Name: | slick |
E-mail address: | MARKNOR@AOL.COM |
Name: | Orin |
E-mail address: | |
Comments: | I am in the middle of Chris and Nigel and I love the story and the incredible feelings you are able to induce. Well done. What shall I do when I finish the novel and no longer have contact with the characters? |
Name: | steve j |
E-mail address: | |
Comments: | great site luv all the stories, hope to write one myself soon |
Name: | Tonimus |
Homepage URL: | |
Comments: | I love your site! Everything here is so real! Come visit my own site and see how I live. The original site was shut down by the Religious Reich in early March. But I'm back. Bigtime! Look for the special gallery Tonimus with my story and some pictures of me, my special pal Jim when I was a boy, and some of my special pals today who are boys. I've written stories about my loves, but they are too "hot" to post on my controlled site. But you can find those stories on Johnie's site. Or, just google for "tonimus". Don't ever feel boylove is new! It's been around for a long time, and will be with us forever. Love to all here! |
Name: | Anosa Saycocie |
E-mail address: | |
Comments: | Today was one long day, my bf was sick. It tough for both of us, as we long in totally different country all together. I feel so guilty not being about to takecare of him from time to time. Internet relationship can be hard, but i love him to death. As my day past, and currently bored for the afternoon, i search for a site that has anything to really tell a story about teenager gay love, i just turn 20 same as my bf. the result came up with your site being the first choice. Lucky i did, because by far i have never through there were anything like this online. Your story touch my heart, i cry and feel how lucky i am to have my bf. Thank you so much for your wonderful work, look after yourself. Best luck to you |
Name: | Vince |
E-mail address: | |
Comments: | Your bravery and honesty in creating this site is truly admirable. It helps to know that there are people out there who understand how hard it is to be different in a world dominated by prejudice. Thank you for sharing with the public and I hope you continue this for many more years to come! More power to you! |
Name: | bob cashew |
E-mail address: | |
Name: | John |
E-mail address: | |
Comments: | Hi, I'm feeling a bit half-and-half here... I read the C+N stories while I was still very much in the closet at school a good few years ago and thought, for the most part, that they were interesting and addictive - it was like not being able to put down a good book. I also thought they helped me, to some degree, of getting through my feeling towards men and I thank you for that... My mum found out that I was gay in my last year of uni (or "bi" as I called it then - what a lie!!) and after she knew, and was cool about it, I felt I could tell my close friends. Everyone I know has been understanding about it, even meeting some of my other halfs from time to time!... I remembered about this website this evening and thought I'd try and find it again, (amazingly "Chris and Nigel" came up 2nd in Google!) I felt a little uncomfortable about this site though... I couldn't agree more that there is nothing better than young love - but only when you're young and when you are one of the participants. I almost felt there was something wrong in reading about two 14 year old boys in the very explicit sexual manner the chapters were written in. Maybe I'm not being open-minded enough here, but I don't think these kind of stories should be read by anyone much older than the boys in the story. Fantasise about someone your own age!! The stories were great when I was younger, thanks a lot for that. All the best, John |
Name: | Marcus Arteaga |
E-mail address: | |
Comments: | i love your books about Chris and Nigel im 14 and it has inspired me to tell a few friends who were not suprised but at the same time i feel horrible because i dont think i will have that not for a long time i want to explain i live in the bahamas dont bother to look at my profile its incorrect (i was 12 and untrusting even of hotmail)i am not racist but i fancy white boys and in my school being the bahamas im the only one and they are all just so immature even the older ones and the bahamas is a very homophobic country i just (especially recently) have longed for someone,to hold him and be held by someone like... well i cant decide if i want someone like chris or like nigel im more like chris and the similarity would be welcome at the same time though the wonder that is nigel is very atractive im not making much sense to myself but i just wanted to get some of it out you know. I cant thank you enough for the many hours ive spent happy,sad,angry and confused all at the same time.They are is very unique your writings simply unexplainable. Thank You. |
Name: | dinesh |
E-mail address: | |
Comments: | it is gr8. |
Name: | Bill |
E-mail address: | |
Comments: | I have been in love with this site for almost a year. You do not get postings everyday, but when you do they are all worth it. I know this is one of the better sites out there. Keep up the good work. |
Name: | david |
E-mail address: | |
Homepage URL: | |
Comments: | I Love your site!! It is now my all time favorite site! I can relate so much to your stories and your links are awesome too. Thank you dave |
Name: | Charles |
Comments: | I suppose that most of your readers know who they are, and read because it is intereting, exciting, or whatever. But your real contribution is to people who are finding out who they are--even long after they were boys. Please keep this going. I was delighted to make a contribution through PayPal. |
Name: | Charles |
Comments: | I suppose that most of your readers know who they are, and read because it is intereting, exciting, or whatever. But your real contribution is to people who are finding out who they are--even long after they were boys. Please keep this going. I was delighted to make a contribution through PayPal. |
Name: | Charles |
Comments: | I suppose that most of your readers know who they are, and read because it is intereting, exciting, or whatever. But your real contribution is to people who are finding out who they are--even long after they were boys. Please keep this going. I was delighted to make a contribution through PayPal. |
Name: | Bryan |
E-mail address: | |
Comments: | I really enjoy you site. Thanks. |
Name: | michael |
E-mail address: | |
