This page used to be hosted by Dreamhost on our behalf. People used it to say hello and to show appreciation for the site. Dreamhost stopped offering the service in 2015. Those wishing to say hello now should use our forum.
Name: |
Harry. |
Comments: Thank you Tim. You will never know how helpful your "Resources for Health & Sex" was to us. Thanks again. |
Tuesday March 6th 2001 07:18:56
Name: |
Tom Willett |
E-mail address: | |
Homepage URL: | |
Comments: Hi, I just discovered your site today so it will take many visits to completely explore it. Very nicely written and easy to navigate. Wonderful site... |
Friday February 23rd 2001 08:20:52
Name: |
Kit |
E-mail address: | |
Comments: Hi - after reading 'Robin' we swapped emails, I found your website, read Chris&Nigel, and felt it would be good to sign your guestbook. Your Chris&Nigel stories are great and I wish my school-life love had been as happy. Your website is amazing because you show so much of your inner-self and also its a great resource for inf0. A great big THANKS!! |
Saturday February 17th 2001 11:47:23
Monday February 12th 2001 02:24:30
Monday February 12th 2001 06:23:07
Name: |
Jimmy |
E-mail address: | |
Comments: I had signed your guest book months ago telling you that I was at a crossroad, and how much I had enjoyed your story. Although I did not discuss it at the time my crossroads was a transition from being with a female, to considering living with a male. Truth is I've been married for 10 years; the last few have years have been falling apart. The closeness I sought to find, wasn't there, nor were a lot of things. At one point, I questioned a lot of things about myself, and discovered this secret desire. After three years into our marriage I suddenly desired to be with a guy. Over the years it has strengthened and then recently flowered into a desire of having a loving and caring relationship with someone like myself. During the last part of my marriage I was not able to sleep at nights, and to pass the time started writing a story. Initially its purpose was to be on the Internet and someone who enjoyed it, then contact me, for a serious long-term relationship. As the story developed I found I was communicating to myself. That the story was describing what I was looking for. I got in touch with my feelings, with myself, and knew exactly what I was looking for. The story is about two boys just out of high school neither one is gay and end up living together and care for each other through life's difficulties. It is through their compassion that they fall in love with each other but don't know how to tell the other. The love becomes so strong that it drives them crazy not telling and so in a magical moment they express their love for each other. The boy I describe in my story is strong, but gentle, fun and yet tender and sensitive. Much to my surprise that person came into my life for real. We met and immediately fell for each other. I am so much in love with him, it goes beyond any words. It is so strong that sometimes I cry while I'm with him, only because I'm so happy. I've never been this much in love before. I've never been able to be this much myself before. I am so lucky that we found each other. Love is wonderful, and can give back to you what you put into it, and more. I have been blessed and am thankful for my new boyfriend. I wish everyone this kind of opportunity for true happiness. Again thank you for your story. It made me believe there was someone out there for me and I found him! Many wishes to the continued success of your story, and love and happiness to your readers. Hugs and kisses to all. Jimmy |
Tuesday January 30th 2001 01:51:53
Name: |
Rob |
E-mail address: | |
Comments: Your story about Chris and Nigel has opened something up in me. I feel that being gay may not be such a bad thing. That I can have a life with love, acceptance, and still be my self. Can't wait for the next chapter. Thank you!!! |
Thursday January 18th 2001 09:03:09
Name: |
Ed |
E-mail address: | |
Comments: Your site rocks. Keep up the good work! |
Sunday January 14th 2001 12:56:51
Thursday January 4th 2001 04:53:06
Name: |
-=\\DAYSTAR//=- |
Comments: your site is
keep up the GR8 work! and if you get the chance come by my site!

