyes and heart. He is not like me
Why is he so young? Can I believe what he says? If only it's true!
Tonight was a waste What could have made it better? Why not a first kiss?
"Gay" sex sometimes just that sad-grim-cautious-grateful dip to Oasis...
Brian Beck
Teenage elegance Angel face, tummy so flat; Only will I dream.
Sonny Williams
Framed as he closed drapes, he stood for his portrait for me: jogging voyeur...
Brian Beck
tears on the eye's rim the tender the skin the mood thought of the moment
His smile conquers me; I cannot resist his charm. Lead me: I follow.
As blood tears I cry, all you can do is hold me strong arms protect me
No boy is fair game. His body is only his. Abusers take note!
It's Only Me from Across the Sea
His face, unaware of my feelings, of my thougths I'm tongue-tied again
I told him at last
Soulless, plastic boy, The warm sun softens your heart. You melt in my arms.
P. Ingraham
Together til death After loves embrace has come Nothing else is real
chat the gay chat room the game is show or no show been stood up before
T. Chase McPhee
Smiles at me through Cafateria sunlight Wish we shared a dorm
True feelings hidden True desires unknown to all Is this lonliness?
Land of ice and fire - Sunset, clear skies. Feeling cold? We'll keep warm with hugs.
Oli and Steve
Fucking at our age I want to die deep in you Screaming orgasms
I know way too much - Understand nothing at all Grab hold of my hand !
For sex a condom Is vital, but for making Love one huge turn-off
N Fourbois
Brighter than the stars You light up my life and dreams with your firery dick
Some call it "illness", Homosexuality; There is no known "cure".
Spunky Frog
Sabbath, Adventist we seemed beyond redemption Let's Go to Hell, God!
Tim, I dreamt of you this morning, dressed in white tights and school uniform!
N Fourbois
Jon I must tell you; When I see you my heart sings. When I don't, I die.
Spunky Frog
Hands of an angel and hair like autumnal wheat: he's my sailor boy.
Showering with him before fun is out. You could lose the will to love.
N Fourbois
I'm away a while I hope he won't forget me God, how I love him!
Simon Reynolds
He took off his shirt simply because he was hot. We all thought so too.
Mark Apoapsis
At my deathbed, then, tricks/friends/lovers can gather: un-solemn Hi Mass...
Brian Beck
We aren't together But in our hearts we are one. I am complete now.
It's Only Me from Across the Sea
Train to Veracruz Piercing the deep, dark tunnels with a new, dark friend.
P. Ingraham
feels real good don't it mashing your crotch against mine takes two to tango
T. Chase McPhee
First time on nude beach -- can't control my dick -- it's Hard! Smiles of approval.
Aeging, but not quite... [Under thermal underwear, red-hot micro-brief...]
Brian Beck
Chest muscles gleaming, Barely illuminated By the soft starlight.
Mark Apoapsis
I kneel before him, he thrusts, hot cream fills my mouth - "Cumming!" - my first time.
Bag can't net this catch: Streetboys swim in "school's-out" schools. (My fisheye bulges...)
Brian Beck
I read of his pain: The cancer of the bone-soul. Seasons all, they weep.
Ryan Holliday
My wifes a lesbo I am a flaming homo we are both happy
wake up together you can't remember my name last night, the gay bar
T. Chase McPhee
Dared cling one second to adored Jim in Wrestling: that whetting, starved me
Brian Beck
Fag they say, (it hurts). Queer they say (I shrug and sigh). Happy, I remain.
Bring me o'er the world My heart is open for you To see I love you
Sweet plunge of nectar Gasping between lips so rough Unreality.
He came through the door, I saw him across the room: He conquered my heart
Shadows and voices Linger outside the steamroom He begs, please don't stop
fragmented answers only leave me more questions haunting me in dreams
Hands of an angel hair made of gold, eyes of lust he was never mine
His golden blonde hair mocks me from across the room my hidden passion
Inner Shadows
Pain and Darkness whole Alone panicked and afraid Wanting yearning, none
'Gainst the amber sun bronze Adonis, dancing, casts shadows on my soul.
P. Ingraham
celebrating pride: feeling as though I belong with people like me.
Dallas Nichols
I'll return no more, I'm going back to my world, There's less pain in there.
Fair hair, eyes of blue, With a charm that's all his own. And he will be mine!
He is just a boy, but he has the sweetest toy, a taste brings me joy.
Sweet Nineteen dances, strobes faster for wall-shadows momentum him now
Brian Beck
Lust is selfish, quick. Love is nurtured slow, strong, sure; Your love makes me hard!