Comments: | Just wqanted to let you know that I have read the story Chris and Nigel and loved it and did not want it to end. my story is similar to what I have read about you except I am american and no private school. I have been married to lovely women for 30 years but still feel desires for men or should I say some men again thank you for your lovely story |
Name: | alan kilty |
E-mail address: | |
Comments: | a total amazing book can not wait for next chapter |
Name: | Daniel |
E-mail address: | |
Comments: | hi, i really like and appriciate your site .its very kind of you to make it available to everybody who need it ..I certainly love your storys also the one you host.i been rape and use by my peers since i was 8 now i am much older but i never find peace in my heart and soul eccept after i have read all you have put on your site ,i am reading on your site for almost 2 years now and its help me find my peace that i neede so much thank you very much .i hope you continue your work because there are and will more poeple like me who will need help and you are the best resource for them.....THANK YOU ..Daniel |
Name: | Ted |
E-mail address: | |
Comments: | Hi there I discovered this site about a week ago, and have been here each night since. I read about Chris and Nigel first, and read nine more stories since then. Each one was perfect. I think about them while I'm going to sleep and they enter my mind frequently when I'm at work or just driving through town. I loved them, each and every one. Excellent work. Ted Prince Edward Island Canada March 20 2003 |
Name: | Jimmy |
E-mail address: | |
Comments: | I will comme back to your site and do some more reading. I also like, the beauty of Bjorn Andresen. I never saw so much beauty in a young men, or should I say boy. Nodoubt why he was cast. Youth is alsways a beauty. Jimmy Montreal Canada |
Name: | Jeff |
Homepage URL: | |
Comments: | I really like your site. |
Name: | Billy |
Homepage URL: | |
Comments: | Here is a site with pictures of lots of other beautiful young boys: |
Name: | chris |
E-mail address: | |
Homepage URL: | |
Comments: | Great site. Keep uo the good work |
Name: | chris |
E-mail address: | |
Homepage URL: | |
Comments: | Great site. Keep uo the good work |
Name: | Joey |
E-mail address: | |
Comments: | Just wanted to say you have a great site, here. Keep up the good work! I appreciate what you did about the pics, as a similar thing happened to me a couple years ago. |
Name: | Robert Spiers |
E-mail address: | |
Comments: | I was a teenager in the 1940's and like so many others I was confused by my attraction to other boys. I was also attracted to girls but I never understood them. My mother and sister were not like the other girls I met in school. The attraction to boys seemed stronger. I was something of a loner, shy and very quiet so I was picked on. Eventially I married and had 4 children. We now have 8 grand children. After nearly 50 years of marriage we expect to live to know our great grand children. Bob |
Name: | Tonimus |
Comments: |
This is for Michael, and others, who can't get into my website at
The site has been shut down since Feb 25, 2003 by the Religious Reich who objected to my photos of clothed boys. And to me telling my story about me and Jim, my first love. I will resurface soon, elsewhere! Meantime, IOMFATS keep up the good work! I so enjoy your site! |
Name: | aych |
E-mail address: | |
Comments: | i just finished reading 'just hit send,' because i saw that chapter 13 was added and heard it was good, so i read through the whole story first. but .. i can't find chapter 13???? it just sends me to the hosted stories page, and the story only goes up to 12. am i daft and missing something? it's a wonderful-lovely story, though!!! wonderfully written! also .. when is the next chapter of chris & nigel coming? |
Name: | Peter anthony reale |
E-mail address: | |
Comments: | I fell totally for you (your skill) and Out of the Rain soaked me drenched: I fell over in torrents of gentleness and anticipation and watch this, goodness. Did you do all that. I want you to consider continuing this story, after all they were so grippingly tender all before the ending, why don't you just sit and continue, please. And watch this word from me, Love, sir. |
Name: | thelovemutt |
E-mail address: | |
Comments: | Who is that hot guy with the dark hair at the bottom of the first page of guys in the middle with his eyes closed? |
Name: | Dan |
E-mail address: | |
Comments: | I really have enjoyed reading a lot of the stories I have found thru your site. Yours are great. Thanks and keep up the good work. |
Name: | Dan |
E-mail address: | |
Comments: | I really have enjoyed reading a lot of the stories I have found thru your site. Yours are great. Thanks and keep up the good work. |
Name: | alun |
Comments: | Not sure realy what to say from my last visit am still vealing very angary from my past just wish I culd for get not having any one to speak to about it all is not helping but is speaking about it any help as when I did it made me remember a lot more. |
Name: | Michael |
E-mail address: | HB087now |
Comments: | Thanks for all the stories, they are great.Is there a problem with as I cant get through? |
Name: | Gerald Barnes |
E-mail address: | |
Comments: | I just can't get enough of your stories keep up the good work. |
Name: | Dargelos |
E-mail address: | |
Comments: | For all friends of French medieval poetry (and its concept of the beauty of boys) - here's not one of "iomfats'" cherished Haikus but a little gem anyway: Los pels ac blonds / E gent fo faysonace E los ueilh vers / Coma falco mudace La gola fresca / Cum rosa en estat Blanc coma neus / Et ac genta la face Dear "iomfats", what a fascinating man you are. I came across your site only 2 days ago (a friend of mine suggested to visit it - he thought I was on one of the pics ... I see he's mistaken) but I've already got the impression to know you for a long time. Quelle experience extraordinaire! XOXOX from Germany |
Name: | Anthony Wheeler |
E-mail address: | Hawkeye_69_ace@hotmail .com |
Comments: | I always love reading your stories, and can fully undedrstand what you feel as I have someone in my life which i love. |
Name: | Just me |
Comments: | Thank you all for reading and the help you gave I think it is geting closer to the time that I need to move on take that step over that rainbow. |
Name: | who am i now |
E-mail address: | |