Wednesday January 3rd 2001 01:57:38
Name: |
John |
E-mail address: | |
Comments: HI Tim, stopped by to say Hi and wish you a Happy New Year |
Tuesday January 2nd 2001 06:33:55
Name: |
Simon |
E-mail address: | |
Comments: a great site of a great friend!!! Luv ya! |
Monday December 18th 2000 02:31:11
Name: |
Robert |
E-mail address: | |
Comments: A very touching story, made me jealous that I didn't have sometghing like that at that age. One suggestion - the dialog is a bit too repetitiv and the momentum dies. I found myself fast-forwarding a bit. I've done quite a bit of writing myself, a lot published, and I think the story would benefit from a bnit of tightening up. Oh yes. I could never get to look at the pictures - the pop- up thing you said to click on quickly simply NEVER popped- up. I've tried about a dozen times over a period of a week. Is there no olther way to see the pics? Thanks for all. |
Saturday December 16th 2000 09:13:43
Tuesday December 12th 2000 09:07:07
Name: |
Bob |
E-mail address: | |
Comments: Glad to see you are up and about again and fit enough to pen a new chapter. Look forward to reading it even if it may not be as erotic as other chapters. Hope it won't be long till you are back to full health and in full flow with further adventures |
Sunday December 3rd 2000 12:42:33
Name: |
John C Williams |
E-mail address: |
sorry just floating on a free net |
Comments: Thanks for Chris & Nigel. I really like all I have read so far. Trying to download II # 9 right now. Looking forward to it. Some of your English is hard for a colonil to understand >(0^0)< grin me in glasses<---- I do think you do a good job with the two young boys. Hope Andy finds love as well he so needs it. Thanks again lots of love to you John |
Saturday December 2nd 2000 07:08:30
Name: |
Mark |
Comments: Hmmmm.... where do I begin? Well, I found this site by reading your Chris and Nigel story, and came here. I guess I just wanted to say that while I identified to a good extent with the two boys, I went to your auto-biography, and well, I am in virtually the exact same place you were so long ago. Your story has really meant a lot to me over the two months that I've been following it, because it has that perfect feeling that I can only long for, and I just decided to go to your site to find out about the author, and sign your guest book. this site has really meant a lot to me, especially with following my dreams. I might write here again in a while, sorry, I'm kinda paranoid about email addresses Thank you |
Tuesday November 28th 2000 05:44:40
Monday November 6th 2000 11:40:59
Name: |
Tony Hughes |
Comments: I´m a bit shy just yet about giving away too many details... but I shall return to you, no doubt with renewed confidence. Regards and very good luck. From Tony. |
Monday November 6th 2000 01:05:04
Name: |
jimmy mckendry |
E-mail address: | |
Comments: love your stories. they have taken me to new understandings of love. i wish my life could have turned out like chris or nigel. i am at a crossroad in my life, uncertain of my future, yet i dream of true love that will make me happy the rest of my life. |
Friday November 3rd 2000 12:07:48
Name: |
c_nut |
E-mail address: | |
Comments: I am currently transfixed in your story of those two boys, Chris & Nigel. I think your story is just great. I dont really read much but your story has me rushing home to see if there is a new episode. I cant explain my emotions that have arisen while going through your story, I have a connection with your characters & for a cynical person like me it is not easy to admit. The power of Love & Friendship I read is so intense. Please keep those stories coming, Chris & Nigel are a part of my life now. |
Tuesday October 31st 2000 03:44:19
Name: |
Kirt |
E-mail address: | |
Comments: Man I have just finished reading the last installment of Chris & Nigel!! I can't tell you how moving it has been for me. I love your character developement. I love the way you've pulled the characters together. It wasn't too fairy tale because one of the parents went bonkers, then recovered. Also, Andy's situation was real life. I just loved it dude!! I also am a Bisexual man, married with children and was SOOOOO in love with a boy when I was young. I think the thing that hits so close to home is the feelings. I felt everyone of them trying to survive through them. I never got to tell him, he's str8. But, man do I understand the feelings!! Thanks a million and I'm looking forward to more. Kirt |
Tuesday October 17th 2000 01:27:07
Name: |
Tim |
E-mail address: | |
Homepage URL: | |
Comments: Great Site!! it was beautiful :o) keep up the good work hun my name is Tim, and I have a lawsuit with the Titusville School District, and my website contains the offical complaint filed in a federal court. I was tripped, pushed, punched, kicked, spoit on, my clothes were stolen in gym class, I was pushed down stairs and because why? Im gay...and the school said "It was my fault because I was gay. so please help me out and go to my page and sign my guest could even pass it on to your friends and family...the address for the site is so please copy and paste it to some of your friends ok? Lots of Love, Tim AIM screen name Tim11246 or KamilKidd |
Friday October 13th 2000 04:34:35
Name: |
solace aka Hanz |
E-mail address: | |
Comments: I read the story of Chris and Nigel during the last week. It's a very good story, with lots of humor within, and a lot of truth. I went through a similar story when I was that age (starting when 12 of age). Wished Peter and I have had that understanding circumstances that are suggested in that story. But we didn't. And that brought our relationship to an end when 16 of age. And that's 25 years ago. But whoever is the person who wrote this Chris and Nigel story so far - keep on! Wish a lot of kids will read it and find strenght through. Solace aka Hanz, from Germany |
Friday September 29th 2000 03:15:00
Name: |
APETH: The Homoerotic Mensa |
E-mail address: | |
Homepage URL: | |
Comments: The admonition to visit your site came from a German member of APETH Associates, whose English suffers from lack of practise. (Let me clarify the name: APETH are Greek letters that look like Latin; however, the word is pronounced 'areté' and means 'virile excellence'.) He understood some, but not all, of your 'magnum opus', asking my opinion. The Proustian elements of a young man's unconventional sexual awakening make for most rewarding reading. I invite you to pay a visit to APETH and put a link to your site on the Free-4-All Links page. (There is ample room to describe it fully.) The layout, alas, makes for very DIFFICULT reading. There are only so many letters the eye can comfortably follow. Use of a table [afer :
: just before ] would format your page like a good book, with comfortable margins. Further, use of
- to produce indented paragraphs would result in 'Chris and Nigel' being presented as a serious work of literature - which it is - merely presented upon a monitor and not bound in red Morocco, as it should be. :-) APETH? It's 'A Celebration of Virility,' the prime focus being copiously illustrated male erotica; not however JUST erotica. There are articles and essays, a gallery which IS an art gallery and not a euphemism for porn. APETH Associates is an affiliated eGroup of writers, illustrators, and other contributors. There are short stories also in German and Spanish (with English translations). If you enjoy what you find there - and I think you will - the courtesy of a cross-link with be appreciated. (N.B. Often the entrance via hyperlink is from a small "Enter" box floating atop a sea of spam. One avoids that by entering in the address directly: Thank you for sharing your talent and experience. I trust you won't mind my entering HTML techniques in your Guest Book. Quite honestly, 'Chris and Nigel' deserves the finest presentation possible. SEMPER FIDELIS (et Semper Prudens) The ARCHON.