Sonny Williams
The gay nazi, Reid Fucks boys on mein kampfy chair. "TAKE IT ALL, ADOLF."
In thru the out door I am - Autumn's chill burns deep into hearts warm blood
He was first chair strings; I was only third horn, but he loved my pucker.
such a nice stomach hairy pattern swirls around bellyhole so deep
T. Chase McPhee
I met a new friend He has conquered my heart and I won't let him go
Though being against circumcision, I long for sex with a cut boy.
N Fourbois
we talk and you're drunk alcohol makes you charming; i love you sober.
Passing in the hall I lean and brush his shoulder: Can he feel the heat?
beaautiful young man
love kept unfulfilled
Isaias Ramos Garcia
Morphene DREAMS of John - - - LONG nights, LONG moves - a LONG LOVE. It should be ENDLESS!
Afraid as a man I hid in my false childhood. You were never there.
It's Only Me from Across the Sea
Through lowered lashes over cheeks and lips so soft, he returns my glance
how do I love thee let me count the many ways 1.. 2... 3... 4..... 5....
R. Dean McPhee
Waiting patiently. His destination? Heaven. I'll meet him again
Sister was my age. This 'blond boy' made my loins rage. He tasted better!
make you moan an'groan until i hear you cry out snowing white liquid
T. Chase McPhee
Feeds. Licks paws. Rests. Then, springs, trots off arrow-intent: self-contained, content...
Brian Beck
It's funny, really. No, it is; it really is! Gay's not important.
"Best Thing In The Bar!" (unannounced, unaccepted award I'd bestow...)
Brian Beck
I hug my man close His beard so rough against mine Joy.Need.Fire.Lust.Love.
What was it you said? You would love me forever? Where's forever now?
P. Ingraham
His beautiful smile, His beautiful eyes, are like sunset on the sea.
Moist, velvet, arrow enters crimson, willing gate. The lover's French kiss.
Gary Dee
You are the paintbrush I am your blank, white canvass Splash your hues on me
R. Dean McPhee
Afraid as a boy I hid in your strong, safe arms. Why were you not there?
It's Only Me from Across the Sea
Bask in morning sun When youth and blood surge sultry. Afternoons grow chill.
don't know what to say, just gonna sit here and pray-- gonna pray for love...
Ill lungs and ill heart Don't leave me, you're just fourteen I love you my boy
Brown hair, shoulder length Blue eyes that shine when he smiles My gaydar goes mad...
I've got to do this, I need to do this, My time has finally come.
"Face curly with glee" zesty in clean-limbed denim: (Teacher's learning-tool...)
Brian Beck
We lay in clover Purple and made sun fragrant "Skinny dip?" he asked.
I ache with desire If only he heard my eyes Please, please, possess me
Alone in this room... Hand pressed to the cold dark screen What did I do wrong?
Short grey school jacket. Too baggy grey school trousers. My love lives inside.
It's Only Me from Across the Sea
Spring is in your face. You'll have summer, long and hot - For me, winter's here.
Spunky Frog
Secrets in darkness, hidd'n in the past, long ago. Will you still hold me?
beautiful. intense. brightly shining as the sun he is Christopher
Chris Wilhelm
He is Grasshopper, His tales inspire all the ages! Old men dream; Boys thrill.
Sonny Williams
The wind blows faintly His love lifts me above all And I can fly now
Bed, companionless. Organ, servile substitute, Shrieks in solitude
Motorcycle guy rough-tough to the inner core thanks for the flowers
R. Dean McPhee
I love Jeremy Everyday I hope and dream and die a little.
Innocently sweet I'll wait until the right time Faith will guide me home
Think about your cock. What makes it so beautiful? Harder than you think!
P. Ingraham
Stoking my hunger, Filling my throat or my ass - Cock! I want yours now!
He made the sun rise; I wanted him to love me... I was his puppy.
Bent 'neath his H'vnly feet, a slender blade of grass: Touch stole 'way from me.
Terror and Wonder Collision of Star Cross'd Hearts In Orion's Dark Arms
Naked wedding night ah, now I do understand the name Micro Soft.
Fills me up inside, Just like a kaleidoscope Never lets you down.
Thirteen years old, Straight. Suddenly all changed inside. Shock! Horror! "I'm gay!"
golden hair astray reflect the sun's warm embrace reach my aching heart
Soft cries of pleasure Erupt from the naked one I swallow his seed
on a cusp in life he looks like a tender boy but wants what men want
I slept in your bed, my head on your pillow so I could share your dreams.