Comments: | I am now 30 am gay I used to think when I was growing up that I was gay from being sexualy abused as a kid I tryed fighting being gay for a long time I used to go out with a girle when I was about 16 17 I had my 1st sexuel expriens when I was still at school with a boy there I was a bit sgared It only hapend one time he did ask a second time I wonted to but I was sgared some one might find out about it and then find out what hapend to me when I was a kid. Me and that gilre was only going out about 11 monthes It was bad for me when we split as I found out that she had allso been sexualy abused when she was yunger she was adoted. I then moved on was on my own for a bout 2 years I then meat a guy in a kung fu club of all plases we was good frineds for a long time be for i found out he was gay. One day we was taking a day off from te club and was on a beech we was mesing about with a box of maches I hid them some were I told him if he wonted them back he will have to get them we then started to muck a bout again then I sead I need to tell you some think he whent quiet so then I just leand forward and kissed him and then came back and sead to you wont me to do that again he did not say a word so I just kissed him again I felt so free I did not wont it to stop we then started going out all the time it was realy nice to be with some one then. It did not go so well after about a year he had fineshed at school and was on a training cours were he meat up with some older guys that was not so nice thay puled us apart he was all ways with them never had time for any think was allways asking to borow mony as I loved him so much I did knot know it at the time how much I just keped giving him what he asked for Even thow I had not long lost my job I had nothink all I had I used to give to him one day we got in to a fight over it I nealy hit Him I think It was as I was alowen and angary about it all I just walked a way did not see him or hear from him again for over 7 years. I found him again when i was on the net at home I had used the net in work but was sgared of looking any gay stuff up or going to any gay bars. It was not till sep 2000 that will tell you how yung we was then he is now 27 I got back in touch with him we meat up started seeing each other again I then found out that he had moved in with a older man when he was just 17. It took me some time to lern that he had moved in with him and in to a bad relationship as well to exgap from abuse at home. We had some bad times as he was unstabel and was soeme time with othere guys I new some think was not Wright but I remembed how much I had mised him and I still loved him. So I did not say much about it. It was one day after I had been to see him in work like I allways did just for about 20 minits then come home. He told me in a Email he did not wish to see me any more as he was going to be with some one else I was sad at this time as some think some one sead and asked made me remeber it all from when I was 7 the 1st time that my mums boy friend raped me I was so sad. later that nite I was trying to call some friends I needed to speak to some one but as usual every one was to buisy for me that told me who my frineds were. I took an over dos that nite and again in the day as it was not enuth I was found by the police. And taken to hospital that was going to call my mum I pleaded with them not to. I then told them why so thay never did but that told me If I start to get ill thay would have to I agried that thay could but only then. I phoned home sead I was working away mum new some think was wrong she never new what. I got back with him again but it was only for a very short time each time we whent out he would be funy with me the next day like when I took him out on his birthday to manchester I was ill that nite ended up in hospital he bugged off and left me there I got up in hopital I was lost did not know were I was I waled out of there found my way back to the gay vilage were we was. From there I came home Tryed and tryed to call him no anser tryed to email him still no anser again he was doing it to me. Hurting me all the time it was nealy 3 weeks befor I saw him again every time we was out I tryed to get him by him self to speak he all ways sead we will speak later we nver did he used to get so pisses all the time caome back to mine have some thnk to eat Again I tryed to speak to him he just used to phone the guy he was living with to pick him up as he all ways needed to get back there it was in march 2001 I had not seen much of him or spaoke to him that much We onec had a flat togeather he omly stayed one day we spoke about moving in there again he sead he would or stay with me and my mum at this time I had not told my mum I was gay. She was asking about who he was I tolder it was ***** and she did not remenber him I tolder a bit of what was going on with a frind of mine then she aked who it was i told her it was him she aked is he Gay I tolder yes and that I was allso gay. after that day I did not see him again for over 8 monthes and then again 5 monthes afther that and I still had love for him even thow he told every one we was not an time and i was just stalking him all the time. I saw him again in mach 2002 that was the last time. I still love him I know I have not got what he wants me to give him I only hope one day I will love some one as much as I loved him. He is still with this older guy but is still seeing other guys as well. I can not under stand this. Some think I read on the net told me a lot about him and that he finds it hard to love some one unles thay hurt him as so meany peopel have given him love as thay hurt him. I culd never hurt him even thow he mad me so angary and sad that I wonted to kill my self some time's I still think about it. It was after I meat some one else I thourt there was more to use then there was It was two years to the day I took the over dose that I found out I lay in bed nealy crying I go to work each day go to the club and I find it so hard to speak with any one. I ask my self is it worth carying one living like this. I ask my self if I was not raped as a boy and sexualy abused would I be gay now or would I be maried with children of my own and happy I think If I had some one close to me that I loved I might work harder to get some think beter in my live. I wish I new the anser to this. I was all so sgared as there was alot of stuff on telly about child abuse and soem one sead on telly that a lot of kids that are aboused end up doing it them selfes when thay are older that sgared me a lot I was thinking at the age of 14 I was