Friday September 29th 2000 02:09:53
Name: |
Kevin |
E-mail address: | |
Comments: Tim, I love your site, almost as much as I love you. I never expected to find the happiness I have missed all of my life so soon after coming out after nearly 30 years of lying to everyone including myself about my orientation. I have found the true love of my life in Marc and the best friend either of us could ever hope for in you. Thank you for being you and for being there for us. I also want to add my thanks for agreeing to be a best man at our civil union ceremony. I can't think of anyone else we would rather have at Marc's side for this the most important event in our lives. Thank you from the bottom of my heart, my friend. I am sincerely your friend Kevin "Kevy" Gumbo |
Thursday September 28th 2000 02:39:03
Name: |
J.C |
E-mail address: | |
Comments: I think this has to be the most amazing thing I have ever read. Chris&Nigel is just beautiful - it made me learn so much more about myself. I'm 18 and reading this just made me all the more confused my sexuality - finding love like this would be a dream. J.C |
Tuesday September 26th 2000 04:59:16
Name: |
George Hamilton |
E-mail address: | |
Comments: What a marvellous resource of sex/health information you offer! I'm an old man (71) and there's lots of stuff there I knew nothing about previously. And your advice is excellent about the use of info - if in doubt, see the doc! seems to sum it up. And your generosity in sharing all aspects of your life, is not just admirable, it's very courageous. Thank you for your help to all who visit your site. Few could leave without being more informed than they arrived. |
Monday September 25th 2000 09:18:19
Name: |
rowanau2001 |
E-mail address: | |
Comments: No wonder you have so many awards for Chris&Nigel. If it was not so steamy it would have won you a fancy award. Try your hand at a slightly less steamy story and submit it to a conventional publisher, but whatever you do, don't stop writing. |
Thursday September 14th 2000 05:45:09
Name: |
John |
E-mail address: | |
Homepage URL: |
http:// |
Comments: I love your stories and must admit to being a bit jealous of the boys you were able to photograph for your galleries. They are such beautiful young men and one can only speculate how gorgreous they will be as adults. thank you for your work and I hope that you are able to resolve the 'server' issue that has been harassing you for so long. |
Wednesday September 13th 2000 08:58:42
Name: |
ted harlow |
E-mail address: |
halowt@webtv |
Comments: was courious came back because it was interesting came back again because it's well set up and enjoyable. thanks |
Thursday August 31st 2000 11:03:58
Monday August 28th 2000 07:42:11
Name: |
Kevin D. Guimbellot |
E-mail address: | |
Comments: I was very moved by your life story. Thank you for sharing it. It clears up much in my own life. Peace and long life. |
Wednesday August 16th 2000 12:42:20
Name: |
Grimbright |
E-mail address: | |
Comments: Very impressive site, kewl pics |
Tuesday August 15th 2000 05:05:25
Name: |
fred |
Comments: Just read Velvet Touch - thanks for sharing - I'll be back :) |
Tuesday August 15th 2000 02:09:27
Name: |
Peter Robertson |
E-mail address: | |
Comments: Read Velvet Touch through the Nifty Archive. You are an impressive writer who conveys a lot of energy through his writing. Came to your site to look for more. Noticed in your bio that today is your Birthday. Happiest of birthdays to you, and best wishes for a most fulfilling life. |
Saturday August 5th 2000 12:21:06
Saturday August 5th 2000 08:43:32
Name: |
Dave Kempf |
E-mail address: | |
Homepage URL: |
none yet |
Comments: I was born in 1947 in St. Louis MO. Yep, in the heartland of America. If you think England was conservative and homophobic, you should have been in the American midwest of the '50's and '60's as a teenager. I too married and have two wonderful children, now ages 18 and 21. I've told neither my wife or my kids about my fantasies and desires. At nearly 53 I still regularly fantasize and as a Brit would say "wank" at least twice a day. The Nifty Archive and have become my fantasylands over the past several years. I have been surfing the net for over 6 years. I usually never write anyone. Today I read "Velvet Touch" and then came to your page and read your story and the postscript. And took a plunge. Be careful with your son. If you could persist in self- absorbed ruminations about something from your teens for nearly 30 years, so could he. You never know what a kid will latch onto. I guess that is sort of the charm. Inside do we ever really grow-up? Dave |
Saturday August 5th 2000 06:03:12
Name: |
Mikie Christensen-Johnson |
E-mail address: | |