P. Ingraham
We haven't met yet But I feel you so near me... Oh Love, please come soon !!!
Grief has no real end; Just bright joyful war against Teasonous despair!
Jack Rowan
mind body and soul perfection upon beauty how can I have him ?
His eyes were liquid, I drowned each time I saw him. He is straight, straight, straight........
Unreserved is love Given without condition Free from restriction
Who are you today? Are you the boy that I love? Will you tell me true?
When he is not here My heart is close to breaking. I know he is safe....
We kiss tenderly, The evening so young and bold, We lay silently.
Lust for him at first I Get to know the real Brad Now want becomes need
Where could he be now? I thought I had him, but now Now he is gone, gone
Hold me in your hand, Touch my chest with the other. Gaze into my eyes.
Sweat and tears and cum . . . The tart essences of love sparkling on your smile . . .
P. Ingraham
Gays on TV! Sneers! [Gay kids sit inert aside] (This was nationwide)
Brian Beck
We're both firefighters, I'm seasoned, He's a proby. God let him be safe.
Stripped, bound, and helpless, Five pledges kneel before me. Get me the crushed ice.
Mark Apoapsis
The Inside of me I shed fear, doubt and self hate My gay self is born
Two Brothers joined well-- more of a valued victory-- still, at risk like all--
Brian Beck
I shouldn't love him But I cannot help myself He is so divine
The Scholar
We used to be friends, but now I'm your worst nightmare - gay and unashamed.
much cream is nasty so, like I haven't been warned got indigestion
T. Chase McPhee
When I come to you be beautifully naked: It most becomes you.
P. Ingraham
Kiss me and I'm yours, I love you with out any doubt, If only you knew.
from my little man a text which said i love you my heart has melted
Like sweet wine is he He who resides in my heart My reason to live
Where are the finer teas, fern bars, quartets, art, twinks? [...Booze & Chicks rule here...]
Brian Beck
Joyful peace of love As my heart begins to soar I shall never fall
A friend, unaware. Looking at me but not truth; Love hidden too well
Melding two bodies, Two souls intercommuning. Unification.
Bikers and Truckers... June week spent in Death Valley Hot, horney and nude.
Gerald Arthur Young
Laughter fills the air I stare into his blue eyes We know happiness
The girls love my smile I'm only lonely inside.... One boy needs to smile
Wipe away that tear: That gnawing fear is nothing! Come into the light.
I thought: "Don't go yet!" Our eyes met, aching silence - He spoke: "I love you."
Spunky Frog
Gerald Arthur Young
I watch him, want him.
Wait, did he just look?
Cole Parker
He was feigning sleep when our lips met in the dark then he denied it.
Afraid. I can't speak. I gaze instead. My heart stops - He's smiling at me!
Spunky Frog
He has bright blond hair. His lids close over green eyes. I love his stillness.
It's Only Me from Across the Sea
I'm bisexual: loving all beautiful men gay and straight alike!
P. Ingraham
Proudly stand erect! Throbbing...straining...holding back; O! And then... It's NOW!
Spunky Frog
I tried to jerk off. No orgasm, but I did write four haikus from it.
N Fourbois
Close yet distant, friends I cannot see, touch, or hold, but care for and love.
West Side Virginia Lovely Whore who holds my heart Gold Shimmering Cock
i savor this pain my guy married his sweet girl i just tagged along
Hs ring's on his first finger. He drifts his life now seemingly quite new.
Brian Beck
I am just sixteen I have no experience New to all of this
He took my body, Ripped, raped innocence from me! How to forgive him?
It's Only Me from Across the Sea
Do not! Must not! Can't Tell you how much I love you - Look into my eyes.
Spunky Frog
I met him last week Mister Right... he is my dream... Sigh, he is too young
At the tailor's a handsome young colt was being tamed into a suit.
N Fourbois
You think you're so hot! Just 'cause I tell you you're vain Doesn't mean you're not!
P. Ingraham
John's yellow wrecker Igniton key somehow starts my motorcycle
"What is wrong with you?" gasped distraught parents. But no: all came right at last...
Brian Beck
What are these anthems? What is it they prove, screaming I am here, and queer?
Daniel filled Sean with his love juice. No one mentions the shit on his cock.
N Fourbois
lunch time is fun time in bed with our clothes off quick came in 10 minutes
T. Chase McPhee
The equipment comes at thirteen. The law says yes at sixteen. Great tease!
N Fourbois
You need not be drunk to be loved by your best friend: Just look in his eyes...