going to end up huring some one and making that so sad I did not want this to hapen I tryed to cut my riset then to stop it from hapening I culd not cut it all the way. Am now 30 as I sead I have don nothink to hurt any child but so meany say it is gays that do it all and just gay men. That is a very bad thing to say I can openly say that is not true as nealy all men and women that are found to have been abusing children are in relationships with the oposet sex and have children of there own. I come on the chat rooms looking to meet some one now I know I will never be with my 1st real love again but It dont stop me form caring for him still. I try to speak to peopel all most gay men ask is what are you in to are you top or bottom it is wright in saying most gays don't wont a long term relation ship but to just get what thay can Is that all true I don't realy know so why did I say it. It is just what I see a frined of mine was out with me one day a bit yunger then me I like him a lot don't meen Am trying to jump in to bed with him. Some one Asked him about his bf and asked if he trused him this guy is like nealy 40 my friend is just 17 and the older guy was trying to get between me and him pull him away and put distrused in his boy friend not long after that thay had split up I know this older guy had some think to do with it ~I wonted to punch his face in as It mad me think of what that older guy had don to my ex. I look out for him he knows now about that and is happy am a fried any thin he needs I will help him with. Why do I wright all this I don't know I just need to speak about it I think and let some gay and straits know that you can find tru love. I say this to any yung gay lesbain starit if you find some one you love and thay love you if some one tells you some think bad about them it is probely not tru keep holed of it dont look for some think beter as if you do and it don't work out you will never have the love you 1st had. Just tell every one esle to go to hell you are happy with then if thay love you as you ove them well thats all that counts. And dont look for what is shining on the out side or some one rich or with a lod of doss thay will only hold it against you for not having what thay have. |
Name: | Gerry |
E-mail address: | Can You Try |
Comments: | Thanks for all the stories. If I ever get the courage, I will E-mail you. How about putting a picture of yourself on your site? |
Name: | Tonimus |
Homepage URL: | |
Comments: | Greetings from another with similar experiences to yours! I've been loved as a boy by other boys and men. Now I love boys and always will. Follow my link to read a bit more about me, and see some of my friends. My site is "free" and contains several galleries. You can even see a gallery of me! Love'n'hugs! |
Name: | just her |
E-mail address: | |
Homepage URL: | |
Comments: | i'd emailed you once, but thought to drop a line in your guestbook, too. i absolutely love the chris & nigel story, and cannot wait to read on. |
Name: | Sean |
E-mail address: | |
Comments: | Please write fast I have know what's going to happen w/ Chris & Nigel. I've read the first 2 book sand what you've written about in the third book. Chris & Nigel almost seem real to me. I know their something you've pulled from your from your wonderfully creative mind but after reading what you've written so far they seem so real. You've made me care about them as if they were real. Thank you Sean |
Name: | alun |
E-mail address: | |
Homepage URL: | |
Comments: | Over the last cupel of days I have made my peace with some friends. one most of all I have not seen in a long time nealy a year hope soon we can meet up again wth out any one geting in the way. I still remember that day when I 1st kissed him on te beach so long ago. I used to try and be a divarent person and not let any one see me but it is time to be free and let go. |
Name: | Sean |
E-mail address: | |
Comments: | Hi, I just had to write you about your story "Chris & Nigel*, I've just finished reading the chapter "Oh,Mom". If actually made me well up with tears.I can't remember thelast time thats happened to while reading a story. You are a very gifted writer. Thank you, I wish there were stories likethatwhen Iwas growing up,I'm 43, it would have made my life so much more easier. |
Name: | Mike |
E-mail address: | |
Homepage URL: | |
Comments: | Hi! Forgive me if I missed anything... but I don't think I've found your name anywhere on the site. Mind if I call you Chris? ^_^ My name's Mike. And no, Andy didn't call me to tell me he loved me. Seriously, THAT's how addicted I am to your books. Anyone ever told you that you are a very beautiful person? Well, let me be one more, (if someone did already) ^_^ I don't really know anything about you, how you look and all but it is through your writing (in Chris and Nigel) that I *think* I've come to know a little of you. You are very special jem and I love you. I mean, for being who you are. People these days tend to forget about what the words "I love you" really mean. For one special person, I'll risk it. You deserve to be told so. I'm running out of net time, but I want to tell you more so I'll drop by maybe another time. Anyway, about your books "Chris and Nigel", I love them to death. The way you wrote it is just so powerful and real that I could almost picture everything easily. In fact, I'm falling in love with Nigel. *sigh* (which brings me to thinking when MY Nigel would come) Anyway, thank you for giving me a change to get to know these two beautiful, wonderful boys. Hope I get a reply soon from you too! And uh... I got a little problem, you see, I registered on your Messageboard and made a stupid mistake, having to write my full name. It's the one with "Michael Robert" on it. Er... can you help me fix this problem? I really want to join the forum and don't want to have my full name posted everytime I give a message. Thanks. -MIKE- |
Name: | shawn |
Comments: | I was 12 when I had my first boy-boy encounter. he was 9. I knew nothing of sex or love and he knew more than I dreamed existed. He taught me how to kiss and other things I dare not tell. The year was 1972 and he had the most beautiful mane of blonde hair that hung to his waist. His piearcing blue eyes kept me enraptured in a constant trance. there was not doubt. I was in love. I was his. I would have done anything for him. I would have killed for him. I would had died for him. His family moved in next door that summer after his parents had been divorced. I later learned that he had been having sex with his father but thats another story. |