Comments: Thnaks for the beautiful things you do for your own (The Gay Race). I sent an e-mail to Stagecoach, on their discrimination. Basicaly it stated that why would one take money to profit, yet discriminate against someone. That is like saying well since that man/woman is blind then we don't want them around, but is they do come, then we will accept their money............. Keep up the good work... |
Friday August 4th 2000 03:48:27
Name: |
Louis Redburn-Vezina |
E-mail address: |
Comments: You are lucky because you really have a given gift for writting. You do it well ! Keep up the good work ! Lou. p.s. : What I love about your story just as the «comically ones», is that they are not just sex stories but Real LOVE including «making love». There is a hell of difference ! Lou. :-) |
Tuesday August 1st 2000 03:47:59
Name: |
Bobinthelakes |
E-mail address: | |
Comments: Hello mate, Really excellent stories that take me back to my childhood and things that I would have loved to have done but was too worried about the consequences to do. Look forward each month to my next enstalment of the Chris and Nigel saga. |
Tuesday August 1st 2000 01:24:09
Name: |
andrew |
E-mail address: | |
Comments: What happended to your unclothed picture, that part was realy cool. Please bring it back. thank you |
Monday July 31st 2000 08:18:11
Name: |
Fernando |
E-mail address: | |
Comments: Well, a nice and interesting storie of Chris and Nigel, but when does appear the continuation? Congratulations, and I an thristy for more tales of both boys... |
Friday July 21st 2000 04:49:22
Name: |
Ted |
E-mail address: | |
Homepage URL: | |
Comments: I came across your url in a story at Nifty called A Special Place. The url took me to your section on sex. I only wish that I'd had that information before I had my first consentual sex. I'd have known it wasn't supposed to hurt. I'd have know it wasn't dirty. I'd have know that I shouldn't settle for less than love. Now this information is here for others who are in the position that I was. And they'll know. Thank you. |
Friday July 21st 2000 02:15:23
Name: |
"Tom" |
Comments: Hello...let me start by saying that I stumbled upon Chris and Nigel (and eventually your page) by accident..and I'm glad that I did. It's a heartwarming story, I'm almost done with Book 1. You see, I'm in the very same situation that you were in, so many years ago. Fate led me to fall in love with someone not unlike your John two years ago. Although, he's not that furry :) I don't regret it, it wasn't within my control. I'm 16, btw, and currently reside in the States. Unfortunately, my high school adventure is drawing to a close, only 2 years left. It's also summer vacation, and I vowed to myself that this summer I would let go, stop thinking about him, dreaming, wishing, but I can't. Most likely, I will never see him again after school is done...never be able to tell him how I feel. I hope that I won't be stuck on this as you have, for all those years, but one never knows. I appreciate you writing your stories...and about yourself..for people like me whose struggles are just beginning. Thank you. If only he knew... |
Thursday July 13th 2000 04:03:27
Name: |
Ken |
E-mail address: | |
Comments: I have been on your site several times. I have read most of your stories, i think. We have e-mailed and been on AIM and I just wanted to tell everyone coming here that you are a genuine feeling caring person who just happens to write very good stories very well. There is more to this site than the stories, believe me! If you need help in any way you have found the right place; he will listen to you. Someone else said you have a very lucky son and I agree. I hope I can remain your friend forever. Ken |
Saturday July 8th 2000 10:55:40
Saturday July 8th 2000 07:27:57
Name: |
dave |
E-mail address: | |
Comments: Glad you are back I really enjoyed your site the first time i saw it and it just gets better all the time. Very good and informative especially for a newly out many thanks |
Wednesday July 5th 2000 02:47:59
Name: |
Ian Richardson |
E-mail address: | |
Comments: always good to read about experiences of others that parallel in some parts your own - makes one's own life more comprehensible. thankyou for the sharing |
Tuesday July 4th 2000 01:34:21
Name: |
Raphael |
E-mail address: | |
Comments: I've just discovered this site. I enjoyed a lot. Nothing vulgar in the texts nor in the images (I'm so keen on these young guys that here it was a total pleasure). I like the idea of people writing gay teen stories, whatever true from the past or mere fiction. And I appreciate it doesn't look as porn nor perverse but full of true feelings and tenderness. Up to know, I still remember my first (very "pure") love for a fellow schoolboy...So good. Thank you for sharing your feelings, in all r |
Tuesday June 20th 2000 03:39:30
Tuesday June 20th 2000 02:56:28
Name: |
Nigel |
E-mail address: | |