P. Ingraham
Warm, viscous, manly - swallow now, worry later. What delicious fear
Quiet friends hold me, Help gay me face the straight world. Gay needs more than straight.
What is better than Seducing a handsome friend? Him seducing you
N Fourbois
Alone, confused, scared, My search for acceptance ends With the words "I'm gay."
When snow is falling, by blizzard billowed and blown, he is my shelter.
the way i love him I cannot tell him that much my heart i will give
It takes but a smile To cease the earth's rotation I can't contain it!
testicals my friend is there anything better? whoops i might be gay
Life is too fragile, Too easily smash'd and crush'd. His soul is at peace.
Warm, soft and tender Breathing even and peaceful I watch you sleeping
Take my hand, take me home, take my body mould my soul and lips to yours
I think I love you As you look into my eyes If only I'd speak
Blushing crimson red With hair like silver cobweb. I should have spoken
It's Only Me from Across the Sea
Exhibited me, Like a trophy from a show. How could I tell them?
Bulging tight trousers Are not so sexy as a Bulge in loose trousers
N Fourbois
Hungry for semen I kneel naked before them This happened before
Under Glamoured spell scent of crisp new fallen snow kiss, smile and a sigh
With bright laughing eyes He spreads himself and begs for The slow, sweet torture.
Bread, ham, creamy sauce I came in your limousine Hot eggs benedict
Why must I come out? Whose business is it but mine? It is tough to do.....
I opened to you.... Nit picky little bitch... you !!!! The depth of the pain !!!!!!
My cock in your ass Can't believe it's not pussy Except no fish smell
Ryan Batchelor
Misunderstandings! These are the things of true love. Gay and straight the same.
Bugs craves tranny meat With which to fill herself with - desires Bailey Jay
Winter in my heart. Why can you never know it? Wanting him, I weep.
Spunky Frog
You took your shirt off and left a permanent stain in my retina.
Dallas Nichols
"Shall we?" "Oh God, yes." But love was unripe and left Both disappointed.
I think about you every day and every night, because I love you.
Dallas Nichols
I'd dated girls, but: A no-spark, no-flow dry-run [No Ignition yet...]
Brian Beck
My love, Imtiaz! Almost one year together... I hope to marry! :)
He leans towards me Whisper those two words to me He said it "I'm gay"
Great game of poker! When we've stretched you out naked, You'll wish you'd bet cash.
Mark Apoapsis
Amid the splendor of the multi-colored leaves, his beauty shone through.
He was beautiful, Standing naked before me. Made me think of you.
It's Only Me from Across the Sea
The strings of my heart Get louder when I see You Wish you could hear Me
Choose your love with care. Put, to be compatible, Round pegs in round holes.
Noise, sound of the blades On bed staring at the fan Like a lullaby
No more guilt or shame. We're here, we're queer, deal with it! Let's have a parade!
Happy Pride!
Tennis - his passion --- Golf is a constant delight--- I GET him at night!!!!!
Gays in small hometown: [mausoleum? vestibule?] Ghostly. There. Not-there.
Brian Beck
A Whiff... A quick glance... Did he really notice me? Enough for love? Yes!
He came, a sprig, fresh: Love sworn to the end of time. The trees are bare now.
Internet friendship: Though far away he's spunky. Virtual huggings!
At work I am straight; I do not yet dare be me. One day, some day soon?
It's Only Me from Across the Sea
Lustfully I stare... He is straight...like all he rest Soon I might just dare....
The weight of the world had fallen off my shoulders after I came out.
Dallas Nichols
There are those that feel being gay is a disease It's truly a cure
so once he gave love took dependent innocence hacks boy asunder
Five? Seven? Just Five? I don't care what size it is - Just let me feel it!
He fights beside me. A gay soldier, I trust him. Stronger together.
He's made me afraid. He hurt me badly today. School: He outed me.
It's Only Me from Across the Sea
all my life I've hoped to know a boy, any boy I live in wait still
John Terry Graney
Ages, eons hence, let SUN, that forge, daily cast Live Greek-God Statues...
Brian Beck
Through the tears I weep My blurred vision sees his soul A beautiful sight
The Scholar
Enigmatic boy Totally ignores me, then Walks, and smiles at me
When times are darkest Gays boys cry "No-one to love!" But this scream is false.
bear rug fits the man finger until you find them two circles of meat
T. Chase McPhee
You see me naked I, into your sultry soul: Who has the best view?
P. Ingraham
Ports his radiance. Sears our eyes, stings hands, churns guts. [Turbulently Young...]
Brian Beck