Name: | BOB |
E-mail address: | |
Name: | nathan |
Comments: | erotic stories are better than porn |
Name: | davidn |
E-mail address: | |
Comments: | i am delighted to find your site it is vital that sites such as this are available to help us keep our sanity |
Name: | Joshua |
E-mail address: | |
Homepage URL: | |
Comments: | I liked the Chris and Nigel story very much, it reminded me of times when I was at school few yrs ago, now at uni and I do hope to find my Nigel someday. |
Name: | KHALID |
E-mail address: | KHALID_1068@YAHOO.COM |
Name: | janam |
E-mail address: | |
Name: | Pat |
E-mail address: | |
Comments: | very horny stories |
Name: | oliver |
E-mail address: | |
Comments: | Happy Christmas to you. This is a very important site for me. I am a married, gay man, living in a small, relatively homophobic society. Your site has given me an outlet for my expression and your philosophies have inspired me and now I know I am not alone, (although I am physically), at least I know there are others "out there" who share the same feelings and experiences as I. This gives me hope and courage to face tomorrow, and the next day. My love to you - and thanks. Oliver |
Name: | Miguel |
E-mail address: | |
Comments: | I just finished reading C+N and just let mr tell you that it is a great piece of fiction. The characters seem so real. I just wish i could go back in time and meet somebody like Nigel. I really loved your story. I'm anxious to read the third part. |
Name: | Keith |
E-mail address: | |
Comments: | You have a wonderful inspiring website, as others before me stated if this was available in my teen years life would have been much kinder to me, after 35 yrs I finally found the strength to open a very self secured closet door. I know because of you and your hosted stories more young gays can feel at ease with whom they are and dealing with their sexuality. You have also helped me cope with some of the issues I am dealing with at this time. Thank you once again from the U.S.A. and God Bless |
Name: | mark wepner |
E-mail address: | |
Comments: | articulate. you tell much of my story. |
Name: | samir |
E-mail address: | |
Homepage URL: | |
Comments: | let see and try |
Name: | Anthony wheeler |
E-mail address: | |
Comments: | great sight needed some thing I could read at school tanks alot we need more sites like this |
Name: | alun |
E-mail address: | |
Homepage URL: | |
Comments: | Not suer how I found your site but am glad I did I found it hard coming out as gay I told only some very close friends of mine when I was yunger I only realy came out as gay when I got back with my Ex Lee how I loved him then I had not seen him for over 7 years but I still used to think about him each year on his birthday and at cristmas. It did not go so well it took me a long time to move on from him he had changed so much has so much anger I don't know why that is I only wish is one day soon he will bwe happy and abel to find the love in him self to give to others Lee if you ever get to read this I love you and wish you to be happy. I don't know why I wrot all that but this site i was reading mad me thihnk of my 1st love and my trou love it hurtes to say I don't care for him any more but deep down i with i could be with him allwaysxxxx |
Name: | john |
E-mail address: | |
Comments: | love your work |
Name: | young |
E-mail address: | |
Homepage URL: | |
Comments: | I have really enjoyed this site and may the dear Lord bless you for this good work. I live in Zimbabwe and I lead the single mothers' ministry in the church. I am a single mother of two grown children and I am 38 years of age. I would welcome letters from other single people and please invite to any singles conferences. God bless you |
Name: | ryan |
E-mail address: | |
Name: | das |
E-mail address: | |
Comments: |
Name: | alex dijksta |
E-mail address: | |
Comments: | I love your page, and special Chris and Nigel |
Name: | Miles |
E-mail address: | |
Comments: | What a super site! If the interent were around and your site was there, my adolescence might have been a lot happier. As it was, I was a very depressed, closeted, often suicidal, miserable boy. I am so happy for the boys who's lives have been changed and saved by your efforts. Eventually, I hope to publish (perhaps on your site) my own story (reality and fantasy). You are a hero to heterosexually challenged boys everywhere. |
Name: | tom |
E-mail address: | |
Comments: | I don't think I have ever told you what a wonderful site you have. Thank you for hosting it. You do so much for the community. Thanks - and take care of yourself. tom |
Name: | Ruggero |
E-mail address: | |
Homepage URL: | |
Comments: | Nice site, but best of all, while I was reading your comments it almost seemed a nice and queit voice was reading them, can you understand what I mean? no, I am not crazy. LOL But I found myself at peace visting your site, and that background!!!![the two boys kissing] I don't think I have ever seen anything more beautiful!!! It reminded me of Marco and I, when we were young, you can read the story if you want to, I put it in as my homepage. Thanks for the wonderful sensations, I will be back, I want to read your stories, you will be in my thoughts. Love Ruggero. |
Name: | daniel |
E-mail address: | |
Comments: | hi, I love to read yours stories .I love nigels stories and love robin as well i hope to be able to read more about robin have done a great job up to today, love your site .i don`t know what to say except that i hope to be able to read more of your stories.. and thank you for those stories Daniel ,have a nice day |
Name: | Drew |
E-mail address: | |
Comments: | I love your stories. I find it tough to find a good love story between two men. Your sight is one i have found to keep me going on the story i have been working on. Please, if you know of other sites that have such good literature, please let me know. You can reach me at Thank you for your inspiration. |
Monday, September 16th 2002 - 07:01:58 AM
Name: | Asad |
E-mail address: | |
Comments: | It's very gave me feelings, i think for what i was looking for. Time spents every one, now John is not what he was 40 years before. |
Name: | Petergay38 |
E-mail address: | |
Homepage URL: | |