Comments: hi, just wanted you to know...that your chrisandnigel stories are the best..they showed me what true love can be like....i now have my very first boyfriend....he and i both read them and we love each other so much....we're in our teens too and are first real loves for each other. please keep writing them i do so look forward to the next chapter and beyond. with many thanks for making our lives richer |
Monday June 19th 2000 04:29:38
Name: |
Raheim |
E-mail address: | |
Comments: That story was absolutely amazing. It is quite possibly one of the best, if not the absolute best, story with a gay theme that I have read. The story really hits home identifying many of the issues that teenage gays face. Two very enthusiastic thumbs up!!!!!! |
Sunday June 18th 2000 07:58:42
Saturday June 17th 2000 05:38:12
Name: |
Jim in Omaha |
E-mail address: | |
Comments: This continues to be a very appealing site to visit -- and I love all the "extra guidance" you provide to get us past the "garbage" and right to the good stuff. The stories -- well, what can I say that hasn't already been said? Superb characterization, plot development, and emotional weight in every case. And the galleries? Beautifully put together with something for every taste. _I_ certainly found some "keepers" there. It's great to get the occasional email with site or story updates as well as commentaries on very serious matters (like the UK law issue). All in all, it is a pleasure to be part of the IOMFATS universe. :) |
Saturday June 17th 2000 11:10:47
Name: |
Brian |
E-mail address: | |
Comments: Please forgive me, but I just got done downloading all of the stories to my hardrive. I'm currently on Chapter 4, and I love the stories very much. Thank you! |
Wednesday June 14th 2000 11:07:32
Name: |
Anthony W Burgess |
E-mail address: | |
Monday June 12th 2000 03:52:06
Name: |
Mick |
E-mail address: | |
Comments: Hi Love Chris and Nigel and am just getting acquainted with Bon and Rob. Keep it up .... or rather, keep going. Mick |
Sunday June 11th 2000 01:18:10
Friday June 9th 2000 10:25:50
Name: |
Tom Doyle |
E-mail address: | |
Comments: You have done a wonderful job here and I only hope that you will continue exploring this medium for which you are so very well equiped. Best Wishes, Tom Doyle |
Thursday June 8th 2000 08:13:33
Name: |
Tom Doyle |
E-mail address: | |
Comments: You certainly have collected some photos of very cute boys which I enjoyed very much. So I wish you the best of luck in your endeavor and heres hoping that upon my return there will be some new boys to look at. Best Wishes, Tom Doyle |
Thursday June 8th 2000 08:05:23
Name: |
Vermeulen Jan |
E-mail address: | |
Homepage URL: | |
Comments: I just read the story baout the sailing vacation. You know, i'm a sailor myself. I'm an instructor too. I know exactly what you ment in the story, and these are the things I can just dream about. I'm incredible in love with one of my best friends, but jus't can't tell him about my feelings, it's to hard for me. Bu I really really love him. I hope some day he reads this, and then he'll know it's about him. He's boy of my class in Antwerp, he's fifteen years old, his birthday is 16/10. BL, if you ever read this, I LOVE YOU. FM |
Wednesday June 7th 2000 03:10:26
Name: |
raph |
E-mail address: | |
Comments: Champion la serie Tazio salutations |
Tuesday June 6th 2000 12:47:26
Name: |
can |
E-mail address: | |
Comments: That is one ever seen natural and beautiful pictures. Thanks. |
Monday June 5th 2000 05:47:28
Name: |
Dibs |
E-mail address: | |
Comments: excuse me for my nickname, but I have to... I really like your site, it 's what I 've been looking for for quite a time... Thanks! I really appreciate that you only put softcore on your page! greetings dibs |
Sunday June 4th 2000 06:16:33
Name: |
gene kraus |
E-mail address: | |
Comments: have enjoyed ur pages, only wish I had had the same chance at life that u have had...GOOD LUCK!!!! |
Sunday June 4th 2000 01:49:18
Name: |
E-mail address: | |
Comments: fantastic to see normal human beings of the male version.Thank you. |
Sunday June 4th 2000 08:43:34
Name: |
ron |
E-mail address: | |
Comments: I just have seen some gordious pics. Then i sign this guestbook. Now i want to see the stories GOOD WORK! |
Saturday June 3rd 2000 01:40:36
Name: |
John Stevens |
E-mail address: | |
Comments: Love your stories - they inspire me to make mine even better! Do keep it up! John S |
Saturday June 3rd 2000 09:13:24
Name: |
Subby |
E-mail address: | |
Comments: IOM Could have sworn i'd signed this book a while back.. but after checking.. guess i didn't! Soooo i'm doing it now! lol Great storys from a great man.. what more could i possibly say?? [apart from whens the next chap of C&N?? LOL] laters from Subby |
Monday May 29th 2000 08:42:38
Name: |
Tomoyo |
E-mail address: | |