Comments: | Hi i am from germany and thanks a lot that you have written into my guestbook. My English is not so good but i will do my best to learn. I want read your story the next days when i come online but you can visit my page but my page is written in german. You can translate with a PC Translator Programm :-)))) My page is interest for gayman oder gayfathers or all people they have a coming out and i say it was not too late to life your life. And you feel better when you clear with you. I had a hard way i like to say the hardest way in my life but it is better to life as a gayman and i can look into ´the mirror and i can laugh. I am divored and now i am in friendship with my friend. I hope many people write to me and i can tell more about my life. I search for good coming out Storys for my page and when you want i can take it to my page. Please write back and look to my page. Greetings from Germany Peter |
Name: | jon |
E-mail address: | |
Comments: | Wow can't wait for the stories the pictires are great |
Name: | clementi |
E-mail address: | |
Comments: | There's some beautiful,erotic writing here. Would someone like to correspond? I'd like to talk about things [editted by webmaster] with someone. |
Name: | Joey |
E-mail address: | |
Comments: | Dear iomfats! I´m reading C&N since you published chapter 8 of the first book and i love it, so keep going. I also sent you some mails during the past years. But my adress changed. I just wanted to tell you that i´m a big fan of sigur ros since october 2001, so it´s cool to see that there video has an effect. I thought nearly nobody would know them. So thanks for C&N. they are awesome Love Joey from Germany (19yo) |
Name: | jemy |
E-mail address: | |
Name: | crabby the curmudgeon |
E-mail address: | |
Comments: | good for you and keep up the good work. I am always amazed that there is anyone who will stand up and say we are human also. As a youngster, I was beat by every adult who saw me and they wern't gentle, and as a man I would have been jailed if I said I was queer. It is to the point I can, in my old age, hardly admit what I was. Thanks. crabby the curmedgeon |
Name: | Mike |
E-mail address: | |
Comments: | Thanks for the help |
Name: | Tony |
E-mail address: | |
Comments: | I'm not sure if this comment should be here but didn't know where else to write it. I fanally have an ADSL connection and have been able to look at the Sigur Ros video. Brilliant, absolutley brilliant. How you found it I have no idea but thank you so much for sharing it with us. Regards Tony |
Name: | A. Frank Valen |
E-mail address: | |
Comments: | I really enjoy your srories, and thank you for making me feel i'm not alone. Sincerly Frank |
Name: | Loaf |
E-mail address: | |
Comments: | I feel compelled to add a 'rider' to my previous post. I dont think I have EVER been as gripped by a tale of love as I have by aspects of N &C... these lads are unique... as they have an inner wisdom and emotional connectivity far beyond their years. They also have exceptional families and teachers... and even the baddies turn out to be redeemed by love ! it is, quite literally, a beautiful romance - and I thank you for writing it. It is VITAL for young people that this stuff is freely available on the net...because shops and 'gay sections' are scary to those that arent ready for them.... It is the LOVE of Nigel and Chris which makes being Gay worthwhile... lust is lust, but Love is what begins to make sense of it all. Keep up the good work. When I said below that I wanted to watch N & C grow up... it is because the love that they have needs to be spread wider than the physically perfect. It is so sad that as a 40yr old gay man... alone, and in truth sometimes lonely ...but inside me beats the same heart as does within Nigel and Chris... and if only I had had some of their wisdom THEN, such as I have now....perhaps this is what this story is all about... that we are able to pour the experience of our years into new bodies, and so to be reborn. Its magic. |
Name: | Loaf |
E-mail address: | |
Comments: | Hello I have spent the last few days.. (on and off) reading Chris and Nigel in its entirity... wow. There are many things I really really loved about these boys and your writing.. I have laughed, wept real tears and felt very much braver in myself about my feelings for other men. You write very well indeed... there are one or two points of constructive criticicm where I feel your enthusiasm has led you to be alittle 'isensitive to the facts' and I would urge you to slow down a bit.... but what do I know.. I'm only a publisher. (For example a Teacher would NEVER announce to a school that a pupil had tried to commit suicide) Little things like that cause me to temporarily 'disconnect' and then I have to steer around the objection before I get back on track... but the emotional truth and clarity of the work is excellent. Its over-long and a bit over-written at times...but a stunnning achievement all in all. Keep up the good work I hope the next books follow them for the next 10 yrs - I want to see these boys grow up now. Cheers |
Name: | Ana |
E-mail address: | |
Comments: | Nice stories, at least the ones I read so far. And thanks for existing. I was begining to lose my faith in mankind. I'd join your fight against that stupid law bur being from another country I guess your prime minister wouldn't take it into consideration. Sorry about my english, it probaly is very strange, but after all it is NOT my language... so.Thanks again. Ana |
Name: | GWMale34 |
E-mail address: | |
Homepage URL: | |
Comments: | I See You worked very hard on this site... GREAT JOB! Check out my homepage sometime and please sign my guestbook. Thank you, GWMale34 |
Name: | Joe Giusti |
E-mail address: | |
Comments: | These stories are the best thing I've foumd on the web as far as fulfilling a type of connection that surpasses the standard horniness that you get going to straight porn sites. I am a straight boy that dosn't care about sexual norms and I like to suck penises and put a dildo in my ass. I don't mean to be so lewd, but that is the only way that I know how to say it. Right now I am hangin out in my room after hours. My parents are asleep and Thelonius Monk is turning me on inside my headphones. I've been making a rap cd with my friend, this fifteen year old kid who I know through a friend. We go out to the mall and get girls to take pictures with us, and in the dead spots he makes all thes sezual inuendos in my direction. Sometimes Joking is a coverup for seriousness. Once I joked with a friend that I met through a Y camp on Catalina island and we ended going down on each other . These stories really accuratel depict what it is like to be a boy tring to get a taste of another boy. I'm going to go read them stories now. Somebody email me please/ |
Name: | Quinnie |
E-mail address: | |
Comments: | I love your sexy stories. Please carry on with your site. You are lovely. Love and kisses, Quinnie (24 yrs old, bisexual, uk) |
Name: | loveandhappy |
Comments: | hi, just want to share with you my life story. I've known that I like boys when I was 12 and accepted it when I was 15 or 16. Anyway, to make story short...... I've meet a guy from the net. You, I used to be a freelance designer and looking for help with the jobs I've got. This guy responded and we decide to meet up to discuss more about our partnership. The moment I sat my eyes on him, I fall for him like crazy... guess love at the first sight. but the only problem is, I don't know if he is gay. Anway, for a few months, I'm like crazy, finidng every excuse to spend time with him and even try to sit as close as possible when we are doing work. I went to the net ( and chat with people WHO I know is gay about my love for this guy and all of them told me to forget him. They say I will end up getting hurt and so on. Deep inside me, I feel and know he is the one but in real life, it seem so impossible. One day, I was in discussion with him via of the net when I had a quarrel with one of the guy I meet at He's in love with me but I could not accept his love cause I'm in love with another guy. The quarrel got very bad and I had to ask "my lover" to wait. After nearly an hour, I got back to him to discuss about our work. He ask me what happen and why so long. I told him it is nothing and I don't think he is interested to know and his respond blow me a way, he told me that, "I'm very concern about you and that you are quite important to me", somehow that makes me feel that he might have feeling for me too and I took the chance, a chance that I've never had the guts before and pour my feeling for him and to my surprise, he had the same feeling for me too........ to make story short, we are a couple now, for nearly 4 years plus. the first year was not a smooth right but now, things been perfect, we meet each other everyday, chat online everyday, go out every weekend and have been 4 years and my love for him never change and his love for me getting deeper and deeper each day. I took the chance and I've succeed, I'm so happy that I didn't listen to what people tell me and follow my guts feeling. I don't know how I can be so brave to tell him about my feeling for him but it is all worthwhile cause now I have the person I LOVE. |
Name: | Samuel |
E-mail address: | |
Comments: | This site is one of the best I have come across. It shows that Homosexual males are humans too just like everyone else. It shows that they bleed like you and i, it shows that they have feelings and dreams like the rest of the world. Homosexuals like I for example should not be treated any differently. I have enjoyed reading your stories, Tim. I have spent countless hours on this computer reading over all of your adictive stories. Keep on writing and showing the world what it's like from our point of veiw. Best wishes Sam |
Name: | john gregory |
E-mail address: | |
Comments: | Hi, Still good reading and generally well done. Question: why can I not contact all of a sudden. Comment is that cannot be obtained on this server or Forbidden. Keep up the good work. Sincerely John |
Name: | Trudy |
Comments: | This might sound strange coming from a female...but your stories are awesome! I never really understood why us women can't enjoy getting off on gay sex but guys can get off on lesbian sex? It's totally unfair. I think guy/guy sex is soooo beautiful. Loved the stories...keep up the good work! |
Name: | CHARLES |
E-mail address: | |
Comments: | I love the movie, and I have come here to view it more than once with that all I can say IS I love you |
Name: | Emmanuel Aquino |
Comments: | What can i say but i just love "Nigel and Chris". It's a very beautiful story, very emotional it made me cry at times. I am only 18 but after reading your story Inow know what I want. Thank god for you and your stories. |
Name: | Tyler |
Comments: | This story has changed my life! I was on the brink of killing myself and was looking for some gay sex stories to get off to....I stubled on here thinking this looks neat started reading and was hooked...see i was all depressed and all other bad thing....this story has made me say screw those things and im really trying to find someone to love other than counting down the days till i could get a gun THANK YOU |
Name: | Globalgensis |
E-mail address: | hausacker@yahoo.comI |
Comments: | I haven't read anything yet. See you later Globalgensis |
Name: | Steven Wright |
E-mail address: | |
Comments: | Hi, My name is Steven, 24yo white gay male in Rhode Island, I just happened to browse my way into this website. And damn glad I did too. I have only read one story so far, but the context and writing style captivated me. This not being such an easy thing when I had just gotten home from working 21 hrs and thought I was going to fall asleep while online. Not only did I stay awake to finish the story, I also masturbated all the way through it. This is DEFINATELY a website that I will recommend to all of my gay circle of friends. Again, THANK YOU for bringing such beautiful thoughts to words....... Truly Yours, Steven R. Wright Jr. |
Name: | TrustNoOne |
E-mail address: | |
Comments: | I haven't read everthing on the page, but what i have read I LOVED!! I MEAN LOVED I COULDN'T STOP!! Keep up the great work. |
Name: | Rob |
E-mail address: | |
Name: | maxy |
E-mail address: | |
Comments: | "e" 's stories are great. ihope they continue with chapters5,6,7,8.9..... |
Name: | Ron |
E-mail address: | |
Comments: | I just finished reading Chris & Nigel for the 2nd time. ( I loved the story so much the first time, that I had to read it again) It's strange to say...but...for the first time in years I felt feelings that I'd buried long ago. I realized, after reading this story, what has been missing in my life. It's time to end a miserable 13 yr relationship of convenience....and find love. |
Name: | Randy Rommel A. Belleza |
E-mail address: | |
Comments: | nice poem, i love it and remind me of Kabangkalan Mandaue Cebu |
Name: | Victor |
E-mail address: | |
Comments: | I hope these stories are as good as they sound! |
Name: | Lars |
E-mail address: | |