Comments: Just wanted to let you know that I absolutely adore your Chris and Nigel series. I read it yesterday all in one go! I look forward to reading the rest of the stories on your site as well. I am a young American woman, and sharing your philosophy on love, I find myself drawn to stories like those you write. And with Chris and Nigel, it was so wonderfully written, so rich and full, that I came away from it almost different, or rather, that I knew myself better. It may seem silly to hear that from a woman reading your stories, I know! I am eagerly awaiting the next chapter of Book 2, and if it does ever get professionally published, I am first on the list to buy it. |
Monday May 22nd 2000 09:32:23
Name: |
Thomas Higgins |
E-mail address: | |
Comments: Well, I am glad you had your operation, and I trust it went well, with no complications, mate. I hope you make a full recovery very quickly. with regards to the phone conversation you had with your mother, i think i will email you, if that is okay. You are a very brave man, don't let anyone tell you different Yours with a hug, Tam |
Friday May 19th 2000 06:20:50
Name: |
wayne mitchell |
E-mail address: | |
Comments: It's great to be able to access the stories, no charge, but I feel some sort of payment is in order. I have enjoyed the story of Chris and Nigel as each installment appeared. If the only payment I can make is to say thank you for your efforts then, THANK YOU! I wish my life had turned out to be somewhat close to what you have written but hey, whatcha gonna do? Moan and groan? Naw. Life is what it is, but reading your stories has been a great pleasue. Again, many thanks! Wayne. |
Saturday May 6th 2000 04:40:14
Name: |
Mike |
E-mail address: | |
Comments: 100,000 visitors, that's quite a landmark. I really enjoy Chris and Nigel. I hope there will be a new chapter soon. Good luck on getting it published. By the way, I love the Bel-Ami background image. |
Saturday May 6th 2000 12:50:52
Friday May 5th 2000 07:21:04
Sunday April 30th 2000 02:57:13
Name: |
Ted |
E-mail address: | |
Comments: Thanks for writing such uplifting and positive stories of young gay love. When I was that age, oh so many years ago, I had no one to confide in or ask about gay love. Being extremely shy didn't help either. I just love Chris and Nigel. When I found this sight, I downloaded all 20 chapters of book 1 and 4 chapters of book 2. I read every spare minute and now I can hardly wait for the next chapter to be posted. Keep up the good work and please post another chapter soooooon. |
Saturday April 29th 2000 11:16:39
Name: |
Magic Kid |
E-mail address: | |
Homepage URL: | |
Comments: I have loved your site since I found it on Comsie's link page, I am just REAL bad about remembering to sign the guestbooks. I finally remembered, so here I am, hehe. Keep up the good work. Later, Chris |
Monday April 24th 2000 04:38:35
Name: |
Dan |
E-mail address: | |
Comments: I enjoyed my visit. You have some beautiful pictures here. I think Carter and Gallagher are precious. |
Friday April 21st 2000 03:54:44
Monday April 10th 2000 10:57:30
Thursday April 6th 2000 10:47:40
Name: |
Dave Green |
E-mail address: | |
Comments: Nice story - Wotcha Bennett - interesting photo's wishes from a fellow sialor, offshore yachts though. |
Tuesday April 4th 2000 11:23:39
Name: |
phil huggan |
Comments: loved it dreamt of having a cock up my hole |
Thursday March 30th 2000 11:05:15
Name: |
Ann |
E-mail address: | |
Comments: Yes,I am girl. It's raver funny but I really enjoy yor storyes. Thank's for it. |
Thursday March 30th 2000 09:06:29
Name: |
Kerny |
E-mail address: | |
Homepage URL: | |
Comments: Hi, I absolutely love your stories, especially Chris & Nigel. I've read the first book twice now, it was soo good! Very emotional and touching. I'm 15 and one of my close friends at school whom i love. I dare not tell him, for fear of our current friendship. Stories like yours mean a lot to me, keep up the good work. -Kerny |
Sunday March 26th 2000 08:08:57
Name: |
Edward Waltz |
E-mail address: | |
Comments: just hunting for a few bed time stories.. well written and makes good cap to the day. later ed |
Friday March 17th 2000 03:22:52
Name: |
James Johnson |
E-mail address: | |
Comments: I have always enjoyed coming to your page - the links are great and the humor is sooooo dry. See yu around IOMFATS, JJ |
Saturday March 11th 2000 08:54:16
Name: |
Peter |
E-mail address: | |
Comments: Hello, I am a 14 year old struggling with the topic of my sexuality and not knowing what the hell I am. All I know is that all of a sudden I start checking out cute boys and I think I've fallen for this one boy that I know. Through all of the jumbled thoughts and things to do on my mind, it has been very refreshing just sitting here and reading some of your work, Chris and Nigel in particular, into the late hours of the night. I sincerely want to thank you for all that you've done, and it's so great to know that there are others out there just like me and that I'm not alone. Thank you so much! -Peter |