Comments: | I like your sites and the authors represented It is kind of morally clean without therefore becoming gutless. I have been corresponding a little bit with a few of the authors, and find that interesting |
Name: | jennifer |
E-mail address: | |
Comments: | HI,e told me about his story on this site so i came to check it out and i really enjoy reading all the stories on the site thanks |
Name: | John |
E-mail address: | |
Comments: | I've yet to explore your site. I feel that the adventure is going to be worth my wait. I was drawn to your site by plugging into my browser this: IOMFATS. I don't know where I got these letters and thought it possibly was a drug that I needed to look up. Anyway I'm very ancious to read your many stories. Love John |
Name: | Phil |
E-mail address: | |
Comments: | Thanks for this wonderful site. I've just finished reading 'Chris and Nigel'. It reminded me so much of my teenage years. The love and the pain. All through the story I was either smiling or crying. Keep up the good work. I'm off to read some more stories. Thanks again, Phil |
Name: | Tommy |
E-mail address: | |
Comments: | Love your stories. Keep them 'cuming'. ;-) |
Name: | geoff |
E-mail address: | |
Comments: | I have thoroughly enjoyed your site, one I seemed to have pumped into quite by accident. Much like a few boys in junior high scho. It's been years since then-- 40 to be exact -- but those memories, along with memories of high school and beyond, memories of a few days ago are among the happiest of my life. I can live with myself, as a boylover. And I really hope and pray everyone in here can, too. Always available to chat. |
Name: | Shaun Jones |
E-mail address: | |
Comments: | I was just dropping by to read some of your stories, to se if they help inspire me a little. I am a 19 year old gay male that cannot quite come to terms with my sexuality although I have admitted to myself that I am gay. So if you have any good advice for me, drop me an e-mail! |
Name: | Jay Adkins |
E-mail address: | |
Homepage URL: | |
Comments: | I am at chapter 14 of the story of Chris & Nigel. So far I think it is just wonderful. It would make a right jolly good movie. May I ask if it is true live or fiction. You may have said and I missed that but would like to know. Jay Colorado USA |
Name: | lars |
E-mail address: | latech1@swipnet-se |
Comments: | I like the stories -the hosted ones as well I think they are what erotic stories should be but seldom are |
Name: | Han |
Comments: | I really love your site, I have never read as nice a story as yours, and I'm now looking forward to finding my own love... When is the next book of Nigel & Chris being release? I'm just SO looking forward to it! |
Name: | River |
E-mail address: | |
Homepage URL: | |
Comments: | Great site!!! I love the stories and the emphasis on love not just sex. Many people have the same painful and confusing experiences growing up, it's brave of you to write about yours. Keep up the good work and come by and visit sometime! |
Name: | Camila |
E-mail address: | |
Comments: | Oh I love you. I'm in love with your style, I love everything you write, every bit of it. Are you really real? if you are...Would you marry me? |
Name: | Raven |
E-mail address: | |
Homepage URL: | |
Comments: | Loved all the poems nd stories -- keep up the good work!! |
Name: | Scott |
E-mail address: | |
Comments: | Love this site. Great work! |
Name: | steven |
E-mail address: | |
Comments: | Very sweet, indeed! I'd like to meet sometime! |
Name: | Brian |
E-mail address: | |
Comments: | i've just finished chris and nigel book 1, and have to say that you really opened my eyes. i found myself tearing up almost through the whole book. i also found that i've always been alone, and really don't want to be any longer. your book really deserves to be published, and people should read it and see what gays (even as young as 14, etc.) have to deal with. if you find true love, you shouldn't be afraid to show it, people should be happy for you. i don't really know what i am, i want to say bi, but so many guys turn me on that it just doesn't sound right. i really don't want to get married to a woman, but i want children. if it wasn't for our messed up adoption rules here in the states, i would probably already be a father. well, enough blabbering, i can't wait to read book 2. just hope my tears don't dry up before i'm finished. please let me know if it does get published, i'll buy them just to cherish. keep up the great work. |
Name: | ahmadzai |
E-mail address: | |
Comments: | thank you for opening me up to a whole new dimension, a new side of me i never knew existed. |
Name: | oliver |
E-mail address: | |
Comments: | PLEASE think very carefully before you make "Chris and Nigel" "print only". For some confused teens, the Net is their only lifeline - literally. I wish I had had the Net when I was growing up; even in "swinging" London, there was no easy way for a confused teenager to walk into one of "those" bookshops without screwing up an awful lot of courage and taking the plunge...most of us, I suspect, just walked on by, but wished in our hearts... Your name is already in lights in this ethernet community, so who needs print already?!! Love, Oliver. |
Name: | sky wagner |
E-mail address: | |
Homepage URL: | |
Comments: | your story of Chris and Nigel is some times sad, some times sexy, some times funny. but always revealing and always makes me think of my love lost on june 15 1995. thank you for sharing, caring and giving all of us love sick romantics some thing that is truely a work of art. i have been following your work sends u frist posted it on assgm and your work can be summed up with just 2 words "truely breathtaking" from the bottom of my heart thank you so very much, sky w. |
Name: | -=\\DAYSTAR//=- |
Comments: | ![]() your site is GREAT! keep it up! and if you get the chance come by my site! ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() cross the stars for a treat! |
Name: | Joani |
E-mail address: | |
Homepage URL: | |
Comments: | I finally read "Harry" last night by the "Composer" and I really enjoyed. Is there anyway that I might let him know this? Now, about Chris and Nigel I have really, really enjoyed these last few chapters about them. I am also really happy for you about your book deal. Good luck. :-) |
Name: | Mark Stevens |
E-mail address: | |
Comments: | I thoroughly enjoy your site and your wonderful stories. Thank you for taking the time to keep us informed, entertained and providing an outlet for many talented writers. All my best wishes, Mark Stevens |