Saturday March 11th 2000 06:41:38
Name: |
Alex |
E-mail address: | |
Comments: Hey after the exuberance of Chris and Nigel, those last two new ones were very wistful. I liked the poetry of the one about Paul and Geoff. Alex |
Friday March 10th 2000 05:51:37
Friday March 10th 2000 04:20:41
Name: |
Adam Brevard |
E-mail address: | |
Comments: You already know I love your work, especially "Band Practice." I'm looking forward to reading more new stories. While I like almost all kinds of stories, my favorite categories are athletics, m/b, and high school/college. Hope to hear from others with similar interests. |
Friday March 10th 2000 04:18:28
Name: |
Tam |
E-mail address: | |
Comments: Hiya, mate, how are you? Thought I would sign the second volume of your guestbook, as I signed the first, 8-), and I love your stories. Chris and Nigel seem to have more guts at their age than I did, but the script and characters and plot scream out "believability!" Keep writing, but only if you feel like it. Remember, you write your best stuff for yourself - if other people like it, then that is a bonus. All the best, mate, hugs Tam |
Monday February 28th 2000 11:15:58
Name: |
Dave Grannis |
E-mail address: | |
Comments: I'm enjoying your stories immenseley. Thanks!!!!! |
Monday February 28th 2000 01:33:30
Name: |
Tom |
E-mail address: | |
Comments: I just finished reading your first bbok on Chris and Nigel. I enjoyed every minute of it. Seems like there might have been a lagre part of you in both boys. It has been a long time simce I have read anything as good as this book. Your back ground brought some fond memories from my teen years. But that could be a story in it's self. Only if I was a writer, I could tell it. Your story about yourself in your youth and later years mirrows mine a lot more than I though any ones could. Maybe some time in the future we could exchange e mails. And I could tell you about it. It involes another boy and twin sisters. One of which today is my wife. Again thanks for the wonderfull story and i will be reading the second book. Thanks Tom |
Saturday February 26th 2000 04:23:15
Name: |
Biron |
E-mail address: | |
Homepage URL: | |
Comments: Enjoyed yo Tadzio photos and would like to invite you to view my own phoograph from MIKE - TADZIO of the NINETIES -- a book published by Janssen Verlag (Berlin). I also have another web site in collaboration with the Costa Rican artist KINROD at kinrod/ Best regards, Biron Photos by BIRON -- 18 multicultural male images for the new millennium! |
Wednesday February 23rd 2000 06:01:17
Tuesday February 22nd 2000 11:06:33
Name: |
bob schmidt |
E-mail address: | |
Homepage URL: |
none |
Comments: I am 78 years young. Mostly confined to my home because my lungs require oxygin from a tank. I spend a great many hours in front of my computer. Poof, yes I am a poof. I just finished reading the Bennet story. I enjoyed it. It was well written. You did not need sex to tell a beautiful story of young love. I hope you can add another chapter to Bennet. Cheers!! Grandpa |
Tuesday February 22nd 2000 11:03:00
Name: |
Nick |
E-mail address: | |
Comments: I have enjoyed Chris and Nigel, but endured Wotchabennet. it so reminded me of my own school days in Brighton. I think that I made more of a fool of myself though. Actually I also had more fun Keep up your work |
Tuesday February 22nd 2000 06:30:13
Name: |
Dennis Lawrence |
E-mail address: | |
Comments: Hi, I would just like to thank you for all of the hard work you have put in to make this a much better site that the old one.No more boobs thank god. Thank you also for the stories, they give me a great deal of plesure and I know to a lot of other people as well. Sorry to put this in your guestbook, but I could not find where you had put your email address. Thank you. dennisl |
Tuesday February 22nd 2000 08:44:15
Name: |
frankie |
E-mail address: | |
Comments: Aloha, I've written to you before, but I have to tell you again how much I adore your stories. They are filled with such emotion and feeling that I love it. You really give a whole new light to wanking I think with a plot you might say. I love romance and ofcourse sex and to read it the way you write it is wonderful.. and great fun too. Thanks for your contribution, i read them all....again and again... |
Monday February 21st 2000 11:03:10
Name: |
John Windham |
E-mail address: | |
Comments: I have always enjoyed your stories. Many, many thanks for your efforts and dedication. Most Sincerely, John |
Monday February 21st 2000 11:30:55
Name: |
Anthony |
E-mail address: | |
Comments: I sent you a message on your last book. About how I was totally thrilled to see something written so tastefully about such a sensitive subject. I love your writing style, the way you make me feel the characters. You deserve so much acclaim from your writing. I look so forward to continuing to read Chris and Nigel. I thought the first book had me on edge. Luckily when I read that one you had all but two or three chapters left. So I was able to go through it REALLY fast. I forced myself to wait until you came out with the second chapter in the new book before i read any, just so that I would read it slowly and hope for another chapter. Yet as soon as I could I read both chapters, now I have to wait in agony for the next chapter. I think I need to move into the flat next to yours so that I can proofread what you write. :-). You are a great author Anthony |
Monday February 21st 2000 07:19:06
Name: |
David |
E-mail address: | |
Comments: Really love your stories. The're tender and full of the love I remember from my boyhood. I wrote the 'Wrestling Squad' story & am posting the 'Sketches' stories now. Hope you enjoy them & maybe bring up the warmth for you yours do for me! |
Monday February 21st 2000 06:50:35
Name: |
Norm Chaney |
E-mail address: | |
Comments: I wonder how many of us squandered the freedom of youth, did the right thing, and have been paying for the rest of our lives. I sometimes wonder what it would have been like......take the chance.....tell him outright....."damn the consequences." We'll never's sad but beautiful in a forlorn way. A whole "spieces" locked away...hearts yearning....dreams unfulfilled. Just a thought. Norm "If the world is but a stage....we must be on the Gong Show" |
Monday February 21st 2000 12:55:56
Sunday February 20th 2000 05:34:29
Sunday February 20th 2000 11:00:43
Name: |
Spirit Dancer |
E-mail address: | |
Comments: I read every new post of your Nigel series. Your awards are deserved, because your ability to characterize, and develop dialog that defines your characters, is awesome! Keep writing. |
Sunday February 20th 2000 12:00:22
Name: |
Tony Bham |
E-mail address: | |
Comments: I discovered Chris & Nigel by accident. Wonderful story, so evocative of my own sad youth. I'm now planning to read your other stories. Many thanks for your kind email. |
Friday February 18th 2000 02:15:37
Name: |
E-mail address: |
Comments: LOVE YOUR STORIES. KEEP IT UP?...... |
Tuesday February 15th 2000 01:14:29
Name: |
Rich H. |
Comments: Your stories are so awesome. Thanks for sharing them. |
Friday February 11th 2000 11:40:47
Name: |
Marc |
E-mail address: | |
Comments: This site and others like it have helped me try to deal with a loss in my life. Keep up the good work. We need you. |
Sunday February 6th 2000 12:27:31
Name: |
David |
Comments: I am visiting because Theeggman recommended you! Very glad he did, because I have read bits of Chris and Nigel, and now have the first volume complete, and your other stories too. You deserve the Characterization Award! The only other series I like as much is Eggman's "A New Life"! I also think you've surpassed "Comicality with Chris and Nigel, altho of ocurse I like his stories too. |
Wednesday January 19th 2000 11:08:44
Name: |
Harlequin |
E-mail address: |
Harlequin@MCIWorld.Com |
Comments: Chris and Nigel. Excellent story. Will be interested in reading the next chapters. Harlequin |
Tuesday January 18th 2000 09:35:04
Name: |
Kenneth (Dakidd) |
E-mail address: | |
Homepage URL: | |
Comments: Hey - You are the first person to sign my guest book, THANKS. It seemed like it would take forever befor someone would take notice of the big letters SIGN/VIEW. Ohh yea nice page! Did you find my page by accedent or because you actuly like dos/kgos software??, whell gota go (; |
Saturday January 15th 2000 09:52:57
Name: |
Thomas Higgins |
E-mail address: | |
Comments: Just a quick note to say just how much I love your stories, especially Chris and Nigel, and that I am looking forward to their next adventures. Enough selfishness, I think... Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to you, your wife and your son, and many more of them. Enjoy the holidays. See ya later, Tam |
Thursday December 30th 1999 06:27:59
Name: |
Christian Martin |
Homepage URL: | |
Comments: I just wanted to be the first in this one!!! LOL Well, no, not only that. I would like to thank you for hosting my little poem, and all those who have bothered themselves reading it, and a special thanks to those who wrote to me. Some of these texts were very touching, and moved me a lot
Note to guestbook readers: There was a server fault, so I added this for Christian. DO visit the page he speaks of. And DO mail him from there once you have read the poem
Wednesday December 22nd 1999 09:24:32
Name: |
Bazza |
E-mail address: | |
Homepage URL: |
Comments: I loved the site and I loved the stories too |
Wednesday December 22nd 1999 09:17:00
Name: |
It's Only Me |
Comments: This is the second book. Read the entries in the previous book by going back to my site and following the link from the LINKS page. I closed the first book at about 125 entries. |
Monday November 15th 1999 03:24:23